Description |
The content of the questionnaire is divided in to nine sections:
Section 1 : Demographic Characteristics and Economic Activity: In the first section of this questionnaire , demographic characteristics of the household members such as relationship to the head of household, sex, age , disability status and religion were asked from all members of the household. The second part of this questionnaire deals with the current economic activities of the household members aged 10 years and above. Furthermore, this section also deals, whether a person is engaged in productive activity during the last seven days prior to the date of interview. In this part of the questionnaire, if the person is not engaged in any of productive activity, during the last seven days, the main reason for not engaging in productive activity was also asked.
Section 2: Education: It consists among others, school attendance, dropout, reason for dropout, and literacy status were asked from all members of the household aged 5 years and above.
Section 3: Health: In the first part of this questionnaire (from question 3103-3118), health conditions of all members of the household during the last two months were collected. While, In the second parts i.e . (from question 3119-3130), health information of the last 12 months was also collected from all members of the household.
Section4: Nutritional status, Child Care and Breast Feeding: Data on birth history and breast feeding of children under age of five years were collected throughout the year. In the current WMS survey, weight and height of a children aged 3-59 month were also studied.
Section5: Housing Standard and Amenities: In this section, the selected households were asked about their housing and kitchen standard, sanitation, source of drinking water, fuel and power facilities at the time of the survey, 12 months and 5 years before the survey. And information about consumption of a iodized salt during the survey period was also collected.
Section 6: Household's Living Condition Indicators: Consists of four main sections namely; food security indicators, status of crop production, main source of income and coping strategy of the household.
Section 7: Access, Utilization and Satisfaction of Basic Facilities/Services: This form is used to collect data from the households like distance to service facilities and extent of utilization of the facilities, reason for not using the closest service facility and question on access, utilization and satisfaction of basic facilities.
Section 8: Land and Dwellings Ownership Status, utilization of Land and Other: This section was administered at household level and consists of four main sections namely: dwelling and land ownership status, utilization of land not owned by the household and about fixed assets owned by the household.
Section 9: Harmful traditional practice: This form is used to collect data for children aged 0- 14 years about their harmful traditional practice such as, circumcision, cut of his/ her uvula and for ages less than two years particularly about milk teeth. |