
Showing 1-30 of 375
Working Paper
Minten, Bart, Christopher Barrett, Claude Randrianarisoa , Zazá Randriamiarana, and Tiaray Razafimanantena. "Riz et pauvreté à Madagascar." Africa Region Working Paper , no. 102 (2006).
Journal Article
Minten, Bart, Jean-Claude Randrianarisoa, and Christopher B Barrett. "Productivity in Malagasy rice systems: wealth-differentiated constraints and priorities." Agricultural Economics 37, no. s1 (2007): 225-237.
Working Paper
Randrianarisoa, Claude, and Christopher B. Minten. "Getting the inputs right for improved agricultural productivity in Madagascar: which inputs matter and are the poor different." (2005) Strategies and Analysis for Growth and Access project (SAGA).
Reardon, Thomas, Kevin Chen, Bart Minten, and Lourdes Adriano. The quiet revolution in staple food value chains. Mandaluyong City, Phillipines: Asian Development Bank, 2012.
Working Paper
Chérel-Robson, Milasoa, and Bart Minten. "Risques, production agricole et pauvreté à Madagascar." (2003) Centre National de la Recherche Appliquée au Développement Rural; Conférence "Agriculture et pauvreté" 20 mars 2003, Antananarivo.
Minten, Bart, Jean-Claaude Randrianarisoa, and Lalaina Randrianarison. Agriculture, pauvreté rurale et politiques économiques à Madagascar. : Cornell Food and Nutrition Policy Program, 2003.
Working Paper
Minten, Bart, A. M. Shafiqul Z Alam, Uttam K Deb, Akhtaruz Zaman K Kabir, David Laborde, Mohammed Hassanullah, and K. S. A Murshid. "Agricultural Marketing, Price Stabilization, Value Chains, and Global/Regional Trade." (2010) Bangladesh Food Security Investment Forum.
Journal Article
Zeller, Manfred, Cecile Lapenu, Bart Minten, Eliane Ralison, Desire Randrianaivo, and Claude Randrinarisoa. "Pathways of rural development in Madagascar: An empirical investigation of the critical triangle between environmental sustainability, economic growth and poverty alleviation." Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 38, no. 2 (1999): 105-127.
Book Section
Zeller, Manfred, Cecile Lapenu, Bart Minten, Eliane Ralison, Desire Randrianaivo, and Jean-Claude Randrianarisoa. "Emerging Financial Markets In The Global Economy." (2000) Linkages between rural financial markets, poverty alleviation and conservation of soils and forests: the case of Madagascar.
Yimer, Feiruz, Bart Minten, Kalle Hirvonen, and Fantu Nisrane Bachewe. The rising costs of nutritious foods in Ethiopia. : Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2017.
Bachewe, Fantu Nisrane, Bart Minten, and Feiruz Yimer. The rising costs of animal-source foods in Ethiopia: Evidence and implications. : Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2017.
Working Paper
Minten, Bart, Paul Dorosh, Marie-Hélène Dabat, Olivier Jenn-Treyer, John Magnay, and Ziva Razafintsalama. "Rice markets in Madagascar in disarray: Policy options for increased efficiency and price stabilization." Africa Region Working Paper Series , no. 101 (2013).
Working Paper
Minten, Bart, and Rolland Razafindraibe. "Relations terres agricoles - pauvreté à Madagascar." (2003) ILO Programme; Centre National de la Recherche Appliquée au Développement Rural; Conférence "Agriculture et pauvreté".
Working Paper
Minten, Bart, and Lalaina Randrianarison. "Etude sur la formation des prix du riz local à Madagascar." (2003) ILO Programme; Centre National de la Recherche Appliquée au Développement Rural; Conférence "Agriculture et pauvreté".
Working Paper
Randrianarisoa, Jean-Claude, and Bart Minten. "Accessibilité et utilisation des engrais chimiques à Madagascar." (2003) Centre National de la Recherche Appliquée au Développement Rural; Conférence "Agriculture et pauvreté".
Journal Article
Jacoby, Hanan G., and Bart Minten. "Is land titling in Sub-Saharan Africa cost-effective? Evidence from Madagascar." The World Bank Economic Review 21, no. 3 (2007): 461-485.
Working Paper
Randrianarisoa, Jean-Claude. "Analyse spatiale de la production rizicole malgache." (2003) Centre National de la Recherche Appliquée au Développement Rural; Conférence "Agriculture et pauvreté".
Working Paper
Stifel, David, Bart Minten, and Lalaina Randrianarison. "Eloignement, routes, agriculture et pauvreté." (2003) Centre National de la Recherche Appliquée au Développement Rural; Conférence "Agriculture et pauvreté".
Working Paper
Dorosh, Paul, and Bart Minten. "Rice Price Stabilization in Madagascar: Price and Welfare Implications of Variable Tariffs." (2005) Strategies and Analysis for Growth and Access (SAGA) ; project of the Cornell and Clark Atlanta Universities,.
Journal Article
Coady, David, Paul Dorosh, and Bart Minten. "Evaluating alternative policy responses to higher world food prices: The case of increasing rice prices in Madagascar." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91, no. 3 (2009): 711-722.
Minten, Bart, David Stifel, and Seneshaw Tamru. Structural transformation in Ethiopia: Evidence from cereal markets. 2012.
Working Paper
Nakasone, Eduardo, Maximo Torero, and Bart Minten. "The Power of Information: The ICT Revolution in Agricultural Development “Power of Information”."
Working Paper
Minten, Bart, Anneleen Vandeplas, Yashodhan Ghorpade, and Johan Swinnen. "Horticulture Wholesale Trade and Governance in India Evidence from Uttarakhand." Journal of South Asian Development 5, no. 1 (2010): 113-136.
Minten, Bart, Thomas Reardon, K M Singh, and Rajib Sutradhar. The benefit of cold storages: Evidence from Bihar. 2010.
Working Paper
Minten, Bart, Seneshaw Tamru, Ermias Engida, and Tadesse Kuma. "Ethiopia's value chain on the move: the case of Teff." ESSP WP , no. 52 (2013).
Working Paper
Randrianarisoa, Jean C, and Bart Minten. "Agricultural Production, Agricultural Land and Rural Poverty in Madagascar." (2001)
Working Paper
Francken, Nathalie, Bart Minten, and Johan M. F Swinnen. "The Impact of Media and Monotoring on Corruptin in Decentralized Public Programs: Evidence from Madagascar." LICOS Discussion Paper , no. 155 (2006).
Thesis or Dissertation
Bensalk, Sana. "Les modes d’organisation de la production des firmes etrangeres et leurs impacts sur les economies agricoles locales: le cas du secteur maraicher au Maroc." Docteur en Sciences Economiques , Universite de Toulouse, 2013.
Journal Article
Francken, Nathalie, Bart Minten, and Johan M. F Swinnen. "The Political Economy of Relief Aid Allocation: Evidence from Madagascar." LICOS Discussion Paper Series , no. 237 (2009).
Bachewe, F, Guush Berhane, Bart Minten, and Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse. Agricultural growth in Ethiopia (2004-2014): Evidence and drivers. 2015.
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