Value |
Category |
-99 |
Don’t know |
-96 |
Other (specify) |
2 |
Relative of spouse/partner |
3 |
Own relative |
4 |
Inheritance |
5 |
Neighbor |
6 |
Friend in Dar es Salaam |
7 |
Friend outside Dar es Salaam |
8 |
Someone from (NAME)’s home district |
9 |
Money lender |
10 |
Commercial Bank |
11 |
A saving and loan group |
12 |
Farmer group or cooperative |
13 |
14 |
Self-help group or SACCO |
15 |
Fataki |
16 |
Building society |
17 |
Insurance company |
18 |
Employer |
19 |
Business partner |
20 |
Business associate |
21 |
Employee |
22 |
Grocer/local merchant/trader |
23 |
Village leader, politician or elder |
24 |
Church or religious leader |
25 |
NGO or charity |
26 |
Government/Government institution |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.