Data file | Cases | Variables |
Household location variables, unique within panel round household identification variables, date and time of interview, analytic sampling weights, cluster identification, sampling strata identification, and status of survey.
4709 | 39 |
Roster of household members individual characteristics including: sex, age, relationship to the household head, panel member identification, presence in household, general occupation, parental status, place of birth, marital status, and spouse identification.
23592 | 46 |
Educational enrolment and attainment; literacy, education history/level attainment, current enrolment, school characteristics, temporary absence, education examination (participation and score) and education expenditures.
Educational enrolment and attainment; literacy, education history/level attainment, current enrolment, school characteristics, temporary absence, education examination (participation and score) and education expenditures. |
23592 | 48 |
General health status and utilization of health services; source and financing of health treatments / hospitalization, disaggregated health expenditures, disability, bed net use, pregnancy, prenatal care and births, child health and ailments / diarrhoea.
23592 | 64 |
Labour market participation; activities including unpaid apprenticeship, wage work, non-farm enterprise, and agricultural activity (including livestock activities) in the last seven days. Also includes unemployment and steps taken to find work, secondary activities, industry (TASCO) and occupation (ISIC) codes (Appendix E and Appendix F), wages earned, contract type, employer provided safety nets, and general domestic activities.
23592 | 97 |
Usual labour activity during the past twelve months, including unpaid apprenticeships, wage work, non-farm enterprise, and agricultural activity (including livestock activities).
23592 | 12 |
Hunting, gathering, food preparation/preservation, household good crafting, water and firewood collection activities done by respondents in the last seven days and how much time has been spent on these activities.
23592 | 20 |
Value of food consumed outside the home during the last seven days. and how much time has been spent on these activities.
23592 | 18 |
Self-reported level of satisfaction with health, financial status, housing, job, services, and safety. Also includes perceived status at present, and as of two years ago. This section also collects information about any crime that the household may have been a victim of in the past twelve months and any associated police involvement.
23592 | 21 |
Information on the household’s diet and food intake patterns, months of food insecurity, and distribution of food within the household.
4709 | 60 |
Tenure status, rental expenditure, estimated rental value, dwelling maintenance and improvement expenditures, dwelling characteristics, including size, construction materials, toilet facilities and means of garbage disposal. Also includes, main type of cooking and lighting fuel, access to water /drinking water and time spent collecting water. The questions on water/drinking water are asked separately for the rainy and dry season.
4709 | 47 |
Information on handwashing practices of the household, including location, presence of water, and presence of soap, asked to the head of household.
4709 | 6 |
Consumption of 60 key items/ item groups over the last 7 days. These 60 items/item groups are divided into twelve broader categories; “Cereals and Cereal Products”, “Starches, Sugars and Sweets”, “Pulses, Dry”, “Nuts and Seeds”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Meat, Meat Products, Fish”, “Milk and Milk Products”, Oils and Fats”, “Spices and Other Foods”, and “Beverages”. Quantity and value of consumed items from purchases, own-production and gifts are recorded.
25140 | 14 |
Number of days general food categories where consumed by the household in the last 7 days, includes: “Cereals, Grains and Cereal Products”, “Roots, Tubers, and Plantains”, Nuts and Pulses”, Vegetables”, Meat, Fish and Animal Products”, “Fruits” “Milk/Milk Products”, “Fats/Oils”, Sugar/Sugar Products/Honey”, and “Spices/Condiments”.
47090 | 4 |
Number of people living outside of the household that shared meals within the household and then total number of meals shared over the last 7 days.
18836 | 6 |
This is basically the same as that of SEC J1, except that this module included an expanded list of Non-Standard Units (NSUs). The number of food items was also expanded to 75 over the last 7 days. These 75 items/item groups are divided into twelve broader categories; “Cereals and Cereal Products”, “Starches, Sugars and Sweets”, “Pulses, Dry”, “Nuts and Seeds”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Meat, Meat Products, Fish”, “Milk and Milk Products”, Oils and Fats”, “Spices and Other Foods”, and “Beverages”. Quantity and value of consumed items from purchases, own-production and gifts are recorded.
321750 | 22 |
Total expenditure on non-food items during the last week or last month, including: public transportation, fuels, cellular phone credits, personal hygiene items, etc.
122434 | 5 |
Total expenditure on non-food items during the last 12 months, including: household items, community contributions, fees and fines, marriage costs, clothing, etc.
122434 | 7 |
Quantity of key items owned by the household, age of item, purchase price, and current estimated value for items including, radio, telephones, appliances, furniture, cookware, vehicles, land, and agricultural tools.
