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Population and Housing Census 2000
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Department of Statistics
Created on
Sep 29, 2011
Last modified
Mar 29, 2019
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Abdullah, Fauziah, Norlaili Abdul Aziz, and Tin Tin Su.
Factors related to poor practice of pap smear screening among secondary school teachers in Malaysia
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention 12, no. 5 (2011): 1347-1352.
Ahmad, Wan Ibrahim Wan, Jamaluddin Mustaffa, Fuziah Shaffie, Ahmad Shukri Abdul Hamid, and Rusimah Sayuti.
Rural-Urban Migration: Its Implication on Living Arrangement of Older Persons in Rural Malaysia
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Impact of routine PCV7 (Prevenar) vaccination of infants on the clinical and economic burden of pneumococcal disease in Malaysia
BMC infectious diseases 11, no. 1 (2011).
Anwar, Mudassir, Syed AS Sulaiman, Keivan Ahmadi, and Tahir M Khan.
Awareness of school students on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and their sexual behavior: a cross-sectional study conducted in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
BMC Public Health 10, no. 1 (2010).
Arab, Yasser.
Facade Design Efficiency on Extent Sunlight Penetration in Neo-Minimalist Style Apartments in Penang, Malaysia
(2015) Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology.
Aziz, Rahimah Abdul, and Fatimah Yusooff.
Intergenerational relationships and communication among the rural aged in Malaysia
Asian Social Science 8, no. 6 (2012): 184-195.
Bakar, Noor Rahamah Abu.
Factors Influencing Occupational Segregation by Gender in Malaysia
International Journal of Social Science Studies 2, no. 4 (2014): 75-81.
Chee, Heng Leng.
The emergence of a transnational healthcare service industry in Malaysia
Asia Research Institute Working Paper Series , no. 76 (2006).
Cheong, Ai Theng, Seng Fah Tong, and Ee Ming Khoo.
How useful is a history of rubella vaccination for determination of disease susceptibility? A cross-sectional study at a public funded health clinic in Malaysia
BMC family practice 14, no. 1 (2013).
Chew, Boon How, I Mastura, PY Lee, Sri T Wahyu, Ai Theng Cheong, and A Zaiton.
Ethnic differences in glycaemic control and complications: the adult diabetes control and management (ADCM), Malaysia
Medical Journal of Malaysia 66, no. 3 (2011): 244-248.
Chuan, Chong Shyue, Cheong Wah Wan, Sia Bik Kai, and Ng Kean Kok.
Perception of financial risk tolerance of older urban Chinese in Malaysia
(2012) International Journal of Academic Research.
David, Maya Khemlani.
Roles of Sindhi Grandparents in Malaysia
Devi, Beena CR, Paola Pisani, Tieng Swee Tang, and Maxwell D Parkin.
High incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in native people of Sarawak, Borneo Island
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 13, no. 3 (2004): 482-486.
Elhadary, Yasin Abdalla Eltayeb, and Narimah Samat.
Political economy and urban poverty in the developing countries: Lessons learned from Sudan and Malaysia
Journal of geography and Geology 4, no. 1 (2012): 212-223.
Engelsman, Wytse.
Simulating land use changes in an urbanising area in Malaysia
Fam, Soo-Fen, Abdul Aziz Jemain, and K Ibrahim.
Spatial Analysis of Socioeconomic Deprivation in Peninsular Malaysia
International Journal of Arts & Sciences 4, no. 17 (2011): 241-255.
Fauzi, Husna.
Rights of the elderly with reference to Malaysia: Islamic and western perspectives
International journal of islamic thoughts 3, no. 2 (2014): 33-45.
Forsyth, DR, and YC Chia.
How should Malaysia respond to its ageing society
Medical Journal of Malaysia 64, no. 1 (2009): 46-50.
Gasim, Muhammad Barzani, Wan Nor Azmin Sulaiman, and Mohd Ismail Yaziz.
Methods of Evaluating the Semenyih River Basin Selangor, Malaysia
Goh, Ai Tee, and Yahaya Ahmad.
Public Low-Cost Housing in Malaysia: Case Studies on PPR Low-Cost Flats in Kuala Lumpur
Goh, CT, PK Cheah, TL Soo, and WS Lee.
The epidemiology and burden of childhood rotavirus infection in a tertiary hospital in Sabah, Malaysia
The Medical journal of Malaysia 64, no. 2 (2009): 146-149.
