Youth Employment and Skills Development Project - Apprenticeship Firm Listing 2021
Name | Country code |
Cote d'Ivoire | CIV |
This is one of 3 datasets for the impact evaluation published in Crépon and Premand, 2024, "Direct and Indirect Effects of Subsidized Dual Apprenticeships.", Review of Economic Studies.:
Youth Employment and Skills Development Project (PEJEDEC) - Apprenticeship Youth Surveys 2014-2018
Youth Employment and Skills Development Project (PEJEDEC) - Apprenticeship Firm Surveys 2014-2016
Youth Employment and Skills Development Project (PEJEDEC) - Apprenticeship Firm Listing 2021
All 3 datasets are available in the Microdata Library.
This dataset contains the Cote d'Ivoire PEJEDEC Apprenticeship Firms Listing for the impact evaluation published in Crépon and Premand, 2024, "Direct and Indirect Effects of Subsidized Dual Apprenticeships." Review of Economic Studies.
Census/enumeration data [cen]
Edited, anonymized dataset for public distribution.
This dataset contains a listing of all firms with apprentices in localities and trades covered by the PEJEDEC apprenticeship impact evaluation that was collected in 2021
The following files are available for download:
The impact evaluation of the PEJEDEC apprenticeship program was implemented in seven urban localities in the interior of Cote d'Ivoire: Man, Daoukro, Gagnoa, Divo, Bouaké, Adzopé, and Mankono.
Name | Affiliation |
Bruno Crépon | CREST, JPAL |
Eva Lestant | Stanford University |
Patrick Premand | Development Impact (DIME), World Bank |
The listing adhered to the following protocol (for details see appendix in Crépon and Premand, 2024):
a. The map of each locality was divided in squares of 200 meters by 200 meters. There were 5249 squares across the 7 localities.
b. 380 squares containing sample firms were identified. These squares are labelled type A.
c. Other squares were classified in 9 types (B0 to B8). The squares of type Bx are such that they are adjacent to x squares of type A. For example, a B1 square is next to exactly 1 type A square. B0 squares have no adjacent square of type A. 1087 squares of type B1 to B8 and 3782 squares of type B0 were found.
d. The squares of type A and B1 to B8 were all systematically visited.
e. Given the large number of squares of type B0 (which were often located in the outskirts of towns or in residential areas), a random subset of 261 B0 squares was visited.
f. In total, 1728 squares were visited.
Start | End |
2021-08-22 | 2021-10-02 |
Name |
Development Impact (DIME), World Bank |
Name | Affiliation |
Patrick Premand | Development Impact (DIME), World Bank |
Bruno Crépon | CREST and JPAL |
Eva Lestant | Stanford University |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Note - Whenever using this data, please cite the underlying study:
Crépon, Bruno and Patrick Premand. 2024. "Direct and Indirect Effects of Subsidized Dual Apprenticeships", Review of Economic Studies.
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | |
Patrick Premand | Development Impact (DIME), World Bank | |
Bruno Crépon | CREST and JPAL | |
Eva Lestant | Stanford University | |
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation | Role |
Development Data Group | DECDG | World Bank | Documentation of the study |
Version 01 (2024-07-24)