The used of improved seedlings/seed on any of your agricultural export crops farms
Total No of Farms No. Treated
Total No of Farms No. ntreated
Type of improved seedlings/seed
(a) Chemical fertilizer only
(b) Farm yard manure only
(c) Chemical / Manure (combined)
sources of supply of chemical improved seedlings/seed ?
(a) Ministry (Extension services)
(b) Agro service center
(c) Farm service center
(d) Cooperative society
(e) Local market
(f) Others (specify)
obtaining chemical improved seedlings/seed ?
(a) Within Locality
(b) Outside Locality but less than 10 km
(c) More than 10 km but less than 50 km
(d) 50 km and above
reason for not using improved seedlings/seed ?
(a) Doubt its effectiveness
(b) Too costly to obtain
(c) Too far to obtain
(d) Don't know where to obtain it
(e) Don't know hoe to use it
(f) Never heard of it
(g) Don't need it
(h) Others (specify)
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