Value |
Category |
1 |
Radio |
2 |
TV |
3 |
Video |
4 |
Internet |
5 |
Computer |
6 |
Poster/billboard |
7 |
Books |
8 |
Magazines/Newspapers |
9 |
Drama/Play |
10 |
Cinema |
11 |
School Club |
12 |
Recreation Actvts |
13 |
Pre-service teacher training |
14 |
In-service teacher training |
15 |
Hosptital/Clinic |
16 |
Teachers/School Head |
17 |
Friends |
18 |
Counselors |
19 |
Peer educator |
20 |
Doctor |
21 |
Community health worker |
22 |
Religious person |
23 |
Person living with HIV |
24 |
Family/relatives |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.