Finance, Inequality, and Poverty 1958-1998
Name | Country code |
Argentina | ARG |
Australia | AUS |
Austria | AUT |
Belgium | BEL |
Bolivia | BOL |
Brazil | BRA |
Botswana | BWA |
Canada | CAN |
Switzerland | CHE |
Chile | CHL |
Côte d'Ivoire | CIV |
Cameroon | CMR |
Colombia | COL |
Costa Rica | CRI |
Denmark | DNK |
Dominican Republic | DOM |
Algeria | DZA |
Ecuador | ECU |
Egypt, Arab Rep. | EGY |
Spain | ESP |
Ethiopia | ETH |
Finland | FIN |
Fiji | FJI |
France | FRA |
Gabon | GAB |
United Kingdom | GBR |
Ghana | GHA |
Gambia, The | GMB |
Greece | GRC |
Guatemala | GTM |
Guyana | GUY |
Hong Kong SAR, China | HKG |
Honduras | HND |
Hungary | HUN |
Indonesia | IDN |
India | IND |
Ireland | IRL |
Iran, Islamic Rep. | IRN |
Israel | ISR |
Italy | ITA |
Jamaica | JAM |
Jordan | JOR |
Japan | JPN |
Kenya | KEN |
Korea, Rep. | KOR |
Sri Lanka | LKA |
Lesotho | LSO |
Luxembourg | LUX |
Morocco | MAR |
Madagascar | MDG |
Mexico | MEX |
North Macedonia | MKD |
Mali | MLI |
Mauritius | MUS |
Malaysia | MYS |
Niger | NER |
Nigeria | NGA |
Nicaragua | NIC |
Netherlands | NLD |
Norway | NOR |
Nepal | NPL |
New Zealand | NZL |
Pakistan | PAK |
Panama | PAN |
Peru | PER |
Philippines | PHL |
Portugal | PRT |
Paraguay | PRY |
Senegal | SEN |
Singapore | SGP |
Sierra Leone | SLE |
El Salvador | SLV |
Sweden | SWE |
Seychelles | SYC |
Thailand | THA |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO |
Tunisia | TUN |
Turkiye | TUR |
Tanzania | TZA |
Uganda | UGA |
Uruguay | URY |
United States | USA |
Venezuela, RB | VEN |
Yemen, Rep. | YEM |
Zambia | ZMB |
Zimbabwe | ZWE |
Macroeconomics - Indicators
Uses a broad sample of 52 developing and developed countries, with data averaged over the period 1960 to 1999.
Aggregate data [agg]
The datasets include the following indicators:
Name | Affiliation |
Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirgüç-Kunt and Ross Levine | World Bank |
Start | End |
1958 | 1998 |
Start date | End date |
1958 | 1998 |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Thorsten Beck et al. Finance, Inequality, and Poverty (FIP) 1958-1998. Ref. WLD_1998_FIP_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from http://microdata.worldbank.org on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Development Research Group | World Bank | research@worldbank.org | http://go.worldbank.org/B9W4QTDHR0 |
Version 01 (September 2010)