Sahel Women Empowerment and Demographic Dividend Initiative, 2017
Baseline Survey
Name | Country code |
Côte d'Ivoire | CIV |
1-2-3 Survey, phase 1 [hh/123-1]
The Sahel Women Empowerment and Demographic Dividend (P150080) project is a regional project aiming to accelerate the demographic transition by addressing both supply- and demand-side constraints to family planning and reproductive and sexual health. To achieve its objective, the project targets adolescent girls and young women mainly between the ages of 8 and 24, who are vulnerable to early marriage, teenage pregnancy, and early school drop-out. The project targeted 9 countries of the Sahel and Western Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger) and is expanding in other African countries. The SWEDD is structured into three main components: component 1 seeks to generate demand for reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child health and nutrition products and services; component 2 seeks to improve supply of these products and qualified personnel; and component 3 seeks to strengthen national capacity and policy dialogue.
The World Bank Africa Gender Innovation Lab and its partners are conducting rigorous impact evaluations of key interventions under component 1 to assess their effects on child marriage, fertility, and adolescent girls and young women’s empowerment. The interventions were a set of activities targeting adolescent girls and their communities, designed in collaboration with the government of Côte d’Ivoire. These were (i) safe spaces to empower girls through the provision of life skills and SRH education; (ii) support to income-generating activities (IGA) with the provision of grants and entrepreneurship training; (iii) husbands’ and future husbands’ clubs, providing boys of the community with life skills and SRH education; and finally (iv) community sensitization by religious and village leaders. The latter two have the objective to change restrictive social norms and create an enabling environment for girls’ empowerment.
These data represent the first round of data collection (baseline) for the impact evaluation. The sample comprises 5,310 households and 5,263 girls living in the regions of Poro, Tchologo, Bagoué, Folon, and Kabadougou.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Households, adolescent girls
Edited, anonymous dataset for public distribution.
Northern regions of Côte d’Ivoire: Poro, Tchologo, Bagoué, Folon, and Kabadougou.
Name | Affiliation |
Claire Boxho | World Bank |
Othmane Boulhane | World Bank |
Désiré Kanga | IMF |
Estelle Koussoubé | World Bank |
Léa Rouanet | World Bank |
Name |
The World Bank |
The Government of Côte d’Ivoire |
The study was conducted in 280 localities in the catchment area of 60 middle schools (or collèges) eligible for the program in the regions of Poro, Tchologo, Bagoué, Folon, and Kabadougou. These 60 eligible schools were identified, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Program Implementation Unit, out of a total of 83 schools in the five regions of program implementation, and correspond to the schools with the largest populations of girls at the time, to reach the project’s targeted number of beneficiaries. We then selected 280 localities (villages or neighborhoods of urban localities) in the catchment areas of the schools. To select the adolescent girls eligible for the program, we conducted a census with 45,883 households in the 280 localities. Girls were considered eligible for community safe spaces if they were 8–24 years old and had never been to school or did not go to school during the academic year 2017/2018. Priority criteria were defined to prioritize girls who were orphans, single mothers, or single but currently pregnant. In addition, a vulnerability index was constructed with the census data to select in priority girls who were considered the most at-risk of early marriage and early pregnancies, due to the vulnerability of the household. We sampled a fourth of the total eligible girls who were aged 12–24 to be part of the impact evaluation sample and be surveyed at baseline.
This step-by-step sampling procedure provides a representative sample of eligible girls aged 12 and above in the regions since the sample covers the majority of the schools and villages located in the regions, providing further informative power to the results.
The objective of the baseline survey was to build a comprehensive dataset, which would serve as a reference point for the entire sample, before treatment and control assignment and program implementation.
The data consists of responses from households to questions pertaining to:
The questionnaire administrated to girls contains the following sections:
The household questionnaire was administered to the head of the household or to an authorized person capable of answering questions about all individuals in the household. The adolescent questionnaire was administered to an eligible pre-selected girl within the household. Considering the modules of the adolescent questionnaire, it was only administered by female enumerators. The questionnaires were written in French and programmed on tablets in French using the CAPI program.
Start | End | Cycle |
2017-12 | 2018-01 | Baseline |
The main mode of data collection was the use of a structured questionnaire. The respondent was provided with coded answers from which to choose. These questionnaires were administered by enumerators who visited the homes of the participating households at a time convenient for the respondents.
Name |
The Africa Gender Innovation Lab (World Bank) |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Claire Boxho (World Bank), Othmane Boulhane (World Bank), Désiré Kanga (IMF), Estelle Koussoubé (World Bank), Léa Rouanet (World Bank). Côte d'Ivoire - Sahel Women Empowerment and Demographic Dividend Initiative, 2017, Baseline Survey (SWEDD-BL 2017). Ref: CIV_2017_SWEDD-BL_v01_M. Downloaded from [uri] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation | Role |
Development Data Group | DECDG | World Bank | Documentation of the study |
Version 01 (2024-06-18)