Interviewer instructions
You will be provided with equipment fkor weighing ans measuring trhe children in the hosueholds you interview. During your training you will be shown by your supervisor how to use this equipment. If you have any problems, refer to your supervisor.
Record the weight of the child to the nearest 0.1 kg. For example, a child weighing 10.29 kg should br recorded as 10.3: a child weighing 10.22 should be recorded as 10.2.
Record the height of the child to the nearest whole centimetere.For example a child who is 85.5 cm tall should be recorded as 86 cm: a child who is 92.3 cm should be recorded as 92 cm.
If the child kos absent or unavailable for measurement, ask if thee is a recent clinic record for the child, If the weight and height of the child awas reccorded on the clinic card, within the last month prior to interview, then record these details as the weight and the height of the child.
As your kown measurement will provide the most reliable information however, you should measure the children yourself whenever possible.