Data file |
Holding Identification Survey. Contents include: State, local govt. area, enumeration area, household number, serial no of this holding, master sample no, no of holders, gender, age in years, highest level of education, relationship to head, no of person in the farming household, no of farms, identification, and rasing factor.
Access To Land
Access to Land survey. Contents include: land tenure, type of rent, and agricultural systems used for export.
Access To Fund
Access to Fund survey. Contents include: Own funds, friends/relatives, community banks, bank interest rates, money lender, lender interest, credit institution, credit interest, credit in kind, credit interest, no of export crop farms, and funding sources for running agricultural export crop holding during this season.
Production survey. Contents include: crop code, number in local units, weight in local units, and production in kilograms.
Area survey. Contents include: new production(kg), crop identification, no of local unit, area in hectares, yield, and average yield.
Storage survey. Contents include: Implements used for ploughing, implements used for harvesting, source of ploughing implements, transportation used for farm produce, storage for farm produce, methods for preserving commodities, source for obtaining storage and processing facilities, type of processing facilities, and number of farm workers.
Employment survey. Contents include: Number of paid workers (male and female), number of unpaid workers (male and female), total days worked per week, age of workers, and total wages paid per day.
Market Channel
Market channel survey. Contents include: Where farm products are sold.
Farmgate survey. Contents include: quantity of farm products sold, weight in local unit, price per local unit, and local market value.
Annual Sales
Annual sales survey. Contents include: quantity of farm products sold, weight in local unit, price per local unit, and local market value.
Consumption survey. Contents include: quantity of consumption in local units, weight in local unit, and price per local unit.
Fertilizer survey. Contents include: use of fertilizer, number of farms using and not using fertilizer, number treated, number not treated, type of fertilizer, source of fertilizers, how far does you go to obtain the fertilizer, and reasons for not using fertilizer.
Pesticide survey. Contents include: Use of pesticides/insecticides/herbicides, No. Of farms, No. Treated, No. Not treated, Types, Quantity used, Cost in naira, sources of supply for pesticides/insecticides/herbicides, Distance to obtain pesticides, and reasons for not using pesticides/insecticides/herbicides.
Use of Improved Seedling/Seed survey. Contents include: type of seedling/seed used, no of farms treated and not treated, cost of seedling/seed.