Hairi, Noran N, Awang Bulgiba, Robert G Cumming, Vasi Naganathan, and Izzuna Mudla.
Prevalence and correlates of physical disability and functional limitation among community dwelling older people in rural Malaysia, a middle income country
BMC Public Health 10, no. 1 (2010).
Hairi, Noran N, Awang Bulgiba, Izzuna Mudla, and Mas Ayu Said.
Chronic diseases, depressive symptoms and functional limitation amongst older people in rural Malaysia, a middle income developing country
Preventive medicine 53, no. 4 (2011): 343-346.
Halim, Roslilee Ab, Nurul Nadia Abd Aziz, and Mawarti Ashik Samsudin.
Malaysian Female Graduates: Marriage, Motherhood and Labour Force Participation
Har, Wong Pik, and Lim Wei Chih.
Effects of Holidays on the Malaysian Stock Exchange
International Journal of Business and Management 11, no. 2 (2016).
Hasan, Abdul Rahman, and Prema Letha Nair.
Urbanisation and growth of metropolitan centres in Malaysia
Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies 51, no. 1 (2014): 87-101.
Hashim, Habsah, and Kamarul Bahrain Shuib.
Comparing economic and social indicators towards sustainable development in Selangor, Malaysia
OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development 3, no. 12 (2012): 39-48.
Hassan, Che.
Trends in Life Expectancy at Birth among Males in Peninsular Malaysia
International Journal of Business and Social Science 1, no. 2 (2010): 244-254.
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Managing tourism and Islam in peninsular Malaysia
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Hossain, Ziarat, Jaipaul L Roopnarine, Rosnah Ismail, Shazia I Hashmi, and Agnes Sombuling.
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Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice about Men as Fathers 5, no. 1 (2007): 58-72.
Jali, Mohd Razani Mohd.
Internal migration in Malaysia: Spatial and temporal analysis
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Kassim, Azizah.
Conversion into Islam and Inter-faith Marriages in Malaysia: An Exploratory Study
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Malaysia: Recent Trends and Challenges
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Kubota, Tetsu, Doris Toe Hooi Chyee, and Supian Ahmad.
The effects of night ventilation technique on indoor thermal environment for residential buildings in hot-humid climate of Malaysia
Energy and Buildings 41, no. 8 (2009): 829-839.
Kubota, Tetsu, and Doris Hooi Chyee Toe.
Passive Cooling Methods for Modern Houses in Hot-Humid Climate of Malaysia with Special Focus on Night Ventilation Technique
Kumaraswamy, Narasappa, and Azizah Othman.
Corporal punishment study: A case in Malaysia
Psychology 2, no. 0\1 (2011): 24-28.
Lee, Way Seah, Muhammad Izzuddin Poo, and Shyamala Nagaraj.
Estimates of economic burden of providing inpatient care in childhood rotavirus gastroenteritis from Malaysia
Journal of paediatrics and child health 43, no. 12 (2007): 818-825.
Lee, Way S, Ganeswrie Rajasekaran, Susan Pee, Rina Karunakaran, Hamimah H Hassan, and Savithri D Puthucheary.
Rotavirus and other enteropathogens in childhood acute diarrhoea: a study of two centres in Malaysia
Journal of paediatrics and child health 42, no. 9 (2006): 509-514.
Leng, Chee Heng.
International marriages in Malaysia: issues arising from state policies and processes
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Ling, Teck-Yee, Tuck-Fatt Siew, and Lee Nyanti.
Quantifying pollutants from household wastewater in Kuching, Malaysia
World Applied Sciences Journal 8, no. 4 (2010): 449-456.
Lyndon, Novel, Sivapalan Selvadurai, Rosniza Aznie Che Rose, and Hng Siew Hong.
Cattle Marketing Social Network among the Rural Native Community, Sarawak, Malaysia: A Qualitative Research
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Mahadeva, S, H Yadav, S Rampal, SM Everett, and K-L Goh.
Ethnic variation, epidemiological factors and quality of life impairment associated with dyspepsia in urban Malaysia
Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 31, no. 10 (2010): 1141-1151.
Mahadeva, Sanjiv, Hematram Yadav, Simon M Everett, and Khean-Lee Goh.
Economic impact of dyspepsia in rural and urban Malaysia: a population-based study
Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility 18, no. 1 (2012): 43-57.
Mahari, Madam Zarinah.
