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Showing 91-120 of 399
Journal Article
Condeza, Ana Rayen, Gabriel Bastias, Gonzalo Valdivia, Consuelo Cheix, Ximena Barrios, Rodrigo Rojas, Myrna Galvez, and Francisco Fernandez.
Adultos mayores en Chile: descripcion de sus necesidades en comunicacion en salud preventiva
Cuadernos. info , no. 38 (2016).
Journal Article
Hoffman, Daniel, Thomas Cacciola, Pamela Barrios, and James Simon.
Temporal changes and determinants of childhood nutritional status in Kenya and Zambia
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 36, no. 1 (2017): 27.
Book Section
Anarfi, John K, and Clara Korkor Fayorsey.
Fertility and the male life-cycle in the era of fertility decline
(2004) Male Protagonists in the'Commercialization'of Aspects of the Female Life-Cycle in Ghana.
Journal Article
Cohen, Clara K, David E Horlacher, and F L MacKellar.
Is urbanization good for a nation’s health?
Journal Article
Ogendi, George M, and Isaac M Ong'oa.
Water Policy, Accessibility and Water Ethics in Kenya
Santa Clara Journal of International Law 7, no. 1 (2009): 0-0.
Working Paper
Wang, Wenjuan, Soumya Alva, Rebecca Winter, and Clara Burgert.
Contextual Influences of Modern Contraceptive Use among Rural Women in Rwanda and Nepal
(2013) DHS Analytical Studies No. 41 .
Thesis or Dissertation
Burgert, Clara R, Sarah EK Bradley, and Erin Eckert.
Socio-Demographic Determinants of Anaemia and Nutritional Status in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda and Malawi
Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University Of Southampton , 2013.
Working Paper
Ramírez, Clemencia, Marcela Zuluaga, and Clara Perilla.
Perfil Migratorio de Colombia 2012 OIM - COLOMBIA
Working Paper
Pravitasari, Clara Lestari S, and Mirza A Izati.
Is the Government Taking the Most Effective Approach to Confront Child Poverty?
Working Paper
Osei-Boateng, Clara, and Edward Ampratwum.
The informal sector in Ghana
Journal Article
Unda-Gutierrez, Monica, and Ignacio Roman-Morales.
Dos decadas de liberalizacion economica. Planes, politicas y resultados
Revista Renglones , no. 47 (2000).
Journal Article
Cruz E, Clara Salazar.
La relacion poblacion-recursos en la periferia urbana. Una experiencia teorico-metodologica
Estudios Demograficos y Urbanos , no. 45 (2000).
Thesis or Dissertation
Fernandes G, Clara Campos.
Avaliação da Doença do Refluxo Gastroesofágico por Meio de Phmetria Esofágica em Crianças e Adolescentes Portadores de Asma
Mestre, Universidade de Brasilia, 2011.
Dávila, Brenda Cano M, Victoria Mogollón, Carlos W Krenmayr, Ricardo Zepeda, Clara García L Gómez, Ronnie Palacios D Mérida, and Rocio García.
Informe Alternativo del Derecho a la Alimentación en Guatemala: Monitoreo de las Directrices Voluntarias para el Derecho a la Alimentación 2013
Journal Article
Idris, Hadiza, Cecilia Tyoden, Clara Ejembi, and Kelly Taylor.
Estimation of maternal mortality using the indirect sisterhood method in three communities in Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
African Journal of Reproductive Health 14, no. 3 (2010): 77-81.
Journal Article
Shittu, Oladapo, Clara Ejembi, Sunday Adaji, Mohammed Abdul, Suleiman Idris, Binta Abdulkarim, Mairo Mandara, Ndola Prata, Daniel Perlman, and Friday Okonofua.
The current state of reproductive health in rural northern Nigeria in the context of the pursuit of the MDGs: Perspectives from a community-based research training program
African Journal of Reproductive Health 14, no. 3s1 (2010): 15-18.
