Weekly Retail Prices 2009
Name | Country code |
Sri Lanka | LKA |
Price Survey [hh/prc]
The Colombo Consumers' Price Index (CCPI) which was introduced in 1952 by the Department of Census and Statistics and which is now published on the last working day of every month is the official index by which changes in price levels of consumers goods and services in Sri Lanka are measured.
The Colombo Consumers' Price Index (CCPI) which was introduced in 1952 by the Department of Census and Statistics and which is now published on the last working day of every month is the official index by which changes in price levels of consumer goods and services in Sri Lanka are measured. Since then the index has been used to date for very vital purposes as described below. It is used for multi-purpose functions such as:
Thus the government mechanism and the non-government organizations use this index as the vital official measurement unit in the fields of financial, revenue, salaries, wages and socio-economic policy making.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Commodities (in Retail outlets in Colombo City)
Version 1.0: Full edited dataset, for internal use.
The scope of WRP 2009 includes the following key sections :
Topic | Vocabulary | URI |
All urban Divisions in Colombo District
Retail commodity prices of the goods in Colombo MC and suburban areas
Name | Affiliation |
Department of Census and Statistics | Ministry of Finance and Planning |
Name | Role |
Department of Census and Statistics | Source of funds |
The Weekly Test Purchases operation is not a sample survey. But the following points should be noted:
There are two types of questionnaires,
01 A, B, C, D, E - Food Items
02 Mis01, Mis02, Mis03, Mis04, Mis05, Mis06, Mis07, Mis08 - Non Food Items
Group I Form
Price quotations should be collected in few representative and fixed open market retail outlets or stalls in the main marketing area of the Town on morning (9 to 12) of Tuesdays 1st and 3rd week. This price schedule should be perfected and sent by post to the Director Prices and Wages Division in the same week.
Group II Form
Price quotations required should be obtained once a month from the same outlets, which should be chosen from the selected establishments, listed above.
If a particular item is not available in the selected retail outlet, Price quotations may be obtained from the other establishments, whose address should be given. If the item is not available at all in the town, the price of substitute item which resembles most closely the specified item should be priced and brand name, weight should be entered in the form. Brand name and weight of "other" item where it is priced should also be given.
Group III Form
The item should be selected under specification which has been mentioned here. Two price quotations should be obtained quarterly from the same establishments as far as possible and prices should be collected from the same establishment in future too.
If a particular item is not available in the selected retail outlets, price quotations may be obtained from the reserve or other establishments whose address should be given. If the item is not available at all in the town, the price of a substitute item which resembles most closely the specified item should be entered in the form. Brand name and Weight of "Other" item where it is priced should also be given.
Where transactions take place in other than metric units, the weight of volume of the item priced should be carefully recorded in grams or milliliters in the space provided.
When you complete item 4 in 1st page of schedule cross-out months except the price collection month.
Producers' Prices Form
You are instructed to obtain the Producers' prices once a month from selected two main producing centers and few other production centers are selected for all other agriculture production. The district officer can select the producing centers with the help of the field officer in the respective DS Division. The farm-gate price of every item should be completed in column 4, 5, and 6 by the field officer and monthly average prices given in the pricing schedules should be recorded systematically in a price list or in the register maintained in your office.
The average price for three columns (4, 5 and 6) should be computed and recorded in the 7th column. If there is noticeable change in average price of column 7 and 8 or if current available price in column 7 is not available. Please give your reasons in column 9. Livestock prices should be collected quarterly and for this purpose the second month of each quarter is more appropriate. (Feb, May, Aug, Nov)
You are advised to collect the prices during the second week of each month and the completed forms should be sent to the Director, Prices and Wages Division by post on or before the given date.
PRODUCERS' PRICE - This is at the farm-gate price or at village market price (pola) charged to customer/buyer. This value figures should include all duties and taxes which fall on products when they leave the farm-gate, but should exclude any subsidies received. This valuation should exclude any transport charges that may be invoiced to the purchaser or user.
Start | End | Cycle |
2009-01-01 | 2009-12-31 | 2 days each for the first 2 weeks and 3 days each for the next 2 weeks of each month |
Name | Affiliation |
Prices and Wages Division | Department of Census and Statistics |
In order to estimate prices for the purpose of computing the index, 3 groups of 5 officers each, four of whom are well trained in price collection, collect prices for two weeks at the rate of 2 days per week and again for two weeks at the rate of 3 days per week thus the total being 10 working days within a month under the supervision of a statistician.
Collecting Centers & Procedure of Price Information
Collecting Centers are 14 markets covering the city of Colombo and other suburban areas in the Colombo District. They are Pettah, Maradana, Wellawatta, Borella, Dematagoda, Grandpass, Kirulapone, Dehiwala, Kotte, Nugegoda, Kolonnawa, Ratmalana, Kiribathgoda & Wattala.