Demographic Transition in Malaysia: The Changing Roles of Women
15th Conference of Commonwealth Statisticians.
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Masron, Tarmiji, Usman Yaakub, and Fujimaki Masami.
Population Growth and Urbanisation in Peninsular Malaysia from 1911 to 2000
Masud, Jariah, Sharifah Azizah Haron, and Lucy Wamuyu Gikonyo.
Gender differences in income sources of the elderly in Peninsular Malaysia
Journal of Family and Economic Issues 29, no. 4 (2008): 623-633.
Mohamad, Maznah.
Ethnicity and inequality in Malaysia: A retrospect and a rethinking
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Mohd Sidik, Sherina, Gyanchand Rampal, Lekhraj Rampal, Hejar Abdul Rahman, Rozali Ahmad, and Mohd Yunus Abdullah.
Prevalence of urban poor and its health related factors in the state of Selangor, Malaysia.
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 7, no. 1 (2011): 17-25.
Mohdali, Raihana, Khadijah Isa, and Salwa Hana Yusoff.
The impact of threat of punishment on tax compliance and non-compliance attitudes in Malaysia
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Nagaraj, Shyamala, Tey Nai-Peng, Ng Chiu-Wan, Lee Kiong-Hock, and Jean Pala.
Counting Ethnicity in Malaysia: The Complexity of Measuring Diversity
Nai Peng, Tey.
Trends in delayed and non-marriage in Peninsular Malaysia
Asian Population Studies 3, no. 3 (2007): 243-261.
Nambiar, Mohana Kumari, and Subramaniam Govindasamy.
Documenting the languages of the Orang Asli of Malaysia: Some ethical concerns
Language & Communication 30, no. 3 (2010): 171-178.
Noor, Mat, Noorsidi Aizuddin, Chris Eves, Noor Faizah Abdul Mutalib, Wan Abd Aziz, and Wan Nor Azriyati.
Gated and Guarded Community (GACOS) in Malaysia: worth or not?
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ASEAN Economic Community and Climate Change
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Omar, Wan Rabiah Wan, Ian Patterson, and Shane Pegg.
Healthy Lifestyle: Promoting Walking Behaviourin Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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Ong, Fon Sim, and David R Phillips.
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Raghavan, Santhi, and Rajesh P Kumar.
The need for participation in open and distance education: The Open University Malaysia experience
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Ramli, Roszalina, Normastura Abdul Rahman, Roslan Abdul Rahman, Haizal Mohd Hussaini, and Abdul Latif Abdul Hamid.
A retrospective study of oral and maxillofacial injuries in Seremban Hospital, Malaysia
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Rampal, Sanjay, Sanjiv Mahadeva, Eliseo Guallar, Awang Bulgiba, Rosmawati Mohamed, Ramlee Rahmat, Mohamad Taha Arif, and Lekhraj Rampal.
Ethnic differences in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome: results from a multi-ethnic population-based survey in Malaysia
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Rashid, Mohd Fadzil Abdul, and Ishak Ab Ghani.
Analysing trend and distribution of migration in Klang Valley Region, Malaysia, by using Gini Index
Rashid, Mohd Fadzil Abdul, and Ishak Ab Ghani.
Measuring spatial migration focusing in Klang Valley, Malaysia
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Rowley, Chris, and Mhinder Bhopal.
The ethnic factor in state-labour relations: The case of Malaysia
Capital & Class 30, no. 1 (2006): 87-115.
Saleh, Ali Salman, and Nelson Oly Ndubisi.
An evaluation of SME development in Malaysia
International Review of Business Research Papers 2, no. 1 (2006): 1-14.
Samat, Narimah, Yasin Abdalla Eltayeb Elhadary, Fatimah Mahdi Hijles, Suriati Ghazali, and Morshidi Sirat.
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Saw, Seang-Mei, Pik-Pin Goh, Angela Cheng, Anoop Shankar, Donald TH Tan, and LB Ellwein.
Ethnicity-specific prevalences of refractive errors vary in Asian children in neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore
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Shariff, Anita Md, Wan Noor Hazlina Wan Jusoh, Norudin Mansor, and Kamaruzaman Jusoff.
A robust zakah system: Towards a progressive socio-economic development in Malaysia
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An introduction to the concept of vegetarianism among Hindus in Malaysia
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Nicotine & Tobacco Research 15, no. 2 (2012): 482-491.
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