Data file |
This is Block B of the survey questionnaire which gathers the demographic characteristics of the sample farmer
This is the Block C of the survey questionnaire which contains information on the total farm area and palay area operated by the farmer as well as the basic characteristics of the focus palay farm parcel cultivated by the farmer during the last completed cropping within July 2004 to June 2005.
The file contains data related to Block D of the survey questionnaire which refers to basic information on all investment items owned and used/utilized by the farmers in the focus palay farm parcel during the last completed cropping period.
This file is related to Block E of the survey questionnaire which provides information on the usage and costs of material inputs of the sample farmer in pursuing its palay production in the focus parcel during the last completed cropping period.
This refers to Block F of the survey questionnaire which includes information on labor utilized in seedbed and land preparation, planting, crop maintenance operations, harvesting and the post harvest activities involved in the production of palay in the focus parcel during the last completed cropping period. The block also covers the labor costs incurred by farm activity.
It has integrated gender concerns, thus, the need to determine whether labor inputs are provided by male or female. It also determines the sources of labor whether operator, family, exchange and hired labor. The latter may include permanent worker, contract labor or “pakyaw” system wherein the performance of multiple farming activities is contracted for a certain amount. |
This contains data related to Block G of the survey questionnaire which seeks to gather information on other items of production cost incurred in the focus palay parcel during the last completed cropping period. Payments maybe cash or non-cash. In case of non-cash payments or payments in kind, convert total vlaue of goods to cash equivalent.
This is the Block H of the survey questionnaire which provides information on the gross volume of palay harvest in the focus parcel during the last completed cropping period as well as the breakdown by which this harvested volume of palay was disposed. Total disposition must equal the reported volume of harvest.
This refers to Block I which contains information on the problems affecting production encountered during the reference period and also the rank of the problems according to degree of impact on production. It also seeks information on the production losses incurred due to the specified problem. This portion also includes the Block J of the questionnaire which enumerates the recommendations given farmers to further improve palay production.
The file is related to the Block K of the survey questionnaire which refers to other information pertaining to the usage of palay hybrid seeds by the hybrid and inbred seeds users