263704 | 8 |
Details on non-farm businesses operated by the household during the last 12 months, including type of product or service provided, household members involved with the enterprise, value of current stock, operation location, length of time the enterprise has been operating, income earned, profits, business operating costs etc.
5197 | 45 |
Financial and in-kind assistance provided by both government and non-government institutions, including free food/maize distribution, food for work or cash for work programmes, inputs for work programmes, and school scholarships.
28254 | 13 |
Involvement in cooperative microfinance activities and financial details of membership, including contributions, withdrawal history, and repayment plans.
4726 | 16 |
Utilization of credit and loan institutions, including sources, amounts borrowed, and repayment plans.
4753 | 17 |
Use of financial institutions and mobile-phone based money transfer services, income from rent or pensions, supplemental income sources, and banking history.
4709 | 36 |
Remittances or financial assistance received in the last 12 months from sources residing in Tanzania or abroad, including socio-demographic characteristics of source, remittance channels, and use of cash/in-kind items.
5083 | 24 |
Severity ranking of 17 common shocks, such as “DROUGHT OR FLOODS”, “SEVERE WATER SHORTAGE”, and “DEATH OF MEMBER OF HOUSEHOLD”. More detailed information and coping strategies are asked of the three most severe shocks.
80053 | 8 |
Deaths within the household, cause of death, duration of illness if applicable, and associated land or asset losses due to inheritance traditions.
4719 | 24 |
Contact information for household, numbers for household members, and two reference persons within and outside the community. Filter questions for agriculture and livestock questionnaires are included in HH_SEC_U2.dta, as well as the month/year ranges of the last completed short rainy season.
4709 | 9 |
Anthropometric information of household members under the age of 15 or women of child bearing age (15-49 years old) who were able and willing to participate, including height, weight, and upper arm circumference measurements.
23592 | 13 |
Community identification information including region, district, ward, regional capital identifier, location of market price information, and enumeration area, as well as survey staff information such as interviewers ID code, supervisor, and direct observation questions.
488 | 23 |
Information on access to basic services in terms of distance and associated transportation costs for these services.
15128 | 7 |
Sources of funds and associated amounts for recent construction projects such as road construction/maintenance, market construction/maintenance, water supply such as wells and pumps, school construction and maintenance at pre-primary, primary and secondary levels, health and veterinary services, irrigation schemes and grain storages.
6832 | 17 |
Land use related issues with estimated percentages of how different types of village land are used (cultivation, forest, pasture, wetland, residential, business).
488 | 21 |
Information on major land related events, including appropriation of land for outside investors, district or central government declaring land as “reserve land”, and allocation of land cultivated/inhabited by villagers for public use, as well as reasons for re-allocation of land (if any), number of households affected, and associated compensation.
1464 | 8 |
Participants utilizing SACCOs and other farmer cooperative groups, activities undertaken by cooperatives, the timing and quantity of the masika and vuli rainy seasons, detailed information on maize seed suppliers and sales, and the migration patterns of community members due to livestock activities.
488 | 39 |
Market prices for the surveyed communities, reported for both the village level and the district capital area
488 | 23 |
Market prices for the surveyed communities, reported for both the village level and the district capital area
25376 | 9 |
Records the local units used for certain items in the surveyed communities. Similar to Section CF, the information is collected both at the village level and the district capital area. The kilogram or liter equivalent for the local units is collected, in addition to the price of the item in that local unit.
21960 | 18 |
Plot roster of all previously owned and new plots owned by family, including location, tenure system, and use.
6560 | 24 |
Roster of all plots owned or cultivated by the household, including measurement information as calculated by GPS and farmer’s estimate, GPS coordinates, weather conditions at measurement, and reason for missing GPS.
6560 | 22 |
Detailed information on usage of plot, main cultivated crops, decision-makers in household, soil type and quality with a focus on erosion, sources of irrigation, ownership status of plot, rental value, usage patterns of fertilizers, and agricultural inputs obtained on credit. Household and hired labour for farming activities is also reported.
6560 | 234 |
Detailed information on usage of plot, main cultivated crops, decision-makers in household, soil type and quality with a focus on erosion, sources of irrigation, ownership status of plot, rental value, usage patterns of fertilizers, and agricultural inputs obtained on credit. Household and hired labour for farming activities is also reported.
6560 | 224 |
Crop planting patterns, intercropping, area and quantity harvested, associated losses, crop seeds purchased along with associated values, source and type of seed for all annual crops.
