Learning Loss COVID-19 2020-2022
Name | Country code |
Argentina | ARG |
Australia | AUS |
Bangladesh | BGD |
Belgium | BEL |
Botswana | BWA |
Brazil | BRA |
Cambodia | KHM |
Canada | CAN |
Chile | CHL |
China | CHN |
Colombia | COL |
Czechia | CZE |
Denmark | DNK |
Ethiopia | ETH |
Finland | FIN |
France | FRA |
Germany | DEU |
Ghana | GHA |
Greece | GRC |
Hungary | HUN |
India | IND |
Indonesia | IDN |
Italy | ITA |
Japan | JPN |
Kenya | KEN |
Korea, Rep. | KOR |
Malawi | MWI |
Mexico | MEX |
Nepal | NPL |
Netherlands | NLD |
Norway | NOR |
Poland | POL |
Russian Federation | RUS |
South Africa | ZAF |
Spain | ESP |
Sweden | SWE |
Switzerland | CHE |
Türkiye | TUR |
Uganda | UGA |
United Kingdom | GBR |
United States | USA |
Other Household Survey [hh/oth]
COVID-19 caused significant disruption to the global education system. A thorough analysis of recorded learning loss evidence documented since the beginning of the school closures between March 2020 and March 2022 finds even evidence of learning loss. Most studies observed increases in inequality where certain demographics of students experienced more significant learning losses than others. But there are also outliers, countries that managed to limit the amount of loss. This review consolidates all the available evidence and documents the empirical findings. Data for 41 countries is included, together with other variables related to the pandemic experience. This data is publicly available and will be updated regularly.
Aggregate data [agg]
The data covers 41 countries.
Name | Affiliation |
Harry Patrinos | World Bank |
Name | Affiliation |
Emiliana Vegas | Harvard |
Start | End |
2020-03 | 2022-03 |
Name | Affiliation | |
Harry Patrinos | World Bank | hpatrinos@worldbank.org |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Development Economics Data Group | The World Bank | Metadata producer |
Version 01 (December 2022)