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Population and Housing Census 2006
Egypt, Arab Rep.
Reference ID
Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics
Created on
Feb 19, 2014
Last modified
Mar 29, 2019
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Economic Valuation of Sea Level Rise Impacts on Agricultural Sector: Damietta Governorate, Egypt
(2014) Journal of Environmental Protection.
Abdrabo A, Mohamed.
Demand for children in Egypt: Case study Rosetta region
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Ahmed, Ayman A, Graham E Fogg, and Mohsen A Gameh.
Water use at Luxor, Egypt: consumption analysis and future demand forecasting
Environmental Earth Sciences 72, no. 4 (2014): 1041-1053.
Ahmed, Samia A, Amal Saad-Hussein, Ayman El Feel, and Manal A Hamed.
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Mejía Dugand, S, O Hjelm, and L Baas.
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Mohamed, N, L El-Hamrawy, A Rajab, M El Bahy, and E Saleh.
Perimenopausal psychiatric aspects in urban versus rural Egyptian women in Menoufiya
Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry 36, no. 1 (2015): 21.
Rahman, Tarek Abdel A, Eman M Mahfouz, and Eman S Mohammed.
Prevalence and co-morbidities of overweight and obesity among elderly population residing a rural community, Minia, Egypt
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The tempo and intensity of marriage in the Arab region: Key challenges and their implications
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Refaat, Osama.
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Master Degree of science in applied statistics, Banha University, 2009.
Zohry, Ayman.
Internal Migration and Urban Food Security: Findings from Cairo
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The migratory patterns of Egyptians in Italy and France
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The development impact of internal migration: Findings from Egypt
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