5606 | 36 |
Crop planting patterns, intercropping, area and quantity harvested, associated losses, crop seeds purchased along with associated values, source and type of seed for all annual crops.
1129 | 37 |
Questions on quantity of crops sold, value of sales, customers crops sold to, average distance that crops were transported to for sale, post-harvest losses, how crop residue was handled, method and duration for which crop was stored.
4294 | 56 |
Questions on quantity of crops sold, value of sales, customers crops sold to, average distance that crops were transported to for sale, post-harvest losses, how crop residue was handled, method and duration for which crop was stored.
784 | 56 |
Number of fruit trees planted on the plot, when these were planted, presence of intercropping, quantity produced, loss before and after harvest, quantity sold, associated value and location sold, method and quantity of crop stored are asked in this section.
4631 | 19 |
Number of permanent crops planted on the plot, when these were planted, how many were planted in the past 12 months, intercropping activities, quantity produced, losses before and after harvest, quantity sold, associated value and location sold, method and quantity of crop stored are asked in this section.
2439 | 19 |
Quantity of crop sold, associated value and location sold, post production losses and method and quantity of crop stored are included.
2809 | 28 |
Quantity of crop sold, associated value and location sold, post production losses and method and quantity of crop stored are included.
1160 | 28 |
Information on crops, by-product names and quantity produced, amount of crop used as input, quantity sold, associated prices and buyers and costs incurred due to labor/other inputs are included in this section.
3817 | 35 |
Detailed information on the number of farm implements and machinery used or owned by the household in the past 12 months along with associated value if sold, whether the item was used, reasons for no usage, whether any of these items were rented or borrowed for use in the last twelve months and associated rents paid.
38422 | 13 |
Any extension services or advice that the household received for agricultural activities in the past 12 months through government extension, NGOs, Cooperative/Farmer’s Association, or Large Scale Farmers, including what activity advice was sought for, subjective rating for advice received, and price paid for receiving advice.
14050 | 20 |
Any extension services or advice that the household received for agricultural activities in the past 12 months through government extension, NGOs, Cooperative/Farmer’s Association, Large Scale Farmers, Radio/television, Publications or neighbours including what activity advice was sought for, subjective rating for advice received, and price paid for receiving advice.
22480 | 6 |
Screening questions for agriculture modules.
230 | 5 |
For 16 animal categories (including “Other”), this section asks questions on topics related to ownership, purchases, gifts received, diseases and animals lost because of them, thefts, sales and associated earnings, slaughtering and associated earning in the last 12 months.
80053 | 43 |
Detailed information on the health of animals in the last 12 months related to diseases affecting the animals, vaccinations provided, de-worming treatments, preventative and treatment measures taken against tick borne diseases, and associated spending for any preventative and treatment measures.
23545 | 23 |
This section asks about fodder and water costs for the animals, type of housing used for the animals, and breeding strategies used by the household.
18836 | 30 |
Any extension services or advice that the household received for livestock activities in the past 12 months through government extension, NGOs, Cooperative/Farmer’s Association, or Large Scale Farmers, including what activity advice was sought for, subjective rating for advice received, and price paid for receiving advice.
12981 | 19 |
This section gathers information about the household members responsible for activities associated with upkeep of animals, the months in which the household hired help (if any) to assist in the upkeep of animals, and any associated costs with hired labor.
18836 | 27 |
This section asks about characteristics of milk production by the animals and the amount of milk produced that were consumed by the household, sold, or processed in the last 12 months.
9418 | 20 |
Detailed information related to amount of dung produced by the animals, characteristics of the use of the dung, associated earnings from any sales of dung, and use of animals for transport or ploughing.
23545 | 11 |
Information is collected on livestock by-products, including the quantity produced, the quantity sold, value of sold goods, buyers of by product sold.
14127 | 15 |
Consumption aggregates for NPSY4, Spatially adjusted in prices of survey year, 2014/15. In addition to food and non-food, it also includes rent and durables
3352 | 48 |
Consumption aggregates for NPSY5, Spatially adjusted in prices of survey year, 2020/21. In addition to food and non-food, it also includes rent and durables
4709 | 48 |
This dataset contains identification information for individuals, where applicable, across NPS 2014/15 and NPS 2020/21 an individual has been present.
26511 | 5 |
The supplemental dataset “NPSY5.CHILD.ANTHRO” presents the most frequently used anthropometric indices used to assess nutritional status in infants and children — height-for-age, weight-for-age, and weight-for_x0002_height — for all household members ages 0-59 months. While the latter indicator requires only physical measurements, the former two rely on the accurate and credible reporting of age.
3513 | 11 |