Table of contents |
POVERTY IN MALAWI......................................................................................... 7
Table 1: Poverty line, food poverty line, non-food poverty line, and ultra-poverty line
and spatial price indices at April 1998 prices, by poverty line region. ............................ 7
Table 2: Poverty line and ultra-poverty line at July 2000 prices (daily per capita
consumption (MK)), by poverty line region. ......................................................... 7
Table 3: Individual poverty estimates and mean consumption by district, region, and
rural/urban, 10,698 household data set.............................................................. 8
Table 4: Household poverty estimates and mean consumption by district, region,
and rural/urban, 10,698 household data set..........................................................10
Table 5: Individual poverty estimates and mean consumption by region and
rural/urban, 6,586 household dataset. ..............................................................12
Table 6: Household poverty estimates and mean consumption by region and
rural/urban, 6,586 household dataset. ..............................................................12
Table 7: Individual ultra-poverty estimates and mean consumption by district,
region, and rural/urban, 10,698 household data set..................................................13
Table 8: Household ultra-poverty estimates and mean consumption by district,
region, and rural/urban, 10,698 household data set..................................................15
Table 9: Individual ultra-poverty estimates and mean consumption by region and
rural/urban, 6,586 household data set...............................................................17
Table 10: Household ultra-poverty estimates and mean consumption by region and
rural/urban, 6,586 household data set...............................................................17
Figure 1: Cumulative distributions for household welfare indicator. 10,698 and 6,586
household data sets, April 1998 and July 2000 prices................................................18
Table 11: Indices of welfare indicator inequality (total daily per capita consumption),
by region (10,693 household data set). .............................................................21
Table 12: Indices of welfare indicator inequality (total daily per capita consumption),
by region (6,586 household data set). ..............................................................21
Figure 2: Lorenz curves for household welfare indicator (total per capita
consumption (MK)). .................................................................................22
HOUSEHOLD CHARACTERISTICS AND POVERTY.....................................................................25
Table 13: Household size, dependency ratio, age composition and sex ratio, by
wealth group and region.............................................................................25
Figure 3: Population pyramids of the IHS weighted population, by wealth group ............................27
Table 14: Household size, dependency ratio, age composition and sex ratio, by
consumption quintile and region. ...................................................................28
Table 15: Sex and age of household heads, by percent of household heads in
wealth group and region.............................................................................30
Table 16: Poverty measures, by sex of head of household and region. ......................................32
Table 17: Poverty measures, by age of head of household...................................................32
Table 18: Migration of household heads, by percent of individuals in wealth group
and region..........................................................................................33
EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT AND POVERTY........................................................................36
Table 19: Education level of adults aged 25 and older, by percent of individuals in
wealth group, sex, and region.......................................................................36
Table 20: Education level of household heads, by percent of household heads in
wealth group, sex, and region.......................................................................38
Table 21: Poverty measures, by educational level of household head. ......................................39
Table 22: Primary school aged children who are in proper grade for age (net
enrolment) and total students in primary school (gross enrolment), by percent
of all primary school aged children (ages 6 to 13) in wealth and sex group. ........................40
Table 23: Percent of children in age group attending school, by wealth group, sex,
and region..........................................................................................41
Table 24: Percent of population who are attending secondary school or university,
by wealth group and sex.............................................................................43
HEALTH, FERTILITY, IMMUNIZATION, NUTRITION, AND POVERTY...................................................44
Table 25: Morbidity, by wealth group and region...........................................................44
Table 26: Fertility of women aged 15 to 45, by wealth group and region. ..................................47
Table 27: Fertility of women aged 15 to 45, by wealth group and highest
educational level. .................................................................................50
Table 28: Adverse anthropometric nutritional indicators for children age 6 to 59
months, by percent of children with anthropometric indicator in wealth and sex
Table 29: Adverse anthropometric nutritional indicators for children age 6 to 59
months by mother’s maximum level of education, by percent of children with
anthropometric indicator in wealth group. ..........................................................56
Table 30: Immunization, percent of children aged 6 to 59 months, by wealth group
and region..........................................................................................57
Table 31: Source of food, by proportion of the cash value of total daily per capita
food consumed, by wealth group and region (6,586 household data set). ..............................58
Table 32: Source of food, by proportion of the calorie value of total daily per capita
food consumed, by wealth group and region (6,586 household data set). ..............................59
Table 33: Proportion of the cash value of total daily per capita food consumed made
up by different food groups, by wealth group and region (6,586 household data
Table 34: Proportion of the calorie value of total daily per capita food consumed
made up by different food groups, by wealth group and region (6,586
household data set).................................................................................62
Table 35: Cash value of daily per capita food consumed by month of interview, by
wealth group and region (6,586 household data set)..................................................64
