Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project, IFAD Impact Assessment Surveys 2018
Name | Country code |
Bangladesh | BGD |
Other Household Survey [hh/oth]
The Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project (CCRIP) is a rural road and market infrastructure project which was implemented in 12 districts of Bangladesh from 2013 to 2019. The project goal was to achieve improved livelihoods (higher income and food security) for poor households in the selected sub-districts (Upazilas) through enhancements in the rural infrastructure. The project aimed to improve the connectivity of farms and households in the face of climatic shocks, focusing on one of the most shock-prone areas in the world (the delta regions of Bangladesh). The main component of the project is the construction of improved markets and market connecting roads that are designed to remain useable during the monsoon season. This was expected to improve sales of on- farm produce, along with access to inputs as well as opportunities for off-farm income generation, leading to increased productivity and income. The project also aimed to improve women's empowerment by employing Labor Contracting Societies (LCS), consisting mainly of destitute women, to carry out some of the construction work.
In 2018, a collaborative data collection exercise was conducted by the project team and a team from the Research and Impact Assessment (RIA) Division of IFAD to be used for both the project's Mid-Term Report and an impact assessment study. The impact assessment focused on activities related to strengthening of markets and roads at the community levels. Data were collected from 3,000 treatment and control households using an in-depth quantitative household questionnaire. This enabled analysis of the project's impact on a range of impact indicators relating to income; crop, fish and livestock production and sales; assets, food security and education; financial inclusion; and women's empowerment.
For more information, please, click on the following link
Sample survey data [ssd]
The household questionnaire collected a wide range of information to create the impact indicators and other variables used in the data analysis. The questionnaire was designed to collect detailed information on agricultural production (separated by crop and by the three main cropping seasons), fish production (separated by pond), livestock rearing, income from other sources, asset ownership, food consumption, financial inclusion, shock exposure, social capital, access to services, and household decision making. The survey was conducted between late August and early November 2018 and collected information covering the 12 month period between August 2017 and July 2018.
Regional coverage.
32 Upazilas of 12 districts in southwest coastal Bangladesh.
Name | Affiliation |
International Fund for Agricultural Development | United Nations |
Name | Role |
International Fund for Agricultural Development | Funding |
For this impact assessment a combination of quantitative and qualitative data was collected in order to produce a holistic picture of the project's impact. The sample for the household survey is drawn from eight of the 12 project districts, covering the three project divisions (Barisal, Khulna, and Dhaka) according to those with the largest CCRIP presence and those with the largest number of potential treatment and control markets. The total sample size of the household survey was 3,000: a sample size deemed to provide sufficient power to detect impact, and to cover a large enough area so that the estimation of impact is reliable and representative.
In terms of the distribution of the sample, the sample frame was designed to achieve representativeness at the divisional level using data on CCRIP investment by division as a proxy for the number of beneficiaries in each division. Within each division, the sample is evenly distributed across the eight districts.
More details on the sampling procedure can be found in the IA plan and reports, attached in the documentations tab.
No weighting
The Questionnaire is attached in the documentations tab.
Note: some variables have missing labels. Please, refer to the questionnaire for more details.
Start | End |
2018-08 | 2018-11 |
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International Fund for Agricultural Development. Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project, IFAD Impact Assessment Surveys, Bangladesh, 2018. Dataset downloaded from
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Name | Affiliation | Role |
Office of Chief Statistician | Food and Agriculture Organization | Metadata producer |
Development Economics Data Group | The World Bank | Metadata adapted for World Bank Microdata Library |
Version 01 (February 2023): This metadata was downloaded from the FAO website ( and it is identical to FAO version (BGD_2018_CCRIP-IIAS_v01_EN_M_v01_A_OCS). The following two metadata fields were edited - Document ID and Survey ID.