Interviewer instructions
Questions 72 to 74 Applies to all persons Fifteen (15) Years Old and Over This section applies to all persons, fifteen years old and over. The main purpose is to distinguish between persons who have received, attempted or are now receiving special training in preparation for a specific type of job, as opposed to those who have not received any training at all. This information is used by the Employers and the Government to evaluate whether there are enough people with adequate education, training and job skills in particular areas of the work force. This is done with a view to developing training programmes to meet the changing needs of our work force. Students in Primary and Secondary Schools, Youth Development and Apprenticeship Centres, etc. pursuing specialized technical/craft courses as part of their general education should be probed to respond. You should probe especially for the Government Secondary Schools where it is now a regular part of the students' education to obtain training in some craft or trade such as masonry, carpentry, motor mechanics, welding etc.
Note: "Training can be practical or theoretical under an instructor to acquire a skill or capability to perform a task to some specified standard."
You are required to obtain from the respondent whether or not that person has completed, attempted or is now receiving any Special Training to fit him/her for employment.
If the respondent was trained or is now being trained in more than one field, then you are required to obtain from him/her the field which he/she considers the highest field of training that was received or is being received.
For example, some lawyers were trained also as economists. It is the respondent who will decide what he/she considers the highest field of training.
Note: The field (area) of training is defined for the 2001 Census as the broad subject matter area consisting of one or more courses or combination of courses sometimes commonly referred to as a programme of studies either completed or being pursued by persons to fit them for employment in a specialized job/occupation or general professional, administrative, managerial, technical occupation.
Respondents may have to be probed to indicate a university degree in Science as their preparatory training for an occupation in Engineering or Social Sciences for an administrative career.