Labour Force Survey 2010
Second Quarter
Name | Country code |
Thailand | THA |
Labor Force Survey [hh/lfs]
Labor force statistics have been compiled by the National Statistical Office since 1963 when the survey was initiated. During the year 1984-1997 three rounds of the survey for the whole kingdom were conducted each year. The first round enumeration is held in February coinciding with the non-agricultural season; the second round is normally held in May, in which month students who just finish their schooling enter into labour force; the third round is held in August, during the agricultural season. Commencing from the year 1998, another round of the survey in November has been conducted.
The main objective of this survey is to estimate the numbers and characteristics of the labor force in Thailand and in different regions periodically. The Labor Force Survey has been undertaken by the National Statistical Office since 1963. Beginning in 1971, two rounds of the survey for the whole kingdom had been conducted each year, the first round enumeration was held during January-March coinciding with the non-agricultural season and the second round during July-September coinciding with the agricultural season. From 1984-1997, the survey has been conducted 3 rounds a year. And since 1998, the fourth rounds of the survey for the whole kingdom has been conducted additionally. Since then, the Labor Force Survey has been undertaken 4 rounds a year; the first round in February, the second in May, the third and the fourth round in August and November respectively. The statistical data derived from this quarter of the survey include:
The number of persons in and out of the working age (15 years and over) by sex.
The number of working age population by labor force status, age, sex, marital status, educational attainment.
The number of employed persons by interesting characteristics such as age, sex, educational attainment, occupation, industry, work status, hours work.
The number of unemployed persons by interesting characteristics e.g. duration of searching for job, type of previous work.
NB: the LFS documented here contains data for all months of the year 2010. However, usually the LFS Q3 is taken as the standard for Thailand with reference to that year. The questionnaire attached refers to that of Q3, minus the module on informal employment.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Individuals 15 years old and above
The scope of the study includes:
Characteristic of Household Member.
Education (person 15 or above).
Employment (person 15 or above).
Wanting more work during the last 7 days before interview's date.
National Coverage.
Population resident in private and special households. Individuals ages 15 and over.
Name | Affiliation |
National Statistical Office of Thailand (NSO) | Ministry of Information and Communication Technology of Thailand |
Name |
Government of Thailand |
A Stratified Two - Stage Sampling was adopted for the survey. Bangkok Metropolis and provinces were constituted strata. The primary and secondary sampling units were blocks for municipal areas /villages for non - municipal areas and private households / persons in the special households respectively.
Bangkok Metropolis and provinces were constituted strata. There were altogether 76 strata. Each stratum was divided into two parts according to the type of local administration, namely municipal areas and non - municipal areas.
The sample selection of blocks / villages was performed separately and independently in each part by using probability proportional to size - total number of households. The total sample blocks /villages were 3,864 from 109,966 blocks / villages.
Private households were our ultimate sampling units. A new listing of private households was made for every sample block / village to serve as the sampling frame. In each sample block / village, a systematic sample of private households were selected with the following sample size:
Municipal areas: 15 sample households per block.
Non - municipal areas: 12 sample households per village.
Before selecting sample private households in each sample block / village, the list of private households was rearranged by household ' s size - member of the household.
All special households located within the sample areas were included in the sample and the persons in the special household were systematically selected for the interviewing.
Thailand Labour Force Survey questionnaire consists of five parts:
Part 1: Characteristic of Household Member.
Part 2: Education (Ask persons 15 years and over).
Part 3: Employment, ask persons 15 years and over.
Part 4: Wanting more work during the last 7 days before interview's date.
Part 5: Wage or salary (wage, supplementary benefits, and non-cash benefits)
Start | End |
2010-01 | 2010-12 |
Name | Affiliation |
National Statistical Office of Thailand | Ministry of Information and Communication Technology |
Labor force information for this quarterly survey, which was conducted during the 1st-12th of April-June 2010, was obtained through interviews with head or member of households of 4,800 households in the Bangkok, 48,960 households in other municipal areas and 34,920 households in non-municipal areas or a total of 83,880 households throughout the kingdom. Fourty four enumerators with previous experience in survey operations were employed in the Bangkok, while in the other provinces (changwats), the field staff comprised 830 enumerators.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
National Statistical Office of Thailand (NSO) | Ministry of Information and Communication Technology of Thailand | | |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
The Identification of the Primary Investigator
The title of the survey (including country, acronym and year of implementation)
The survey reference number
The source and date of download
National Statistical Office of Thailand. Thailand- Labour Force Survey 2010, Second Quarter. Ref.THA_2010_LFS-Q2_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from [URL] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
National Statistical Office of Thailand | Ministry of Information and Communication Technology | | |