Global Data Regulation Diagnostic Survey Dataset 2021
Name | Country code |
Afghanistan | AFG |
Angola | AGO |
Argentina | ARG |
Armenia | ARM |
Australia | AUS |
Bangladesh | BGD |
Benin | BEN |
Bolivia | BOL |
Brazil | BRA |
Burkina Faso | BFA |
Cambodia | KHM |
Cameroon | CMR |
Canada | CAN |
Chile | CHL |
China | CHN |
Colombia | COL |
Congo, Dem. Rep. | COD |
Côte d'Ivoire | CIV |
Dominican Republic | DOM |
Egypt, Arab Rep. | EGY |
Estonia | EST |
Ethiopia | ETH |
Gabon | GAB |
Gambia | GMB |
Georgia | GEO |
Ghana | GHA |
Haiti | HTI |
Honduras | HND |
India | IND |
Indonesia | IDN |
Iran, Islamic Rep. | IRN |
Iraq | IRQ |
Israel | ISR |
Jordan | JOR |
Kazakhstan | KAZ |
Kenya | KEN |
Korea, Rep. | KOR |
Kyrgyz Republic | KGZ |
Lao PDR | LAO |
Lebanon | LBN |
Liberia | LBR |
Madagascar | MDG |
Malawi | MWI |
Malaysia | MYS |
Mali | MLI |
Mauritius | MUS |
Mexico | MEX |
Moldova | MDV |
Morocco | MAR |
Myanmar | MMR |
Nepal | NPL |
Nicaragua | NIC |
Nigeria | NGA |
Oman | OMN |
Pakistan | PAK |
Papua New Guinea | PNG |
Peru | PER |
Philippines | PHL |
Qatar | QAT |
Russian Federation | RUS |
Rwanda | RWA |
Saudi Arabia | SAU |
Senegal | SEN |
Sierra Leone | SLE |
Singapore | SGP |
South Africa | ZAF |
Sri Lanka | LKA |
Tajikistan | TJK |
Tanzania | TZA |
Thailand | THA |
Togo | TGO |
Tunisia | TUN |
Turkiye | TUR |
Uganda | UGA |
Ukraine | UKR |
United Arab Emirates | ARE |
United Kingdom | GBR |
Uruguay | URY |
Uzbekistan | UZB |
Vietnam | VNM |
Administrative Records, Other (ad/oth]
The Global Data Regulation Diagnostic provides a comprehensive assessment of the quality of the data governance environment. Diagnostic results show that countries have put in greater effort in adopting enabler regulatory practices than in safeguard regulatory practices. However, for public intent data, enablers for private intent data, safeguards for personal and nonpersonal data, cybersecurity and cybercrime, as well as cross-border data flows. Across all these dimensions, no income group demonstrates advanced regulatory frameworks across all dimensions, indicating significant room for the regulatory development of both enablers and safeguards remains at an intermediate stage: 47 percent of enabler good practices and 41 percent of good safeguard practices are adopted across countries. Under the enabler and safeguard pillars, the diagnostic covers dimensions of e-commerce/e-transactions, enablers further improvement on data governance environment.
The Global Data Regulation Diagnostic is the first comprehensive assessment of laws and regulations on data governance. It covers enabler and safeguard regulatory practices in 80 countries providing indicators to assess and compare their performance. This Global Data Regulation Diagnostic develops objective and standardized indicators to measure the regulatory environment for the data economy across countries. The indicators aim to serve as a diagnostic tool so countries can assess and compare their performance vis-á-vis other countries. Understanding the gap with global regulatory good practices is a necessary first step for governments when identifying and prioritizing reforms.
Observation data/ratings [obs]
The scope of the study includes:
A. Safeguard rights in data flows and the (re)use of data
Personal data protection/privacy
2. Lawfulness
3. Exceptions to limitations on data collection, processing and transfer
4. Consent
5. Purpose limitation, proportionality, data minimization
6. Data quality
7. Accountability
8. Sensitive personal data
9. Storage limitations
10. Privacy by design
11. Limitations on data sharing
Intermediary liability
12. Definition of liability
13. Scope of liability
14. Due process
Individual rights
15. Right to be notified of a data breach
16. Right to access and review use of personal data
17. Right to challenge accuracy and to rectification of personal data
18. Right to withdraw consent to data processing
19. Right to deletion of personal data (“right to be forgotten”)
20. Automated decisions
21. Redress
22. Institutional arrangements to enforce personal data protection
Safeguards specific to non-personal data
23. Intellectual Property Rights
24. Net Neutrality
Cybersecurity and cybercrime
25. Data security
26. Internal adoption of cybersecurity standards
27. Cybercrime: criminalized activities
28. Cybersecurity infrastructure and enforcement agency (CERT)
Cross-border data flows
29. Data localization/local processing
30. Adequacy and mutual recognition arrangements
31. Regional integration and harmonization
B. Enable data transactions/flows and the (re)use of data
Restrictions on use/reuse of public sector data
48. Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and licensing of public sector data
49. Sharing-friendly license
50. Data archiving and Digital preservation
Use, reuse and sharing of private sector data
51. Data sharing regimes for private sector data
52. Role/mandate of antitrust authorities
53. Voluntary licensing of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) for private sector
54. Data-related codes of conduct
80 countries
Name |
World Bank |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Cheng Rong | World Bank Group | Primary Investigator |
David Satola | World Bank Group | Questionnaire Designer |
Adele Barzelay | World Bank Group | Questionnaire Designer |
Name |
United States Agency for International Development |
World Development Report 2021 |
The diagnostic is based on a detailed assessment of domestic laws, regulations, and administrative requirements in 80 countries selected to ensure a balanced coverage across income groups, regions, and different levels of digital technology development. Data are further verified through a detailed desk research of legal texts, reflecting the regulatory status of each country as of June 1, 2020.
The questionnaire comprises 37 questions designed to determine if a country has adopted good regulatory practice on data governance. The responses are then scored and assigned a normative interpretation. Related questions fall into seven clusters so that when the scores are averaged, each cluster provides an overall sense of how it performs in its corresponding regulatory and legal dimensions. These seven dimensions are: (1) E-commerce/e-transaction; (2) Enablers for public intent data; (3) Enablers for private intent data; (4) Safeguards for personal data; (5) Safeguards for nonpersonal data; (6) Cybersecurity and cybercrime; (7) Cross-border data transfers.
Start | End |
2020/03/1 | 2020/06/1 |
Name | Affiliation |
Aliaksandra Tyhrytskaya | World Bank Group |
Federico Cardenas Chacon | World Bank Group |
Lillyana Sophia Daza Jaller | World Bank Group |
New Doe Kaledzi | World Bank Group |
Nicolas Conserva | World Bank Group |
Paris Gkartzonikasm | World Bank Group |
Standard questionnaires are used to collect the data and are completed mainly by lawyers specializing in data governance and information and communication technology (ICT) providing a detailed desk review of legal texts as of June 1, 2020.
Name | Affiliation |
WDR 2021 Team | World Bank |
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Cheng Rong | World Bank | rchen5@worldbank.org | |
Microdata Library | World Bank | microdata.worldbank.org |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? |
yes |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
World Bank. World-Global Data Regulation Diagnostic (GDRD) Survey Dataset 2021. Ref: WLD_2020_GDRD_v01_M. Downloaded from [url] on [date]
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
(c) 2021, World Bank
Name | Affiliation | |
Rong Chen | World Bank Group | rchen5@worldbank.org |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Development Data Group | World Bank | Documentation of the Study |