Interviewer instructions
Household consumer expenditure is the sum total of monetary values of all goods and services consumed (out of purchase or procured otherwise) by the household on domestic account during a specific reference period. The definition of household consumer expenditure and the procedure for evaluating it will be the same as for Schedule 1.0 discussed in Chapter Five.
The household consumer expenditure during last 30 days is to be ascertained, through direct questions, out of the following five sources:
1) purchase,
2) home-grown/home-produced stock,
3) receipt in exchange of goods and services,
4) transfer receipts such as gifts, loans, charities, etc.,
5) free collection.
These will be recorded in whole number in rupees against items 14 to 19. The total of items 14 to 18 will be recorded against item 19. The items of consumption are classified into four groups and three different approaches viz. (i) consumption approach, (ii) expenditure approach and (iii) first-use approach, are followed for defining consumption of items.