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Showing 91-120 of 124
Ordaz, Juan Luis, Jorge Mora, Alicia Acosta, Braulio Serna Hidalgo, and Diana Ramirez.
Belize: effects of climate change on agriculture
Journal Article
Coelho, Raquel N, José Álvaro L Estramiana, and Alicia G Luque.
Juventud Alargada y Trabajo: Desafíos del Mundo Laboral en las Experiencias de Jóvenes Brasileños y Españoles
Revista Psicologia 14, no. 4 (2014): 417-427.
Journal Article
Ley Garcia, Judith, and Norma Alicia Fimbres Durazo.
La expansion de la ciudad de Mexicali: una aproximacion desde la vision de sus habitantes
Region y sociedad 23, no. 52 (2011): 209-238.
Thesis or Dissertation
Morales Larrea G, Alicia.
Plan de Marketing Social de la Empresa CELEC EP-HIDRONACIÓN en el Cantón El Empalme
Thesis, Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Vera Parraga, Alicia M, and Cristina G Montesdeoca Orozco.
Estudio de Déficit de Vivienda en los Barrios: Luz del Norte, Primavera y Comuna del Sector La Roldós
Thesis, Universidad Central del Ecuador, 2013.
Morales, Rafael Reyes G, Antonio Yunez Naude, Alicia Sylvia Gijon Cruz, and Rosa Reyes Martinez.
Impacto de las remesas internacionales en el desarrollo de las localidades expulsoras de poblacion en oaxaca, Mexico.
Journal Article
Robertson, Angela M, Gudelia M Rangel, Remedios Lozada, Alicia Vera, and Victoria D Ojeda.
Male injection drug users try new drugs following US deportation to Tijuana, Mexico
Drug and alcohol dependence 120, no. 1 (2012): 142-148.
Working Paper
Cabrera Núñez, Gonzalo, and Carmen Alicia Derat Rascón.
Acompañamiento profesional en la formación del licenciado en intervención educativa
Journal Article
Lopez-Mendez, Alicia, Celso Armeta-Lopez, Adolfo Dagoberto Armenta-Bojorquez, Hector Cirilo Fraga-Palomino, and Jaime Alberto Felix-Herran.
Localizacion de zonas aptas para la agricultura protegida en Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Agronomia mesoamericana 24, no. 2 (2013): 401-409.
Journal Article
Brouwer, Kimberly C, Melanie L Rusch, John R Weeks, Remedios Lozada, Alicia Vera, Carlos Magis-Rodriguez, and Steffanie A Strathdee.
Spatial epidemiology of HIV among injection drug users in Tijuana, Mexico
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102, no. 5 (2012): 1190-1199.
Journal Article
Ojeda, Victoria D, Jose Luis Burgos, Maria Gudelia Rangel, Remedios Lozada, and Alicia Vera.
US drug use and migration experiences of Mexican female sex workers who are injection drug users
Journal of health care for the poor and underserved 23, no. 4 (2012): 1733.
Journal Article
Nakayama, Lia, Susana Marioni, Alicia Lonac, and Adriana Maria Otero.
Interacciones y efectos sobre la sustentabilidad en el desarrollo local : San Martín de los Andes y Parque Nacional Lanín. Aportes y Transferencias
Journal Article
Garcia, Alicia, and Jaqueline Garcia-Yi.
Oportunidades de Bio-comercio y Preferencias de los Hogares por Atributos Diferenciados de Ajíes Nativos Sub-utilizados en “Lima Moderna”, Perú
Latin American Journal of Business Management 4, no. 1 (2013): 272-291.
Book Section
Fonseca Morales, Maria Alicia, and David Israel Gonzalez Valadez.
Temas selectos de turismo y sustentabilidad
(2015) Turismo rural, un nuevo impulso al desarrollo local de El Colomo, Nayarit.
Journal Article
Gonzalez-Fortezaa, Catalina, Alicia Edith Hermosillo Torreb, Maria Angeles Vacio-Murob, Robert Peraltac, and Fernando A Wagnerd.
Hospital Infantil de Mexico
Boletín Médico del Hospital Infantil de México 72, no. 2 (2015): 149-155.
Journal Article
Venkatachalam, Alicia J, A. G. R Price, S. Chandrasekara, and Sonali S Sellamuttu.
Risk Factors in Relation to Human Deaths and other Tsunami (2004) Impacts in Sri Lanka: The Fishers'-eye View
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 19, no. 1 (2009): 57-66.
Journal Article
Vredeveldt, Annelies, Colin G Tredoux, Alicia Nortje, Kate Kempen, Cheneal Puljevic, and Gerard N Labuschagne.
A field evaluation of the Eye-Closure Interview with witnesses of serious crimes.
Law and human behavior 39, no. 2 (2015): 189-197.
Working Paper
Ardington, Cally, David Lam, Murray Leibbrandt, and Alicia Menendez.
Fertility and mother's labour market behaviour: Evidence from the 2011 South African Census
(2015) Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, UCT, 2015.
Journal Article
Sherriff, Alicia, N Da Costa, A Engelbrecht, A Li, N Price, and Gina Joubert.
Prostate cancer profile and risk stratification of patients treated at Universitas Annex Department of Oncology, Bloemfontein, Free State, during 2008 to 2010
South African Family Practice 57, no. 4 (2015): 247-252.
Journal Article
Rojas, Graciela, Jorge Gaete, Isabel R González, Marcela Ortega, Alicia Figueroa, Rosemarie Fritsch, and Ricardo Araya.
Tabaquismo y salud mental
Revista médica de Chile 131, no. 8 (2003): 873-880.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chicaiza J, Alicia Campos.
Análisis de los factores que determinan la sostenibilidad y sustentabilidad de la economía social y solidaria para el cultivo y la comercialización de productos hortofrutícolas en los cantones Quito, Cayambe y Pedro Moncayo
Tesis de Pregrado, Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, 2013.
Journal Article
Jahns, Lisa, Lenore Arab, Alicia Carriquiry, and Barry M Popkin.
The use of external within-person variance estimates to adjust nutrient intake distributions over time and across populations
Public health nutrition 8, no. 1 (2005): 69-76.
Thesis or Dissertation
Esau, Charlene Alicia Gladys.
Prevention and management of occupational injuries at selected higher eduction institution in the Western Cape, South Africa
Master of Technology Occupational Health Nursing, the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2015.
Journal Article
Rivero-Romero, Alexis D, Ana I Moreno-Calles, Alejandro Casas, Alicia Castillo, and Andres Camou-Guerrero.
Traditional climate knowledge: a case study in a peasant community of Tlaxcala, Mexico
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine 12, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Ntsepe, Yoliswa, Leickness C Simbayi, Olive Shisana, Thomas Rehle, Musawenkosi Mabaso, Nolusindiso Ncitakalo, Alicia Davids, and Yogandra Dhee Naidoo.
Perceptions about the acceptability and prevalence of HIV testing and factors influencing them in different communities in South Africa
SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS 11, no. 1 (2014): 138-147.
Journal Article
Gago, Lucia Abbadie, Alicia Erro Irrazabal, Pablo Gatti Ballestero, Carlos Serra Rocchetti, and Bianca Vienni Baptista.
Reflexión sobre la profesionalización de la antropología en el Uruguay
Trama , no. 6 (2015).
Journal Article
Gomez, Maria Constanza Florez, and Alba Alicia Gonzalez Bobadilla.
Caracterización de la violencia intrafamiliar, maltrato infantil y abuso sexual en Bogotá D.C. durante el año 2011
Revista Teoria y Praxis Investigativa 8, no. 1 (2015): 74-91.
Journal Article
Marcelo-Correa, Andrea, Adriana Ordóñez-Vásquez, Alba Alicia Trespalacios, and Fernando Suarez-Obando.
Inhibition of Erwinia chrysanthemi growth to different concentrations of folic acid: possible use of folic acid as bacteriostatic agent and fortifying of Solanum tuberosum potato
Universidad y Salud 19, no. 1 (2017): 140-148.
Journal Article
McCarthy, Katharine J, Sandra Braganza, Kevin Fiori, Christophe Gbeleou, Vivien Kpakpo, Andrew Lopez, Jennifer Schechter, Alicia Singham Goodwin, and Heidi E Jones.
Identifying inequities in maternal and child health through risk stratification to inform health systems strengthening in Northern Togo
PloS one 12, no. 3 (2017).
Journal Article
Bazile, Junior, Jonas Rigodon, Leslie Berman, Vanessa M Boulanger, Emily Maistrellis, Pilira Kausiwa, and Alicia Ely Yamin.
Intergenerational impacts of maternal mortality: Qualitative findings from rural Malawi
Reproductive Health 12, no. 1 (2015): S1.
Showing 91-120 of 124