Value |
Category |
1 |
2 |
Achali processing |
Agricultural |
Agricultural activities |
Agriculture |
Agriculture and livestock keeping |
Batik |
Batik Making |
Batik and loincloth making |
Batik making |
Bedcover knitting |
Bilimbi Processing |
Bite Processing |
Business |
Busket making |
Bussiness |
Butter processing |
Café |
Cake making |
Candle making |
Carving selling |
Carvings |
Carvings selling |
Cassava processing |
Cassava selling |
Catering |
Cereal manufacturing |
Chapati selling |
Chicken for meat |
Clay pot making |
Clothes and cosmetic shop |
Computer training Institution |
Crown making |
Decoration |
Embroidering |
Embroidering bedcovers and chair covers |
Enterprenuership |
Female saloon |
Fish frying |
Fish hawking |
Fish selling |
Fishing |
Flour processing |
Flour selling |
Food and drink selling |
Food processing |
Food saller |
Food selling |
Food service |
Food services |
Foods and drinks |
Frying fishes |
Garment Industry |
Garment tailoring |
Garments |
Grain manufacturing |
Gravel making |
Grosary |
Groundnut processing |
Hall decoration |
Halls decoration |
Handcraft |
Handcraft activities |
Handcraft products |
Hawking |
Home Furniture |
Home cover designing |
Human being medicine selling |
Juice processing |
Liquid soap making |
Livesctock keeping |
Livestock |
Livestock keeping |
Loincloth making |
Making and selling garments |
Mangopick and bilimbi processing |
Manufacturing |
Meat designing |
Metal making |
Mini supermarket |
Mnufacturing |
Nursery tress and vegetable garden |
Other bussiness services |
Peanut batter processing |
Pig keeping |
Poultrly keeping |
Poultry |
Poultry keeping |
Poultry keeping |
Processing |
Processing nutritions food |
Processing of Rosella and tea spices |
Processsing |
Retail Shop |
Retail shop |
Rosella making |
Saloon |
Self Bussiness |
Self Employment |
Self employment |
Selling |
Selling agricultural inputs |
Selling beers |
Selling bites |
Selling carvings |
Selling charcoal |
Selling chicken |
Selling clothes |
Selling drinks |
Selling electronic tools |
Selling female garments |
Selling fishes |
Selling flowers |
Selling food |
Selling local decoration |
Selling potatoes |
Selling precious metals |
Selling rice |
Selling rice buns |
Selling vegetable |
Selling vitenge |
Services |
Shop |
Shop selling drinks |
Shopkeeper |
Soap |
Soap making |
Soya milk manufacturing |
Spectacles cases |
Sweater kniting |
T-shirt printing |
Tailor |
Tailoring |
Tailoring and handcraft |
Tailoring; female garments |
Timber making |
Vegetable cultivation |
Water selling |
Wine and Chill source manufacturing |
Wine making |
Wreath making |
bar |
batik making |
boutique |
café |
catering |
embroidering and tailoring |
exercise books manufacturing |
fish processing |
fish selling |
flour processing |
food processing |
food selling |
hair dressing |
hall decorating |
hawking |
jobless |
livestock keeping |
manaufacturing |
manufacturing |
poultry keeping |
processing |
processing nutritious flour |
retail shop |
saloon |
selling animal medicines |
selling carving |
selling clothes |
selling flowers |
selling vitenge |
shoes manufacturing |
shop |
shop selling different decoration |
soap making |
spice making |
tailor |
tailoring |
tailoring and embroidering |
vegetable garden |
whole sale shop |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.