Value |
Category |
Bank-the nearest |
Birth and Death registrat |
Charcos dam |
Community/Publicly owned |
Court (primary)-the neare |
Dip tank |
Distance to District Head |
Distance to Regional Head |
Government health centre |
Government hospital-the n |
Government primary school |
Government secondary scho |
Hide and skins bandas |
Market (daily) |
Market (weekly) |
Milk collection center |
Milling machine-the neare |
Mobile Money Agent Point |
Police station or post-th |
Post office-the nearest |
Pre-primary school or nur |
Primary market for Livest |
Private Primary school-th |
Private Secondary school- |
Private health centre or |
Private hospital-the near |
SACCOs-the nearest |
Slaughter slabs |
Veterinary centre/clinic |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.