Interviewer instructions
Obtain from the respondent what was his last pay period and shade the appropriate oval. Remember for those who do task jobs, try to see if a definite period could be given. Answers such as job, piece, daily should be avoided.
The Census is a major source of collecting income data for all persons and their families and households in St. Lucia. This Section seeks to obtain information on the amount of and distribution of income earned by households. Income can also be related to other characteristics of persons in households for example occupation, industry and level of educational attainment.
Census income data are widely used by Government to develop support programmes, public social assistance, welfare payments and social services. Income data are also used to identify specific geographic communities in need of assistance. Business enterprises also use income data to help market their products and target consumers to sell other goods and services produced. It is important to keep in mind that many persons are hesitant to tell others how much money they earn. You must therefore be tactful if you are to get the question answered correctly or willingly.
You may need to emphasize or explain that the information is required to work out average Income per individual for the entire country. Use the Income Flash Card provided by the Census Office. People generally are more forthcoming with answers to this question when the flash card is presented.. Record the code(s) that represent the income group(s) to which the individual belongs.
In some cases, the respondent may genuinely not be aware of the income of the other members. In cases like these, an effort must be made to obtain the information directly from the relevant member of the household. Perhaps an appointment can be made to meet the individual in question. This Section is applicable to all persons 15 years and over whether working or not and is intended to reflect the situation at the time of enumeration.