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Showing 541-570 of 7309
Journal Article
Michaels-Igbokwe, Christine, Mylene Lagarde, John Cairns, and Fern Terris-Prestholt.
Designing a package of sexual and reproductive health and HIV outreach services to meet the heterogeneous preferences of young people in Malawi: results from a discrete choice experiment
Health Economics Review 5, no. 1 (2015): 9.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ali, Asif.
Financial Policies and Income and Wealth Inequality: A Kuznetsian Story of Financial Deepening and Human Capital Accumulation
Doctor of Philosophy, Ohio State University, 2012.
Journal Article
Clouston, Sean AP, Josh Yukich, and Phil Anglewicz.
Social inequalities in malaria knowledge, prevention and prevalence among children under 5 years old and women aged 15-49 in Madagascar
Malaria journal 14, no. 1 (2015).
Thesis or Dissertation
Atherly, Adam, and Michael E Thompson.
Affordability and Economic Burden of Assisted Reproductive Technology in Armenia
Master of Public Health, American University of Armenia, 2016.
Journal Article
Arif, Ahmed A, and Elizabeth F Racine.
Does longer duration of breastfeeding prevent childhood asthma in low-income families?
Journal of Asthma 54, no. 6 (2017): 1-6.
Journal Article
Rothenberg, Craig Michael.
Estimating The Incidence Of Japanese Encephalitis In Divisions Of Bangladesh
(2014) Public Health Theses.
Journal Article
Viet, L, A Husebekk, H Husum, and E Skjerve.
Stochastic model for estimating the risk of transfusion-transmitted hepatitis B in Vietnam
Transfusion Medicine 23, no. 6 (2013): 423-431.
Journal Article
Huy, Huynh Truong, and Walter Nonneman.
Economic effects of labor migration on agricultural production of farm households in the Mekong River Delta region of Vietnam
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 25, no. 1 (2016): 3-21.
Journal Article
Trotter A, Philipp.
Rural electrification, electrification inequality and democratic institutions in sub-Saharan Africa
(2016) Energy for Sustainable Development.
Thesis or Dissertation
David, Sabina Aishe-Oiwa.
An educational programme for fascilitating adolescent motherhood in Oshana region, Namibia.
Doctor in Nursing Science, University of Namibia, 2013.
Journal Article
Amadhila, Elina, Gert Van Rooy, Joan McVeigh, Hasheem Mannan, Malcolm MacLachlan, and Mutamad Amin.
Equity and core concepts of human rights in Namibian health policies
(2012) Africa Policy Journal.
Journal Article
Bochsler, Daniel.
The Nationalization Of Political Parties. A Triangle Model, Applied On The Central And Eastern European Countries
(2006) CEU Political Science Journal .
Working Paper
Freitas Belo, Abílio António.
Timor Leste government initiatives and civil society in contributing to the prevention of domestic violence
Thesis or Dissertation
Hastings, Casey Lucas.
The Role of Social Medicine in Filling the Gap in Human Resources in Health: The Cuba-Timor-Leste Health Program
Master of Public Health, University of Washington, 2013.
Journal Article
Tarimo, Edith AM, Joel M Francis, Deodatus Kakoko, Patricia Munseri, Muhammad Bakari, and Eric Sandstrom.
The perceptions on male circumcision as a preventive measure against HIV infection and considerations in scaling up of the services: a qualitative study among police officers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
BMC public health 12, no. 1 (2012).
Conference Paper
Daskalovski, Zhidas, and Dane Taleski.
The Independence of Kosovo and the Consolidation of Macedonia - A Reason to Worry?
16th Workshop of the Study Group ”Regional Stability in South East Europe” .
Journal Article
Sabit, Maureen, John D Ramos, Grecebio J Alejandro, and Carmen Galan.
Seasonal distribution of airborne pollen in Manila, Philippines, and the effect of meteorological factors to its daily concentrations
Aerobiologia 32, no. 3 (2016): 375-383.
Journal Article
Sanga, Samwel Alananga.
The Impact of Traditional House-type on Rental Values in Kinondoni Municipality Dar es Salaam Tanzania
Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research 12, no. 1 (2017): 7-37.
Working Paper
Maltha, Annemarieke.
Accelerating scale up of SMARTechs for water in Tanzania, using a market based approach
Journal Article
Samboko, Paul C, Mulako Kabisa, and Giles Henley.
Constraints to biofuel feedstock production expansion in Zambia
(2017) Development Southern Africa.
Journal Article
Fleischer, Nancy L, Paula Lozano, Edna A Santillán, Luz Reynales M Shigematsu, and James F Thrasher.
The impact of neighbourhood violence and social cohesion on smoking behaviours among a cohort of smokers in Mexico
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 69, no. 11 (2015).
Journal Article
Zohir, Sajjad.
Number of Microcredit Clients Crossing the US $1.25 a day Threshold during 1990-2008
(2010) Microcredit Summit campaign report. Online. Available at: www. microcreditsummit. org/uploads/fi1es/BangladeshfReportfFINAL. pdf (accessed April 14, 2012).
Book Section
Kgathi, Donald L, Barbara N Ngwenya, and Mogodisheng BM Sekhwela.
Bioenergy for Sustainable Development in Africa
(2012) Potential Impacts of Biofuel Development on Biodiversity in Chobe District, Botswana.
Journal Article
Mathangwane T, Joyce.
People’s perceptions of HIV/AIDS as portrayed by their labels of the disease: the case of Botswana
SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS 8, no. 4 (2011): 197-203.
Journal Article
Sadoh, AE, and AN Ofili.
Risk factors and clinical correlates of hepatitits B seroprevalence in Nigerian children
Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics 42, no. 4 (2015): 303-308.
Working Paper
Garba P, Kassey.
The effects of corruption on Nigeria’s agricultural and rural development
Journal Article
Willis, Brian, Saki Onda, and Hanni Marie Stoklosa.
Causes of maternal and child mortality among Cambodian sex workers and their children: a cross sectional study
BMC Public Health 16, no. 1 (2016): 1176.
Journal Article
Crane, Matt, Katie Oliver, Ines Silva, Akrachai Aksornneam, Taksin Artchawakom, and Colin T Strine.
A report of a Malayan Krait snake Bungarus candidus mortality as by-catch in a local fish trap from Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
Tropical Conservation Science 9, no. 1 (2016): 313-320.
Journal Article
Stanifer, John W, Joseph R Egger, Elizabeth L Turner, Nathan Thielman, and Uptal D Patel.
Neighborhood clustering of non-communicable diseases: results from a community-based study in Northern Tanzania
BMC Public Health 16, no. 1 (2016): 226.
Journal Article
Handa, Sudhanshu.
Gender, headship and intrahousehold resource allocation
World Development 22, no. 10 (1994): 1535-.
Showing 541-570 of 7309