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Showing 6001-6030 of 6675
Journal Article
Wakam, Jean.
Relations de genre, structures démographiques des ménages et scolarisation des jeunes au Cameroun
African Population Studies 17, no. 2 (2002): 1-22.
Journal Article
Ngomba, Armelle Viviane, Basile Kollo, André Fouda Bita, Fabrice Nembot Djouma, Jean Marie Edengue, Marie Josée Elongue, and Dieudonné Adiogo.
L’offre des services de vaccination en milieu urbain, au Cameroun: étude de cas du District de Santé de Djoungolo
The Pan African Medical Journal 25, no. 213 (2016).
Journal Article
Addo, NA, AE Yawson, AS Addo, BT Dornoo, and HNA Seneadza.
A review of national programme data on the HIV epidemic in Ghana: 2005-2010
Posgraduate Medical Journal of Ghana 3, no. 2 (2014): 73-81.
Working Paper
Piccolino, Giulia.
Democracy by IDs and fingerprints? The politics of voter registration and voter registration reform in West Africa
Journal Article
Sarkodie, Samuel Kwakye.
An Assessment of Malnutrition among Children in the New Juaben Municipality of Ghana: A Factor Analysis Approach
International Journal of Innovative Research and Development 3, no. 4 (2014): 376-380.
Thesis or Dissertation
Aduah-Kabah, Joseph Juayire.
Marriage Type and Children Ever Born Among Women in Ghana
Master of Arts, University of Ghana, 2014.
Journal Article
Sedziafa, Alice Pearl, Eric Y Tenkorang, and Adobea Y Owusu.
Kinship and intimate partner violence against married women in Ghana: A qualitative exploration
(2016) Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Journal Article
Asante, Kwaku Oppong, Joseph Osafo, and Paul N Doku.
The role of condom use self-efficacy on intended and actual condom use among university students in Ghana
Journal of Community Health 41, no. 1 (2016): 97-104.
Journal Article
Gasparinho, Carolina, Joao Piedade, Maria Clara Mirante, Cristina Mendes, Carlos Mayer, Susana Vaz Nery, Miguel Brito, and Claudia Istrate.
Characterization of rotavirus infection in children with acute gastroenteritis in Bengo province, Northwestern Angola, prior to vaccine introduction
PloS one 12, no. 4 (2017).
Journal Article
Josh, R, B Karibushi, D Mupfasoni, E Ruberanziza, V Mugisha, NA Umubyeyi, and E Semanyenzi.
Trachoma rapid assessment in Rwanda
East African Journal of Ophthalmology 15, no. 1 (2013): 11-17.
Working Paper
Langue-Menye, Gisèle, Evina Akam, and Paulette Beat Songue.
Communication et maîtrise de la fécondité: un mariage de raison
Reports from Union of African Population Studies , no. 38 (1999).
Journal Article
Bentil, Helena Joycelyn, Matilda Steiner-Asiedu, and Anna Lartey.
Comparison of the complementary feeding practices between mothers with twins and mothers with singletons
(2016) The Pan African Medical Journal.
Book Section
Weeks R, John.
Recapturing Space: New Middle-Range Theory in Spatial Demography
(2016) Demography Is an Inherently Spatial Science.
Book Section
Reyntjens, Filip.
L'Afrique des grands lacs: annuaire 2013/2014
(2014) Chronique politique du Rwanda, 2013-2014.
Journal Article
Dako-Gyeke, P, B Dornoo, Ayisi S Addo, M Atuahene, NA Addo, and AE Yawson.
Towards elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Ghana: an analysis of national programme data
International Journal for Equity in Health 15, no. 1 (2016): 5.
Journal Article
Takyi, Baffour K, and Enoch Lamptey.
Faith and marital violence in Sub-Saharan Africa: exploring the links between religious affiliation and intimate partner violence among women in Ghana
(2016) Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Journal Article
Badimsuguru, Adam Bukari, Kofi Mensah Nyarko, Edwin Andrew Afari, Samuel Oko Sackey, and Chrysantus Kubio.
Determinants of stillbirths in Northern Ghana: a case control study
The Pan African Medical Journal 25, no. Suppl 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Atipo-Tsiba, PW, AO Eballe, VA Dohvoma, S Ebana, IA Diomande, E Epee, G Noa, A Nomo, C Nomo, and Y Tapsoba.
The pathology of the eyelid at the University Hospital of Brazzaville: clinical and etiological aspects
East African Medical Journal 93, no. 9 (2016): 45-48.
Journal Article
Biltagy, Marwa.
Estimation of Gender Wage Differentials using Oaxaca Decomposition Technique
Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies 16, no. 1 (2014): 17-42.
Working Paper
Vecchione, Elisa, and Justin Parkhurst.
Evidence Advisory System Briefing Notes: Ghana
Journal Article
Sipsma, Heather, Angela Ofori-Atta, Maureen Canavan, Isaac Osei-Akoto, Christopher Udry, and Elizabeth H Bradley.
Poor mental health in Ghana: who is at risk?
(2013) BMC public health.
Journal Article
Asamoah, Alexander, Donne Kofi Ameme, Samuel Oko Sackey, Kofi Mensah Nyarko, and Edwin Andrew Afari.
Diarrhoea morbidity patterns in Central Region of Ghana
The Pan African Medical Journal 25, no. Suppl 1 (2016): 17.
Browne L, Joyce.
Improving maternal health in urban low resource settings
Journal Article
Peprah, Nana Yaw, Donne Kofi Ameme, Samuel Sackey, Kofi Mensah Nyarko, Akosua Gyasi, and Edwin Afari.
Pattern of diarrheal diseases in Atwima Nwabiagya District-Ghana, 2009-2013
The Pan African Medical Journal 25, no. Suppl 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Yaya, Sanni, Ghose Bishwajit, and Vaibhav Shah.
Wealth, education and urban-rural inequality and maternal healthcare service usage in Malawi
BMJ global health 1, no. 2 (2016).
Journal Article
Wayland, Joshua.
Constraints on aid effectiveness in the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector: evidence from Malawi
(2017) African Geographical Review.
Journal Article
Gourbin, Catherine, Guillaume Wunsch, Lorise Moreau, and Agnes Guillaume.
Direct and indirect path leading to contraceptive use in urban Africa: An application to Burkina Faso, Ghana, Morocco, Senegal
Revue Quetelet Journal 5, no. 1 (2017): 33-71.
Journal Article
Sween-Cadieux, Esther M, Christian Dagenais, Paul-André Somé, and Valéry Ridde.
Research dissemination workshops: observations and implications based on an experience in Burkina Faso
(2017) Health Research Policy and Systems.
Journal Article
Yaya, Sanni, Ghose Bishwajit, Michael Ekholuenetale, Vaibhav Shah, Bernard Kadio, and Ogochukwu Udenigwe.
Knowledge of prevention, cause, symptom and practices of malaria among women in Burkina Faso
PloS one 12, no. 7 (2017).
Journal Article
Vuvor, F, M Steiner-Asiedu, and FK Saalia.
The Ophthalmic status manifestations of nutritional and lifestyle disorders of men in a peri urban community in Ghana
Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences 6, no. 1 (2017): 1-7.
Showing 6001-6030 of 6675