Number of employees including home workers on the payroll) = number of persons who work in or for the establishment and receive pay, in cash or in kind, at a regular intervals, comprising: (1) number of operatives including contract workers (male and female, full time and part time) and (2) number of administrative and technical workers (male and female, part time and full time)
Number of persons engaged = number of employees + number of working proprietors and active business partners (male and female) + number of unpaid family and other workers (male and female) working for at least 1/3 of the normal working hours)
Wage, salaries and facilities = direct wages, salaries and facilities (cash remuneration of current work performed) including: (1) remuneration for time not worked (direct cash payment in respect of public holidays, annual vacations and other leave facilities); (2) bonuses and gratuities (year end and seasonal bonuses, profit sharing bonuses); (3) Housing and family allowances directly paid by employer; (4) Payment in kind (directly paid by employer); (5) benefits in kind (goods and services furnished to employees free of charges or at reduced cost) including: (a) contribution to old age benefits (provident fund, pension, compensation for work injuries), (b) cost of education, recreational and related facilities and (c) contribution to employees insurance, cost of medical and health services.