Survey of Employment and Earnings 2000
Name | Country code |
Mauritius | MUS |
Enterprise Survey [en/oth]
Every year, in March, the Central Statistics Office (C.S.O) carries out a Survey of Employment and Earnings in 'large' establishments to obtain a continuous series of comparable data on the level of employment in these 'large' establishments.
The 'Survey of Employment and Earnings' is mainly carried out to obtain information on the level of employment and earnings in large establishments, i.e., those employing 10 or more persons.
The Questionnaires sought information on:
(i) Employment of Mauritians and foreigners as at the last Thursday of March 2000 (a particular point in time)
(ii) Employment & Earnings by sex & different Rates of Pay (Monthly, Daily/Piece/Hourly/Other Rates)
(iii) Salaries/Wages broken by basic pay, cost of living allowance, overtime pay, productivity bonuses, commissions, travelling & other allowances regularly paid at the end of the month, nonregular payments, end of year gratuities, retirement and severance allowances, arrears, etc.
(iv) Period covered for payment, number of working days or hours, number of man days or manhours, number of absences not paid, and number of overtimes worked.
Additional information is asked on:
(i) Employment & Earnings of foreigners and outworkers by sex
(ii) Job vacancies as at a particular date
(iii) Type of legal organization
Sample survey data [ssd]
Employment and Earnings: For the purpose of the survey, employees are classified into one of the following four specific categories, according to type of pay:
(i) monthly rate
(ii) daily rate
(iii) piece rate
(iv) hourly rate
Includes Islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues
District level
The 2000 survey covered only the following types of establishment:
(a) Agricultural establishments comprising:
(b) Non-agricultural establishments employing at least 10 persons during the reference month. It is to be noted that 'outworkers' are excluded.
Outworkers are piece-rate workers who, although remunerated by an establishment, work in their own homes on materials provided by the establishment.
(c) All central and local government departments.
Name | Affiliation |
Statistics Mauritius | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development |
Name | Role |
Government of Mauritius | Funding |
The reporting unit was the establishment employing 10 or more persons, defined for the survey as an economic unit engaged in one, or predominantly one, kind of economic activity for which separate figures of employment could be supplied.
The frame used for the survey is the list of employers which is continuously revised and updated based on information that become available through various sources. The mailing list of 5,630 establishments, which included 63 establishments in Rodrigues, was made up of:
(a) all the 2,509 establishments which, at the preceding round of the survey in March 1999, had been found to fall within the scope of the survey;
(b) 3,121 additional establishments which, according to available information, could fall within the scope of the survey.
It should be noted that this constitutes the frame of the survey. All establishments are included, and no selection is made, so that a questionnaire is sent to each of these establishments.
Of the 2,653 establishments which have been found to fall within the scope of the survey in March 2000, 55% responded, representing about 74% of total employment in such establishments.
The questionnaire consists of 7 sections:
(i) Section I: A General section which caters for information on the establishment on
(a) Name
(b) Address
(c) Main activity
(d) Specification on change in postal address or activity
(e) Description of annexes in the return
(f) Area under cultivation (for agricultural establishments only).
(ii) Sections II to VI: Caters for information on Employment and Earnings by different rates of pay for the month of March:
(a) Monthly
(b) Daily
(c) Piece rates
(d) Hourly rates
(e) Other rates.
Gross salaries/wages are subdivided into:
(a) Basic pay + cost of living Salaries/wages
(b) Overtime pays
(c) Productivity bonuses, commissions, travelling & other allowances regularly paid
(d) Payments which are not regular
(e) End of service gratuities, retirement & severance allowances and
(f) Arrears.
Period covered, No. of working days or hours, no. of absences not paid during pay period and No. of overtime hours worked are also asked.
General notes to clarify concepts on different types of payment, employees, man days, etc. are provided to facilitate the task of the respondent.
(iii) Section VII: Information is sought on:
(a) Employment & Earnings for Mauritians and Non-Mauritians paid for last Thursday of March
(b) Job vacancies as at last Thursday of March (List of types of required jobs by gender, wage offered and type of wage)
(c) Scheme of operation
Start | End |
2000-04-01 | 2000-05-15 |
Given that the Survey of Employment & Earnings has the end of March as its reporting period, fieldwork begins as from mid April to assist those establishments having difficulties to fill the questionnaires and also to followup the non-respondents.
Name | Affiliation |
Statistics Mauritius | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development |
Fieldwork was conducted for nonresponse to the survey. Statistical Officers were responsible to properly fill questionnaires after having contacted the respondents and the overall work was monitored by Supervisors or Senior Statistical Officers.
The questionnaires were mailed to some 6,800 establishments with the request that they be completed and returned by 16 April 2000.
Almost all establishments employing more than 100 persons (based on the previous survey), and who had not replied by end of April 2010 were visited by our staff.
Reference Period:
In Section I of the survey questionnaire, employers were asked to report on the total number of employees who were paid for the last Thursday of March 2000. This use of a specific date is necessary to avoid double counts, as employees may move from one establishment to another during any given period or may work for different employers on different days, as in the case of casual employees.
In Section II, employers had to report the number of employees on monthly rates of pay appearing on the payroll at the end of March 2000, and their corresponding earnings.
In Sections III and IV, employers were asked to state the number of employees who were on daily rates of pay and piece rates of pay respectively. They were also requested to supply the earnings and the number of man-days paid to these employees during the last payroll period in March 2000.
In Section V, they were asked to report the number of employees who were exclusively on hourly rates of pay, their corresponding earnings and the number of man-hours paid during the last payroll in March 2003.
It should be noted that the number of employees on the different types of rates of pay (Tables 2.13 and 2.14) do not necessarily add up to the total number of employees reported in Tables 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8 because they relate to periods and not to a specific date.
Data were checked for consistencies and queries made for clarification purpose. After editing, entries were made in FoxPro-based programs and tabulations were retrieved.
Trend from past series is used to monitor figures collected from the survey. Frame of new establishments is continuously being updated.
Name | Affiliation | URL |
Director | Statistics Mauritius | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | The confidentiality issue according to Statistics Act is respected. |
On request, anonymized data in conformity with the Statistics Act can be acceded.
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Head, Social Department | Statistics Mauritius | | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Statistics Mauritius | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development | Documentation of the study |
Version 02 (April 2019). The original documentation was downloaded from the Mauritius Microdata Catalog website (