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Showing 1381-1410 of 8732
Odhiambo, Ojijo, and Emmanuel Ziramba.
Mobilising Domestic Resources for Development Financing in Namibia? Constraints and Opportunities
Journal Article
Hamid, Abdul, Naeem Akram, and Muhammad Shafiq.
Inter and Intra Provincial Educational Disparities in Pakistan.
Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS) 33, no. 2 (2013): 447-462.
Working Paper
Vidanapathirana, Upali.
Emerging income inequality and widening economic divide: The case of Sri Lanka 1977-2006
Journal Article
Clarke, Matthew.
A qualitative analysis of chronic poverty and poverty reduction strategies in Solomon Islands
(2008) Background paper for The Chronic Poverty Report.
Journal Article
Delalic, Adela.
Multidimensional aspects of poverty in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ekonomska istrazivanja 25, no. 1 (2012): 212-222.
Girishankar, Navin, David DeGroot, Raj Desai, Susan Stout, and Clay Wescott.
Cambodia: World Bank Country-Level Engagement on Governance and Anticorruption
Journal Article
Putra, Doddy D, and Irma Lelawati.
Study of Modeling Energy Village, a Solution for Energy Independence Problem in Indonesia
(2014) Energy Procedia.
Working Paper
Gan, Colin, Aswin R Rahadi, and Alia W Hapsariniaty.
Co-Operative Housing Cluster: Renewed Housing Concept for Poverty Alleviation and Economic Development
Thesis or Dissertation
Saleh I, Mohammad.
Delineation of Functional Urban Areas and Evidence of Agglomeration Economies in Indonesia
PhD thesis, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, 2014.
Conference Paper
Kelly, Kristy.
A paper presented during the Gender Equality in Education: Looking beyond parity. An IIEP evidence based policy forum held in Paris between
IIEP Policy Forum on Gender Equality in Education held on the 3-4 October, 2011 in Paris, France.
Paris, France, October, 2011.
Conference Paper
Samosir, Omas B, and Triasih Djutaharta.
Comparative Study on the Effects of Socioeconomic Factors, Industrialization, and Urbanization on Mortality in Indonesia and Japan
CICRED Seminar on Mortality as Both a Determinant and a Consequence of Poverty and Hunger.
Thiruvananthapuram, India, February 23-25, 2005.
Brown, Richard PC, and Gareth Leeves.
Impacts of international migration and remittances on source country household incomes in small island states: Fiji and Tonga
Suryahadi, Asep, Wenefrida Widyanti, Rima P Artha, Daniel Perwira, and Sudarno Sumarto.
Developing a Poverty Map for Indonesia: A Tool for Better Targeting in Poverty Reduction and Social Protection Programs
Jakarta, Indonesia: SMERU Research Institute, 2005.
Working Paper
Arsyad, Muhammad.
Resticking Agriculture in Indonesian Economy: Facts, Policy Impact Issues and Poverty Reduction
Conference Paper
Pepinsky B, Thomas.
Subnational Peripheries and the Comparative Method
APSA 2014 Annual Meeting .
Working Paper
Ashari, Luthfi, Patrick Barron, Rachael Diprose, and Michael Woolcock.
Indonesian Social Development
Thesis or Dissertation
Sujarwoto, Sujarwoto.
Essays on decentralisation, public services and well-being in Indonesia
Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Manchester, 2013.
Krueger O, Anne.
Economic Policy Reforms and the Indian Economy
: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
Book Section
Trung, Le Dang.
Resilience and Recovery in Asian Disasters
(2015) Economic and Welfare Impacts of Disasters in East Asia and Policy Responses: The Case of Vietnamese Communities.
Working Paper
Tambunan, Tulus H. T, and Bambang Purwoko.
Social Protection in Indonesia
Journal Article
Tadjoeddin Z, Mohammad.
Educated but Poor: Explaining Localized Ethnic Violence during Indonesia’s Democratic Transition
International Area Studies Review 16, no. 1 (2013): 24-49.
Working Paper
LeDang, Trung.
Economic and Welfare Impacts of Disasters in East Asia and Policy ResponsesL The Case of Vietnam
ERIA Discussion Paper Series , no. DP-2013-11 (2013).
Journal Article
Arsyad, Muhammad, and Darwis Ali.
Does Agriculture Really Alleviate Proverty?: Evidence from the Indonesian Economy
Journal Article
Tambunan, Tulus Tahi Hamonangan.
The Impact of the 2008-2009 Global Economic Crisis on A Developing Country’s Economy: Studies from Indonesia
Journal of Business and Economics 2, no. 3 (2011): 175-197.
Steer, Liesbet.
Ghana’s sustained agricultural growth: Putting underused resources to work
Al-Batuly, Abdulmajeed, Mohamed Al-Hawri, Martin Cicowiez, Hans Lofgren, and Mohammad Pournik.
Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in The Republic of Yemen
Working Paper
Suryahadi, Asep, Daniel Suryadarma, Sudarno Sumarto, and Jack Molyneaux.
Agricultural Demand Linkages and Growth Multiplier in Rural Indonesia
(2006) SMERU Research Institute.
Journal Article
Dangi, Neha.
Women Entrepreneurship and Growth and Performance of MSMEs in India
International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies 2, no. 4 (2014).
Journal Article
Rajbongshi, Sabindra.
Identification of Microenterprises in NER and Meghalaya According to Occupational Microcredit Sanctioned by Commercial Banks
A Peer Reviewed Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences "SOURCE" 1, no. 1 (2011).
Working Paper
Kebakile, M, S Mpotokwane, B Motswagole, M Lima de Faria, P Santo, M Domingues, C Saraiva, P Belton, and J Taylor.
Proceedings of the workshop on the proteins of sorghum and millets: enhancing nutritional and functional properties for Africa
Showing 1381-1410 of 8732