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Showing 1711-1740 of 8732
Working Paper
Chhair, Sokty, and Carol Newman.
Clustering, Competition, and Spillover Effects: Evidence from Cambodia
WIDER WP , no. 2014/065 (2014).
Corporate Author
Policy Action Plan for Sustainable Product Innovation
Journal Article
Longman, Timothy.
Revision of paper originally prepared for Conference on Genocide, Religion, and Modernity
(1997) Christian Churches and Genocide in Rwanda.
Journal Article
Olsen, Rolf Vegar, and Svein Lie.
Profiles of Students’ Interest in Science Issues around the World: Analysis of data from PISA 2006
International Journal of Science Education 33, no. 1 (2011): 97-120.
Gustafsson, Martin.
The gap between school enrolments and population in South Africa
Journal Article
Adedini, Sunday A, Clifford Odimegwu, Eunice NS Imasiku, and Dorothy N Ononokpono.
Ethnic differentials in under-five mortality in Nigeria
Ethnicity & health 20, no. 2 (2015): 145-162.
Journal Article
Aderogba, Kofo A, and Bolaji O Komolafe.
Virtues in the Nigerian 2006 Population and Housing Census for Records
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 2, no. 2 (2012): 19-27.
Journal Article
Abbasi, Saqib Shakeel, Nisar Khan Marwat, Sobia Naheed, and Saquib Siddiqui.
Food Security Issues and Challenges: A Case Study of Potohar
Huseynov, Emin, Ihab Khatib, Rodolfo Neutze, and Alejandro De La Reza.
The Fresh Produce Cluster in Guatemala
Book Section
Gaillard, Leon, and Andreas Schroeter.
Technologies and Innovations for Development
(2012) Selling Hours of Solar Lighting in the Evening.
Thesis or Dissertation
ElAsad, Sahar.
Gender, HIV Prevalence and HIV-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Comparative Study
University of Ottawa, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Siharath, Manivone.
Potential best practice for improving the access to development finance by SMEs in Lao PDR
Master of Business, Unitec New Zealand, 2012.
Journal Article
Van de Walle, Etienne.
Fertility in Nigeria.
(1968) POPLINE.
Journal Article
Owolabi, LF, MY Shehu, MN Shehu, and J Fadare.
Pattern of neurological admissions in the tropics: Experience at Kano, Northwestern Nigeria
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology 13, no. 3 (2010): 167-170.
Working Paper
Trako, Iva.
Fertility and Parental Labor-Force Participation: New Evidence from a Developing Country in the Balkans
Journal Article
Daramola, Adedeji, and Eziyi O Ibem.
Urban environmental problems in Nigeria: Implications for sustainable development
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 12, no. 1 (2010): 124-145.
Journal Article
Kouo-Ngamby, Marquise, Fanny Nadia Dissak-Delon, Isabelle Feldhaus, Catherine Juillard, Kent A Stevens, and Martin Ekeke-Monono.
A cross-sectional survey of emergency and essential surgical care capacity among hospitals with high trauma burden in a Central African country
BMC health services research 15, no. 1 (2015): 1.
Journal Article
Mazzaferro, Francesco, Christian Thimann, and Adalbert Winkler.
On the sustainability of euroisation/dollarisation regimes: how important are fiscal transfers, offshore finance and tourism receipts?
Comparative Economic Studies 45, no. 3 (2003): 421-436.
Liddle, Brantley.
Developing country growth collapse revisited: demographic influences and regional differences
Working Paper
Cage, Julia.
Growth, Poverty, Reduction and Governance in Developing Countries: a Survey
Working Paper
Beine, Michel AR, Frederic Docquier, and Maurice Schiff.
Brain Drain and its Determinants: A Major Issue for small states
Working Paper
Adams, Ray, Alla Berezner, and Maciej Jakubowski.
Analysis of PISA 2006 Preferred Items Ranking Using the Percent-Correct Method
OECD Education WP , no. 46 (2010).
Working Paper
Laurent, Eloi.
Economic consequences of the size of nations, 50 years on
Journal Article
Saleh, Adam Gambo.
Information as a major criterion for success in women's group activities in Borno state, Nigeria
(2012) Library Philosophy and Practice.
Journal Article
Akanbi, Yusuf Murtala, Ladan Babangida, Usman Abba Idris, and Auwalu Halilu.
Comparative study of the state of literacy in Nigeria and Cuba
European Scientific Journal 9, no. 19 (2013): 34-44.
Conference Paper
Ojo A, Adegbola.
The Segmentation of Local Government Areas: Creating a New Geography of Nigeria
the 48th Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) .
Liverpool, UK, 2008.
Ballesteros, Marife, and Felino Cortez.
CARP institutional assessment in a post-2008 transition scenario: Implications for land administration and management
: Philippine Institute for Development Studies, 2008.
Conference Paper
Sahaa, Shrabani, and Rukmani Gounderb.
Does Higher Levels of Democracy and Economic Freedom Reduce Corruption: Some Cross-National and Regional Evidence
7th Australasian Development Economics Workshop.
Perth, Australia, June 9-10, 2011.
Working Paper
Harbo, Florentina.
Moldova: A Status Quo of EU Institutional Relations
(2010) Note de l’Ifri--South-East Europe.
Working Paper
Duminica, Ion.
The Educational Process of the Roma Community in the Republic of Moldova
Showing 1711-1740 of 8732