Survey of Outgoing Tourists 2009
Name | Country code |
Mauritius | MUS |
The 2009 Survey of Outgoing Tourists was the thirteenth conducted by the Ministry of Tourism, Leisure and External Communications in collaboration with the Central Statistics Office. The first survey was organized in 1984 and since then, such study has been carried out every two years except for the last round (i.e. 2008) which was postponed to 2009.
The primary objective of the 2009 Survey of Outgoing Tourists was to obtain more comprehensive statistical information relating to tourists who visit the country from foreign countries. The data obtained supplement the basic tourism statistics already collected from administrative sources and serve to provide for better planning and marketing decisions. Moreover, the survey provides input for the elaboration of the Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA).
Sample survey data [ssd]
The data collected were obtained at the Sir Seewoosagur International Airport from departing tourists and covered the following items:
(a) the profile of the tourists (sex, age, occupation, purpose of visit, etc.)
(b) the spending pattern of the tourists
(c) appreciation of the tourism product as well as suggestions.
Topic |
Tourists |
National coverage
Departing tourists
Name | Affiliation |
Statistics Mauritius | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development |
Ministry of Tourism and Leisure |
Name | Role |
Ministry of Tourism and Leisure | Funding the study |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Civil Aviation Department | C.A.Dept. | Authorisation for acess to airport lounge for interviews |
No "a priori" sample design was established in the sense that the number of interviews to be conducted was not calculated on any pre-determined quota based on the country of residence or any other basic profiles of the tourist such as sex, age, purpose of visit or travel arrangement.
Interviews were conducted on a "first available" basis, that is tourists were approached for interview as they entered the departure lounge after check-in formalities, depending on the availability of the Interviewee. The Supervisor had to closely monitor the situation and ensure representativeness among all departing flights by later directing interviewers to those departing visitors who had not yet been interviewed.
In all, 15,881 interviews were conducted, covering 34,641 tourists. Thus, the number of tourists covered represented around 4% of total tourists visiting Mauritius for the year 2009.
Around 94% of departing tourists who were approached for interview responded positively. Those few who declined to co-operate could not do otherwise because of their late arrival for check-in formalities.
The questionnaire comprised four modules. Module A collected information on characteristics of respondents, purpose of visit, mode of travel, party size and length of stay. Details on expenditure and cost of travel were covered in Module B. Questions in Module C and D were intended to evaluate the stay of the tourists in the country and to record suggestions for improvement of tourist facilities.
To ensure that tourists from the major generating countries were adequately covered, the questionnaire originally in English and French, was translated into German, Italian, Spanish and Japanese.
Start | End |
2009-01-17 | 2009-01-30 |
2009-02-07 | 2009-02-20 |
2009-03-14 | 2009-03-27 |
2009-04-11 | 2009-04-23 |
2009-05-16 | 2009-05-29 |
2009-06-13 | 2009-06-26 |
2009-07-04 | 2009-07-17 |
2009-08-15 | 2009-08-18 |
2009-09-17 | 2009-09-30 |
2009-10-19 | 2009-11-01 |
2009-11-14 | 2009-11-27 |
2009-12-07 | 2009-12-20 |
Name | Affiliation |
Statistics Mauritius | Ministry of Finance and Economics Development |
Ministry of Tourism and Leisure |
A team of ten Interviewers, two Supervisors and a Senior Supervisor was responsible for the interview of departing tourists at the Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport. The field staff worked in two teams of five interviewers and a supervisor each. The target population was all departing tourists. Practically all departing flights were covered during the selected weeks.
The completed questionnaires were scrutinized on the spot by the two Supervisors for completeness and consistencies. Further editing and coding were performed at the Statistics Unit of the Ministry of Tourism, Leisure & External Communications.
The data were then captured and processed using the Integrated Microcomputer Processing System (IMPS) version 3.1, a statistical package developed by the US Bureau of Census.
The distribution of tourists covered by the survey is checked with the distribution of actual tourist arrivals by country of residence.
Total expenditure by tourist is compared with total tourism receipts compiled by the Bank of Mauritius.
Name | URL | |
Ministry of Tourism and Leisure | | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | Confidentiality from Statistics Act |
Public use files - anonymized datasets available upon request, fees to be determined.
Statistics Mauritius, Survey of Outgoing Tourist 2009, Version 1.2 of the public use dataset (September 2009).
The user of the data acknowledges that Statistics Mauritius and the Ministry of Tourism and Leisure bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
(c) 2009 Survey of Outgoing Tourists
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Head of Toursm Statistics Unit | Statistics Mauritius | | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Statistics Mauritius | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development | Documentation of the study |
Version 02 (April 2019). The original documentation was downloaded from the Mauritius Microdata Catalog website (