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Showing 2131-2160 of 8732
Thesis or Dissertation
Barua, Shubhasish.
Essays on trade, multi-product plants, manufacturing performance and labor market
PhD thesis, University of Warwick, 2016.
Working Paper
Abid, Yosr, Cathal O'Donoghue, and Denisa Sologon.
Exploring the determinants of welfare distribution in Tunisia and Egypt using a welfare generation model
Working Paper
Mengistu, Andualem T, Kiflu G Molla, and Firew B Woldeyes.
Tax-benefit microsimulation. Feasibility study in Ethiopia.
Conference Paper
Yalew W, Amsalu.
Economy-wide Effects of Climate Change in Ethiopia
International Conference on Economic Modeling (EcoMod2016).
Lisbon, Portugal, July 6-8, 2016.
Working Paper
Perera M, Omala.
The Profile of Textile and Wearing Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka
Journal Article
Alegana, Victor A, Jim Wright, Carla Pezzulo, Andrew J Tatem, and Peter M Atkinson.
Treatment-seeking behaviour in low-and middle-income countries estimated using a Bayesian model
BMC Medical Research Methodology 17, no. 67 (2017).
Staveteig, Sarah, Sara K Head, Trevor N Croft2, and Kathryn T Kampa.
Factors Associated with Prior Testing among HIV-Positive Adults in Sub-Saharan Africa. DHS Comparative Reports No. 43
Rockville, Maryland, USA : ICF International, 2016.
Journal Article
Kandala, Ngianga-Bakwin, E Campbell, Daniel Rakgoasi, and B Madi.
The geography of HIV/AIDS infection in Botswana
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 65, no. Suppl 2 (2011): A35-A35.
Working Paper
Msukwa, Chimwemwe, Barbara Rawlins, and Mary Drake.
Review of monitoring of malaria in pregnancy through national health management information systems: Malawi
Journal Article
Jacques, Gloria, and Tlamelo Odirile Mmatli.
Addressing Ethical Non-Sequiturs in Botswana's HIV and AIDS Policies: Harmonising the Halo Effect
Ethics and Social Welfare 7, no. 4 (2013): 342-358.
Conference Paper
Leburu, Veronica Manana, Shenaaz El-Halabi, Lesego Mokganya, and Samuel Mills.
Contribution of the Botswana Family Planning Program to the Largest Fertility Decline in Sub-Saharan Africa
Conference on Family Planning: Research and Best Practices, Kampala, Uganda, 15-18 November 2009.
Journal Article
Farahani, Mansour, Danae Roumis, Ajay Mahal, Marionette Holmes, Gillian Moalosi, Chris Molomo, and Richard Marlink.
Effects of AIDS-related disability on workforce participation and earned income in Botswana: A quasi-experimental evaluation
(2013) Scientific Research.
Journal Article
Mwansa, Lengwe-Katembula, and Gloria Jacques.
Weathering the Storm: Botswana's Culture of Care
(2014) International Journal of Social Welfare.
Journal Article
Maripe, Kgosietsile.
Modernization Of The Family Support System (FSS) and the Social Needs Of The Elderly (SNE): The Case of Botswana
Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practce: Int’l Perspective 2, no. 1-3 (2010): 86-95.
Journal Article
Ashfaq, Myla, Farhana Amanullah, Ayesha Ashfaq, and Kelly E Ormond.
The Views of Pakistani Doctors Regarding Genetic Counseling Services - Is there a Future?
Journal of genetic counseling 22, no. 6 (2013): 721-732.
Journal Article
Rinzin, Karma, Tenzin Tenzin, and Ian Robertson.
Size and demography pattern of the domestic dog population in Bhutan: Implications for dog population management and disease control
(2016) Preventive veterinary medicine.
Journal Article
Kuye, Rex, Kelley Donham, Shannon Marquez, Wayne Sanderson, Laurence Fuortes, Risto Rautiainen, Martin Jones, and Kennith R Culp.
Agricultural health in the Gambia II: a systematic survey of safety and injuries in production agriculture
Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine 13, no. 1 (2006): 119-128.
Journal Article
Kuye, Rex, Kelley Donham, Shannon Marquez, Wayne Sanderson, Laurence Fuortes, Risto Rautiainen, Martin Jones, and Kennith R Culp.
Agricultural health in the Gambia I: agricultural practices and developments
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 13, no. 1 (2006): 1-12.
Journal Article
Sey-Sawo, Jainaba, and Haddy Tunkara-Bah.
Iron Deficiency Anemia In Pregnancy: The Fate Of The Mother And The Unborn Child In The Gambia
International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS) 3, no. 12 (2016): 54-59.
Working Paper
Omotosho, Oyejide Felix.
The Electoral Process in the Gambia:“A Giant Stride in the Makings of a Viable and Stable Political System”
Conference Paper
Herath, HMTS.
Employability of business gradutaes in Sri Lanka
Proceedings of International Conference on Business Management.
Liyanaarachchi, Tilak, Athula Naranpanawa, and Jayatilleke S Bandara.
The impact of trade liberalisation on labour markets and poverty in Sri Lanka
Osei, Robert Darko, Isaac Osei-Akoto, William Quarmine, and George Adayi-Nwoza Adiah.
Public spending in Ghana: an assessment of national level data (1995-2005)
Obare, Francis, George Odwe, and Harriet Birungi.
Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Situation: Insights from the 2014 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey
Book Section
Islam M, Rezaul.
NGOs, Social Capital and Community Empowerment in Bangladesh
(2016) Bangladesh and the Emergence of NGOs for Development.
Thesis or Dissertation
Olefile, Itireleng.
Obstacles to tuberculosis control among patienns in Ghanzi district: health care workers' perspectives
Master of Nursing Science, University of Botswana, 2016.
Ayles, Helen, Virginia Bond, Namwinga Chintu, Nixon Handima, Kezia Kapaku, Kwitaka Maluzi, James Mwanza, Lawrence Mwenge, Mutinta Nalubamba, and Musonda Simwinga.
HIV Self-Testing Africa Zambia
Integrated HIV Serological and Behavioral Surveillance among Persons Attending Alcohol Consumption Venues in Gaborone, Botswana
Journal Article
Dhital, Shalik Ram, Madhu Koirala, Sunita Dhungel, RK Mishra, and Gabriel Gulis.
Climate Change and Its Impacts on Human Health in Nepal
Journal of Health Education Research & Development 4, no. 2 (2016): 1-4.
Working Paper
Obeng-Odoom, Franklin.
Oil rents, policy and social development: Lessons from the Ghana controversy
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) Research Paper , no. 2 (2015).
Showing 2131-2160 of 8732