Interviewer instructions
This question is asked only for those households in which a member of the household owns the dwelling or squats as defined above. It is quite possible for the tenure of the land to be different from the tenure of the dwelling unit – for example, when a member of the household owns a house but pays land-rent; or when a member of the household has built (and therefore owns) a dwelling on squatted land. The categories are defined below:
1. Owned/Freehold In this type of tenure, the land is owned by a member of the household.
2. Leasehold The land is usually owned by the Government or some other authority or individual and is leased to a member of the household for a long period of time – e.g. 20 years, 99 years.
3. Rented Here the land is owned by another person or group of persons not of the household and an annual or monthly rental is paid to the owner.
4. Permission to Work Land In this category, the household does not own the land and pays no rent. The owner gives permission for the land to be used for a CENSUS May 2001 Interviewer’s Manual Page 44 specific reason (usually agricultural) and receives none of the yield.
5. Share Cropping The land is not owned by the household but is used for agricultural purposes. The owner receives part of the produce and or a percentage of the money from the sale of the produce as rent.
6. Squatted The land is used by the household without permission of the owner or any legal rights to the property.
7. Other Any other arrangements not included in categories 1-6 above.
8. Don’t Know/Not Stated To be used only if the householder (squatter) genuinely does not know the answer.