Literal question
Against each crop listed record the code for the crop grown by the holder.
Code Name of Export Crop/Produce
3021 Cashew Fruit
3022 Cashew Nut
3061 Coffee (Arabica)
3062 Coffee (Robusta)
3041 Cocoa Pod
3042 Cocoa Beans
1051 Seed Cotton
1052 Cotton Lint
1053 Cotton Seed
2090 Garlic
1061 Groundnut (Unshelled)
1062 Groundnut (Shelled)
2100 Ginger
2110 Gum Arabic
3181 Fresh Fruits Bunch
3182 Fresh Nuts
3183 Palm Oil
3184 Palm Kernel
3231 Rubber Lumps
2040 Sesame Seed (Beniseed)
2210 Sheanuts
2230 Sugar cane
2240 Tea