Table 36: Calorie value of daily per capita food consumed by month of interview, by
wealth group and region (6,586 household data set)..................................................70
Table 37: Proportion of mean per capita recommended daily requirement (RDR) for
calories which is provided for by all calories reported consumed and by
calories from own production of food, by wealth group and region (6,586
household data set).................................................................................76
AGRICULTURE AND POVERTY...................................................................................77
Table 38: Cropland – percentage of households with cropland and size of holdings,
by wealth group and region (6,586 household data set). .............................................77
Table 39: Food crops – cropping pattern, production, and sales of households, by
crop, wealth group and region (6,586 household data set). ..........................................79
Table 40: Cash crops – cropping pattern, gross sales, and value of input use, by
crop, wealth group and region (6,586 household data set). ..........................................85
Table 41: Livestock and livestock products, by wealth group and region (6,586
household data set).................................................................................88
ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES AND POVERTY...........................................................................91
Table 42: Activity status of household heads and household members aged 10 and
above, by percent of individuals in wealth group and region (6,586 household
data set). .........................................................................................91
Table 43: Labour force participation of those aged 10 and older, by percent of
individuals in age group in wealth group, by region (6,586 household data set)......................94
Table 44: Non-farm business activities of households, by wealth group and region
(6,586 household data set)..........................................................................95
Table 45: Industry of main occupation over past 12 months (individuals age 10 and
older), by wealth group and region (6,586 household data set). .....................................98
INCOME, CONSUMPTION, AND POVERTY.........................................................................101
Table 46: Income from employment, transfers, and other income, by wealth group
and region (6,586 household data set)..............................................................101
Table 47: Sources of income (MK per capita per day), by wealth group and region
(6,586 household data set).........................................................................107
Table 48: Sources of income as a percentage of total income per capita per day, by
wealth group and region (6,586 household data set).................................................108
Table 49: Households which acquired a loan in past 12 months, by wealth group
and region (6,586 household data set)..............................................................109
Table 50: Proportion of total daily per capita consumption expenditures allocated to
different expenditure categories, by wealth group and region (6,586 household
data set). ........................................................................................112
Table 51: Daily per capita consumption expenditures (MK) allocated to different
expenditure categories, by wealth group and region (6,586 household data
ASSETS, AMENITIES, ACCESS TO SERVICES, AND POVERTY.......................................................116
Table 52: Household amenities – own/rent house, water source, fuel source,
lighting source, by percent of households in wealth group and region. .............................116
Table 53: Access to various facilities, average time of journey in hours to nearest,
by wealth group and region ........................................................................119
Table 54: Ownership of selected household durables, by percent of households in
wealth group and region (6586 household dataset). .................................................120
DESCRIPTION OF DATA SET AND METHODOLOGICAL TABLES........................................................123
Table 55: Integrated Household Survey questionnaire table of contents. ..................................123
Table 56: Distribution of Integrated Household Survey sample and the 10,698
household and 6,586 household analytical data sets, by district, region, and
Table 57: Month of interview, percentage of households and individuals, by wealth
group and region - unweighted 10,698 household data set. ..........................................125
Table 58: Month of interview, percentage of households and individuals, by wealth
group and region – weighted population 10,698 household data set...................................127
Table 59: Month of interview, percentage of households and individuals, by wealth
group and region – unweighted 6,586 household data set.............................................129
Table 60: Month of interview, percentage of households and individuals, by wealth
group and region – weighted population 6,586 household data set. ..................................131
Table 61: Temporal price indices (total, food, and non-food) for the survey period,
by month, rural regions and urban centres, (April 1998 = 1.00) ....................................133
Table 62: July 2000 price indices (April 1998 = 100), by rural and urban.................................133
Figure 4: Temporal price indices (total, food, and non-food) for the survey period, by
month, rural regions and urban centres, (April 1998 = 1.00)........................................134
Table 63: Recommended daily calorie intake, by age and sex (WHO/CTA/ECSA)................................135
Table 64: Median and mean per capita recommended daily calorie intake
requirements (RDR) for calories, median and mean price per calorie, and food
poverty lines for poorer households, by poverty line regions. .....................................135
Table 65: Reference food bundles for poverty lines – proportion of the cash value of
total daily per capita food consumed by poorer households* made up by
different food groups, by poverty line region .....................................................136
Table 66: Reference food bundles for poverty lines – proportion of the calorie value
of total daily per capita food consumed by poorer households* made up by
different food groups, by poverty line region. ....................................................136
Table 67: Components of the welfare indicator (total per capita daily consumption
(MK)) for households whose welfare indicator is close to the poverty line, by
poverty line region................................................................................137
Table 68: Components of the welfare indicator (total per capita daily consumption
(MK)) for all households, by poverty line region (6,586 household data set). ......................137 |