Standardised Expanded Nutrition Survey (Minawao), 2016
Name | Country code |
Cameroon | CMR |
Other Household Survey [hh/oth]
This SENS took place in Minawao refugee camp, hosting refugees mainly from Nigeria. Two other SENS took place in Cameroon between 2015 and 2016: one in 2015 in camps hosting refugees from Central African Republic in the Est and Adamaoua regions, and one in 2016 targetting refugees from Central African Republic living outside of camps in the Est, Adamaoua and Nord regions.
The UNHCR Standardized Expanded Nutrition Surveys (SENS) provide regular nutrition data that plays a key role in delivering effective and timely interventions to ensure good nutritional outcomes in the refugee populations.
UNHCR in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and with technical support from UNICEF, WFP and WHO organized and conducted a SENS in Minawao, Mayo Tsanaga department in the Extreme North of Cameroon in July-August 2016. At the time of the survey, the camp was host to 57,367 refugees (15,389 households) from Nigeria. This was the first of its type since the camp opened in 2013.
The survey includes five modules: children under five, food security, mosquito net, water and sanitation (WASH), children under five and women. See further details in the report.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Individual and Household
v2.1: Edited, cleaned and anonymised data.
The scope includes:
Topic |
Health and Nutrition |
Health |
Food security |
Malaria Prevention and Control |
Water Sanitation Hygiene |
Minawao refugee camp, Mayo Tsanaga department in the Extreme North of Cameroon
All refugees in Minawao refugee camp
Name |
Name |
Ministry of Health (MINSANTE) |
Two-stage cluster sampling. See further details in the report.
The questionnaires are described on pages 36-37 of the report, and available in Annex 1.
Start | End |
2016-07-01 | 2016-08-30 |
Name |
Data collection was undertaken by five teams supervised by the technical team (UNHCR consultant, UNHCR nutritionist, Delegation Regionale de la Sante Publique represtentative and SENS supervisor). Enumerators participated in 4 days of practical training. Data was collected on smartphones. More details available in the report.
United Nations Refugee Agency Microdata Library
Original Archive Study ID: UNHCR_CMR_2016_SENS_Minawao_v2.1
Cost: None
UNHCR (2022). Cameroon: Standardised Expanded Nutrition Survey (Minawao) - 2016. Accessed from:
Name | Affiliation | |
UNHCR Global Data Service Statistics and Demographics Section | UNHCR | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
UNHCR | ||
Development Data Group | World Bank | Metadata adapted for World Bank Microdata Library |
Version 1 (December 2022). This version is identical to UNHCR DDI ID: UNHCR_CMR_2016_SENS_Minawao_v2.1, except the following edits were made:
-Document ID and Survey ID,