Interviewer instructions
Qs. 22 – 28 deal with water supply, toilet facilities, bathing facilities, lighting and fuel used for cooking –Public Utilities, which provide these services, have specifically asked for this information so that they may assess the distribution of supply.
If the household obtains water from more than one source, shade the appropriate oval relating to the main source, i.e. the one used most. The categories are:
1. Private, piped into dwelling refers to the water supply received by a household from a private source and piped into the dwelling. Such situations will occur, for example, where the household pumps water from a river or pond through pipes directly into the dwelling unit.
2. Private catchment not piped where the water supply to the household is from a private source and not piped into the dwelling.
3. Private catchment piped where the water supply to the household is from a private source piped into the dwelling unit. This option differs from 1. since the source, is in this case is owned by the household example a Water Tank owned by the
household from which water is piped into it is an example of this.
4.. Public, piped into dwelling This describes a situation where running water from a public source is piped directly to the dwelling unit.
5. Public, piped into yard In this case, the household receives running water from a public source through a pipe in the
yard or compound on which the dwelling stands.
6. Public standpipe Where water is available to the household from a standpipe in the street or elsewhere. 4, 5 and 6 representdifferent ways in which WASCO delivers water to the public.
7. Public applies when the water available to the dwelling unit is from a public well or tank.
8. Other i.e. any source other than those listed above e.g. river/stream. This response must be written.