In order to estimate prices for the purpose of computing the index, 3 groups of 5 officers each, four of whom are well trained in price collection, collect prices for two weeks at the rate of 2 days per week and again for two weeks at the rate of 3 days per week thus the total being 10 working days within a month under the supervision of a statistician.
In this connection, information on required goods and services is collected continuously from selected outlets according to the exact specifications. The price collecting officers as a practice purchase by themselves some specified items whose prices are liable to change frequently. The prices of other specified items are collected by them by inquiring from the outlets the same way as a customer does.
Whenever a specific item cannot be found in the market, substitutes available under the same specifications are selected. Based on prices of respective goods and services thus collected, the monthly average price is computed.
Usually the prices collected should fall within a range accepted by the Prices and Wages Division staff. If by chance, an abnormally high or low price has been recorded, that price item will be discarded and not taken for computation purposes.
In a rare situation where the prices of a commodity have not been recorded due to a problem in the market, then the previous day's recording will be assumed for the respective price collection round.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Director General | Department of Census and Statistics | | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | Under the Statistical ordinance, microdata cannot be released with identifications for public use. Procedures are in place to ensure that information relating to any particular individual person, household or undertaking will be kept strictly confidential and will not be divulged to external parties. Information on individual or individual Household/establishment will not be divulged or published in such a form that will facilitate the identification of any particular person or establishment as the data have been collected under the Census/Statistical ordinance, according to which the information at individual level cannot be divulged and such information is strictly confidential. |
The dataset has been anonymized and is available as a Public Use Dataset. It is accessible to all for statistical and research purposes only, under the following terms and conditions:
The data and other materials will not be redistributed or sold to other individuals, institutions, or organizations without the written agreement.
The data will be used for statistical and scientific research purposes only. They will be used solely for reporting of aggregated information, and not for investigation of specific individuals or organizations.
No attempt will be made to re-identify respondents, and no use will be made of the identity of any person or establishment discovered inadvertently.
No attempt will be made to produce links among datasets provided by the Department or among data from the Department and other datasets that could identify individuals or organizations.
Any books, articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, reports, or other publications that Prices data obtained from the Department will cite the source of data in accordance with the Citation Requirement provided with each dataset.
An electronic copy of all reports and publications based on the requested data will be sent to the Department.
The following rules apply to micro data released by the Department of Census and Statistics.
• Only the requests of Government Institutions, Recognized Universities, Students, and selected international agencies are entertained. However, the Data users are required to strictly adhere to
the terms stipulated in the agreement form.
• All the data requests should be made to Director General (DG) of the DCS as the sole authority of releasing data is vested with the DG of the DCS. The DCS of Sri Lanka reserves sole right to approve or reject any data request made depending on the confidential nature of the data set and intended purpose of the study or analysis.
• Requests for micro data should be made through the agreement form designed by DCS for this purpose (Form D.R.1). The agreement form should be filled in triplicate and the Study/project proposal should accompany the filled agreement form. If requests are made for the micro data of more than one survey, a separate agreement should be signed.
• If the data request is from a student a letter from the respective Dept. Head/Dean/Supervisor, recommending the issue of data, should also be accompanied.
• If the request is approved only 25% of the data file is released at the first stage. The release of the total data file is considered only after reviewing the draft report prepared on the basis of the 25% sample data file.
• The released Data file should be used only for the specific study/Analysis mentioned in the agreement form and shall not be used for any other purpose without the prior approval of the Director General of the DCS. Moreover, Copies of the micro-data file, obtained from the DCS, shall not be given to anyone else without the prior written approval of the Director General of the DCS.
• The draft report of the Study/Analysis should be submitted to the DCS and the concurrence of the DG of the DCS, should be obtained before publishing it. Once published, a copy of the final report should be submitted to the DCS.
Note - [Department = The Department of Census and Statistics (DCS)]
Source :
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Department of Census and Statistics (DCS), Sri Lanka. Weekly Retail Prices 2009. Ref. LKA_2009_WRP_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from on [date].
The Department of Census and Statistics bears no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the secondary use of the data.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Information Unit | Department of Census and Statistics | | |
Prices & Wages Division | Department of Census and Statistics | | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Department of Census & Statistics | Ministry of Finance and Planning | Documentation and Archival of Price Data |
Accelerated Data Program | International Household Survey Network | Editing for IHSN Survey Catalog |
Version 1.0 - Department of Census and Statistics - Original documentation of the study.
Version 2.0 - Edited version by ADP based on Version 1.0 of DCS downloaded from on 29 May 2013.