Journal Article
Aarts, Clara, Elizabeth Kylberg, Agneta Hörnel, Yngve Hofvander, Mehari Gebre-Medhin, and Ted Greiner.
How exclusive is exclusive breastfeeding? A comparison of data since birth with current status data
International Journal of Epidemiology 29, no. 6 (2000): 1041-1046.
Journal Article
Skiles, Martha P, Clara R Burgert, Siân L Curtis, and John Spencer.
Geographically Linking Population and Facility Surveys: Methodological Considerations
Population Health Metrics 11, no. 14 (2013).
Thesis or Dissertation
Hiraldo Trejo, Reyna.
Uso educativo de internet en las instituciones de educación superior de la provincia de Santiago de los Caballeros, de la República Dominicana
Tesis del Doctorado en Educación, 2013.
Journal Article
Burgert, Clara R, Sarah EK Bradley, and Erin Eckert.
Improving Estimates of Insecticide-Treated Mosquito Net Coverage from Household Surveys: Using Geographic Coordinates to Account for Endemicity and Seasonality
(2012) DHS Analytical Studies.
Thesis or Dissertation
Urupeque Garcia, Myleidy Eufemia.
Perspectivas de las enfermeras frente a los métodos de regulación de la natalidad en el centro de salud Miguel Custodio Pisfil Monsefú–Chiclayo, 2012
Tesis para optar el título de: Licenciado en enfermería , Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, 2014.
Journal Article
Boene, Helena, Raquel González, Anifa Anifa Valá, Maria Ruperez, Cesar Velasco, Sonia Machevo, Charfudin Sacoor, Esperança Sevene, Eusebio Macete, and Clara Menendez.
Perceptions of Malaria in Pregnancy and Acceptability of Preventive Interventions among Mozambican Pregnant Women: Implications for Effectiveness of Malaria Control in Pregnancy
PloS One 9, no. 2 (2014).
Working Paper
Carrasco, Brenda, Rocío Peinador, and Ricardo Aparicio.
La Escala Mexicana de Seguridad Alimentaria en la ENIGH: evidencias de la relación entre la inseguridad alimentaria y la calidad de la dieta en hogares mexicanos
Working Paper
Otoo, Kwabena Nyarko, Clara Osei-Boateng, and Prince Asafu-Adjaye.
The labour market in Ghana
Working Paper
Ramos, Lauro, and Valéria Ferreira.
Padrões Espacial e Setorial da Evolução da Informalidade no Brasil — 1991-2003
Conference Paper
Lima, Marcos V, Carla K Marques, Rommel Lima, José O Chaves, Thiago T Da Silva, and Karl Ferreira.
MCD-TV: Aprendizagem Significativa com Objeto de Aprendizagem OBA-MC na TV Digital
ESUD 2013 – X Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino Superior a Distância Belém/PA.
Junho 11-13, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gaitán Marín, Yezid.
La utopía de la soberanía popular “Reflexiones sobre la efectividad del Referendo Constitucional de Iniciativa Popular”
Magister en Derecho, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2014.
Journal Article
Lima, Marcos Andrade V, Carla Monteiro K Marques, Rommel W Lima, José Mesquita O Chaves, Karl A Ferreira, and Thiago R Da Silva.
Disponibilizando Objeto de Aprendizagem OBA-MC e seus Recursos na TV Digital com Web Service
Conferencias LACLO 4, no. 1 (2013).
Thesis or Dissertation
Aramendiz Bohórquez, Katherine, and Clara Lilian Burgoa Bozo.
Plan de negocios Alba & Kathe "Tejido para todos"
Especialista en Gerencia de Servicios , Universidad EAN, 2013.
Working Paper
De Carvalho, Antonio O, Flavio Hourneaux Junior, Ivano Ribeiro, and Renato F Cintra.
Indicadores de Desempenho em Projetos Sociais: Uma Reflexão Sobre o Uso de Indicadores Financeiros
Showing 91-120 of 399