KAP WASH 2019 in South Sudan's Ajuong Thok and Pamir Camps
Name | Country code |
South Sudan | SSD |
Demographic and Health Survey [hh/dhs]
A Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) survey was conducted in Ajuong Thok and Pamir Refugee Camps in October 2019 to determine the current Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) conditions as well as hygiene attitudes and practices within the households (HHs) surveyed. The assessment utilized a systematic random sampling method, and a total of 1,474 HHs (735 HHs in Ajuong Thok and 739 HHs in Pamir) were surveyed using mobile data collection (MDC) within a period of 21 days. Data was cleaned and analyzed in Excel. The summary of the results is presented in this report.
The findings show that the overall average number of liters of water per person per day was 23.4, in both Ajuong Thok and Pamir Camps, which was slightly higher than the recommended United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) minimum standard of at least 20 liters of water available per person per day. This is a slight improvement from the 21 liters reported the previous year. The average HH size was six people. Women comprised 83% of the surveyed respondents and males 17%. Almost all the respondents were refugees, constituting 99.5% (n=1,466). The refugees were aware of the key health and hygiene practices, possibly as a result of routine health and hygiene messages delivered to them by Samaritan´s Purse (SP) and other health partners. Most refugees had knowledge about keeping the water containers clean, washing hands during critical times, safe excreta disposal and disease prevention.
Sample survey data [ssd]
2.1: Edited, anonymous dataset for licensed distribution.
The survey includes the following topics:
Topic |
Health and Nutrition |
Health |
Water Sanitation Hygiene |
Domestic Needs/Household Support |
Basic Needs |
Elderly and Disabled |
Ajuong Thok and Pamir Refugee Camps
All households in Ajuong Thok and Pamir Refugee Camps
Name |
Samaritan's Purse |
Households were selected using systematic random sampling. Enumerators systematically walked through the camp block by block, row by row, in such a way as to pass each HH. Within blocks, enumerators started at one corner, then systematically used the sampling interval as they walked up and down each of the rows throughout the block, covering every block in Ajuong Thok and Pamir.
In each location, the first HH sampled in a block was generated using an Excel tool customized by UNHCR which generated a Random Start and Sampling Interval.
Sample weights for the household data were computed dividing, for each camp, the population by the sample size
The survey questionnaire used to collect the data consists of the following sections:
Start | End |
2019-11-01 | 2019-11-21 |
Name |
Samaritan's Purse |
The evaluation team consisted of both SP and UNHCR technical staff who provided overall oversight in the management and execution of the WASH KAP Survey. The overall lead was the SP National M&E Manager assisted by the M&E Training Coordinator, M&E Officer and project staff. In addition, project staff played a key role in communicating project related challenges, new interventions introduced based on previous recommendations and other contextual issues which needed to be considered during the evaluation. Overall oversight was provided by UNHCR to ensure that the evaluation was conducted in line with the UNHCR Standard Guidelines for WASH KAP Surveys.
Mobile Data Collection was used to collect the quantitative data using Apple iPad tablets fitted with the iFormBuilder software platform. All questionnaires were written in English, although the interviews were conducted in Arabic, the language most widely spoken by the respondents and participants. During training, question translation was mastered to ensure translation consistency among the enumerators. A questionnaire pretest was done with some HHs to ascertain that the enumerators had understood the questionnaires; any issues emerging were addressed.
Data collection occurred over a period of 18 days. Focus group discussions included both male and female members of AT and Pamir, involving at least 72 people (36 males and 36 females). The collected data was verified on a daily basis prior to data syncing onto the cloud server, and feedback was given to enumerators before beginning data collection the following day. Random spot checks were made on data that was synced and cleaned, to ensure consistency and accuracy before beginning analysis.
The data collected was uploaded to a server at the end of each day. IFormBuilder generated a Microsoft (MS) Excel spreadsheet dataset which was then cleaned and analyzed using MS Excel.
Given that SP is currently implementing a WASH program in Ajuong Thok and Pamir, the assessment data collected in these camps will not only serve as the endline for UNHCR 2018 programming but also as the baseline for 2019 programming.
Data was anonymized through decoding and local suppression.
United Nations Refugee Agency Microdata Library
Original Archive Study ID: UNCHR_SSD_2019_WASHKAP_ddi_v1.0
Cost: None
Name | Affiliation | |
The Curation Team | UNHCR | |
Patrick Okello | UNHCR | |
UNHCR (2019) KAP WASH 2019 in South Sudan's Ajuong Thok and Pamir Camps. UNHCR's Microdata Library:
Name |
Version 1 (April 2021). This version is identical to UNHCR DDI ID: UNCHR_SSD_2019_WASHKAP_ddi_v1.0 except the following edits were made: