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Thesis or Dissertation
Andrade Homberger M, Samuel. "Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa de asesoramiento gastronómico–ambiental." Bachelor Thesis, Universidad De Las Américas, 2016.
Journal Article
García, Victoria Eugenia Cabrera, Juan Carlos Cuervo Rios, Zoraida Martínez Castro, and Miguel Angel Cabrera Campos. "Estrategias de afrontamiento frente al divorcio en personas de las Fuerzas Militares de Colombia." Revista Científica General José María Córdova, Bogotá, Colombia 14, no. 17 (2016): 129-148.
Journal Article
Cabrera Garcia, Victoria Eugenia, Juan Carlos Cuervo Rios, Zoraida Martinez Castro, and Miguel Angel Cabrera Campos. "Confrontation strategies against divorce in people of the Military Forces of Colombia." (2016) Revista Científica General José María Córdova.
Thesis or Dissertation
Martínez D, Julián Gómez. "Consumo de oferta cultural institucional y participación política en los jóvenes de Medellín." Título de sociólogo, Universidad De Antioquia, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sanchez Acero, Marisol. "Los estilos de crianza de las familias como estrategia de apoyo en el desempeño escolar de los estudiantes del ciclo II del I.E.D Restrepo Millán Sede B.." Maestría en Educación con énfasis en Psicología Educativa, Universidad Libre, 2016.
Journal Article
Cordera Campos, Rolando. "Globalización en crisis; por un desarrollo sostenible." Journal of Economic Literature 14, no. 40 (2017).
Journal Article
Campos-Morán, Saúl E, Paola M Navarrete, and Carlos F Osegueda. "Imaginario colectivo, movimientos juveniles y cultura ciudadana juvenil en El Salvador: análisis de percepción de derechos." Entorno , no. 59 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Arce H, Mercedes. "Medición de la Paz, con Enfoque Basado en Derechos Humanos, como Responsabilidad del Estado Mexicano." Maestría, Instituto Tecnológico Y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey, 2016.
Journal Article
Velasco, Araceli U, and Pablo Chauca M Malásquez. "Reflexiones en torno a la reconceptualización de la seguridad desde la perspectiva del desarrollo y la sustentabilidad." Economia y Sociedad , no. 33 (2016).
Journal Article
Gier, Brechje, Maiza Campos Ponce, Marlene Perignon, Marion Fiorentino, Kuong Khov, Chhoun Chamnan, Michiel R Boer, Megan E Parker, Kurt Burja, and Marjoleine A Dijkhuizen. "Micronutrient-fortified rice can increase hookworm infection risk: a cluster randomized trial." PloS one 11, no. 1 (2016): e0145351.
Conference Paper
Rios, Ana, Gerald Shively, and William Masters. "Farm productivity and household market participation: evidence from LSMS data." 2009.
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Working Paper
Valdés, Alberto, William Foster, Gustavo Anríquez, Carlo Azzarri, Katia Covarrubias, Benjamin Davis, Stefania DiGiuseppe, Tim Essam, Tom Hertz, Ana P de la O, Esteban Quiñones, Kostas Stamoulis, Paul Winters, and Alberto Zezza. "A profile of the rural poor." (2010) Background Paper for IFAD Rural Poverty Report 2010.
Journal Article
Ibanez, Ana Maria, Kathy Lindert, and Michael Woolcock. "Social capital in Guatemala: a mixed methods analysis." (2002) Technical Background Paper.
Working Paper
Arriagada, Ana-Maria. "The effect of job training on Peruvian women's employment and wages." (1989) Education and Employment.
Working Paper
Arriagada, Ana-Maria. "Occupational training among Peruvian men: does it make a difference?." (1989) Education and Employment.
Journal Article
Goldani, Ana Maria. "Gender relations and fertility in Northeastern Brazil." (1999) Brazilian Journal of Population Studies.
Conference Paper
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Aguilar, Ana Maria, Ruth Alvarado, Dilberth Cordero, Patrick Kelly, Adalid Zamora, and René Salgado. Mortality survey in Bolivia: the final report: Investigating and identifying the causes of death for children under five. Arlington, USA: BASICS, 1998.
Conference Paper
Morales, Rolando, Ana Maria Aguilar, and Alvaro Calzadilla. "The impact of mother’s anthropometrics and geography on undernutrition in Bolivia." Prepared for presentation of the second drafts on Child Health, Poverty and the Role of Social Policies papers, ResNetworks, IADB. Washington, DC, USA, February, 2004.
Journal Article
Liberato, Ana S, Carlton Pomeroy, and Dana Fennell. "Well-being outcomes in Bolivia: Accounting for the effects of ethnicity and regional location." Social indicators research 76, no. 2 (2006): 233-262.
Journal Article
Lauer, Jeremy A, Ana P Betrán, Cesar G Victora, Mercedes de Onis, and Aluísio J Barros. "Breastfeeding patterns and exposure to suboptimal breastfeeding among children in developing countries: review and analysis of nationally representative surveys." BMC medicine 2, no. 1 (2004): 26.
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Journal Article
Custodio, Estefania, Miguel A Descalzo, Jesus Roche, Ignacio Sanchez, Laura Molina, Magdalena Lwanga, Cristina Bernis, Eduardo Villamor, and Ana Baylin. "Nutritional status and its correlates in Equatorial Guinean preschool children: results from a nationally representative survey." Food & Nutrition Bulletin 29, no. 1 (2008): 49-58.
Thesis or Dissertation
Passos F, Ana. "A comparative analysis of teacher competence and its effect on pupil performance in upper primary schools in Mozambique and other Sacmeq countries." PhD Policy Studies, University of Pretoria, South Africa, 2009.
Passos, Ana, Trindale Nahara, Flavio Magaia, and Carlos Lauchande. The SACMEQ II Project in Mozambique: A study of the conditions of schooling and the quality of education. Harare, Zimbabwe: SACMEQ, 2005.
Journal Article
Laberiano Fernández, Caddie, Ana Maria Salinas, Miguel Palacios, and Ciro Maguiña Vargas. "Rol de la mujer médica: A propósito del Día Internacional de la Mujer." Acta Médica Peruana 29, no. 1 (2012): 12-13.
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