Data file | Cases | Variables |
The naming conventions for the indicators are:
(Indicator --> Naming convention) Percentage of the population ages 15 to 19 that has completed each grade (grades 1 to 9) --> Variables starting with “a” and end with “_number” where number is the grade under consideration Percentage of the population ages 20 to 29 that has completed each grade (grades 1 to 9) --> Variables starting with “a2” and end with “_number” where number is the grade under consideration Percentage of the population ages 30 to 39 that has completed each grade (grades 1 to 9) --> Variables starting with “a3” and end with “_number” where number is the grade under consideration Percentage of the population ages 40 to 49 that has completed each grade (grades 1 to 9) --> Variables starting with “a4” and end with “_number” where number is the grade under consideration Median grade attained by the population ages 15 to 19 --> Variables starting with “m1519” Survival function estimates of the proportion of the population ages 6 to 19 that has completed each grade --> Variables starting with “s” and end with “_number” where number is the grade under consideration Percentage of the population ages 6 to 17, by age in single years, that has ever attended school --> Variables starting with “e” and end with “_number” where number is the age under consideration Percentage of the population ages 6 to 17, by age in single years, that is currently in school --> Variables starting with “c” and end with “_number” where number is the age under consideration Percentage of the population ages 6 to 11 (as a group) that is currently in school --> Variables starting with “c611” Percentage of the population ages 12 to 14 (as a group) that is currently in school --> Variables starting with “c1214” Percentage of the population ages 6 to 14 (as a group) that is currently in school --> Variables starting with “c614” Estimate of the concentration index (and its standard error*) of the percentage of the population ages 15 to 19 that has completed grade 6 – where the welfare ranking used to calculate the concentration index is based on an index of consumer durables and housing characteristics --> mci_a6 (sci_m6) Estimate of the concentration index (and its standard error*) of the percentage of the population ages 6 to 14 that has is currently in school – where the welfare ranking used to calculate the concentration index is based on an index of consumer durables and housing characteristics --> mci_c614 (sci_c614) Estimate of the concentration index (and its standard error*) of the percentage of the population ages 15 to 19 that has completed grade 6 – where the welfare ranking used to calculate the concentration index is based on per capita household consumption-expenditures --> mcix_a6 (scix_m6) Estimate of the concentration index (and its standard error*) of the percentage of the population ages 6 to 14 that has is currently in school – where the welfare ranking used to calculate the concentration index is based on per capita household consumption-expenditures --> mcix_c614 (scix_c614) * Standard errors are calculated from between 200 and 1000 bootstrap replications of the concentration index calculation. The naming conventions for the disaggregations of the data are: (Subgroup --> Naming convention (i.e. variable name contains the following expression)) All -->All Rural and Urban -->Rural, Urban Male and Female -->Male, Female Rural/Urban and Male/Female interacted -->MalUrb, MalRur, FemUrb, FemRur Poverty Quintiles (poorest quintile, quintiles 2, 3, 4 and richest quintile) with welfare rankings derived from an index of consumer durables and housing characteristics -->Quint1, Quint2, Quint3, Quint4, Quint5 Poverty Groups (Poorest 40 percent, Middle 40 percent, Richest 20 percent) with welfare rankings derived from an index of consumer durables and housing characteristics -->Poor40, Mid40, Rich20 The interaction of Poverty Groups and Male/Female -->Poo40M, Poo40F, Mid40M, Mid40F, Ric20M, Ric20F Expenditure Poverty Quintiles (poorest quintile, quintiles 2, 3, 4 and richest quintile) with welfare rankings derived from per capita household consumption-expenditures -->Quint1x, Quint2x, Quint3x, Quint4x, Quint5x Expenditure Poverty Groups (Poorest 40 percent, Middle 40 percent, Richest 20 percent) with welfare rankings derived from per capita household consumption-expenditures -->Poor40x, Mid40x, Rich20x The interaction of Expenditure Poverty Groups and Male/Female -->Poo40Mx, Poo40Fx, Mid40Mx, Mid40Fx, Ric20Mx, Ric20Fx |
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