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Showing 2221-2250 of 8732
Kasirye, Ibrahim, and Gemma Ahaibwe.
Cost Effectiveness of Malaria control programmes in Uganda: The case study of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLINs) and Indoor Residual Spraying
: Economic Policy Research Centre, 2011.
Journal Article
Munyaneza, Omar, Yves K Nzeyimana, and Umaru G Wali.
Hydraulic Structures Design for Flood Control in the Nyabugogo Wetland, Rwanda
Nile Basin Water Science & Engineering Journal 6, no. 2 (2013): 26-37.
Working Paper
Cavaco, Sandra, Tor Eriksson, and Ali Skalli.
Life Cycle Development of Obesity and Its Determinants in Six European Countries
Thesis or Dissertation
Zurovac, Jelena.
Essays in health economics
PhD, University of Washington , 2009.
Working Paper
Kigali, Rwanda.
The assessment of economic impacts of the 2012 wet season flooding in Rwanda
Muhoza Ndaruhuye, Dieudonne.
Excess Fertility and Family Planning in Rwanda: Understanding the shift to a high contraceptive prevalence country
: Utrecht University, 2014.
Journal Article
Menda, Sentayhu, Shiferaw Jenberie, Haileleul Negusssie, and Gelagay Ayelet.
Molecular serotyping of foot and mouth disease outbreaks in Ethiopia
African Journal of Microbiology Research 8, no. 29 (2014): 2754-2757.
Gelalcha, Sorsa Debela.
Sesame trade arrangements, costs and risks in Ethiopia
Thesis or Dissertation
Loffler, Gundula.
Decentralization and State-Building in Rwanda: Essays on the Role of Decentralization in Helping Rwanda Implement Its Vision for a Better Future
Doctor in Public Administration, School of Public Service, New York University, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rushemuka Nsengimana, Pascal.
Usefulness and use of the soil map of Rwanda: scientific and farmers’ soil knowledge integration for effective participatory integrated watershed management
Doctor of Science, Universite de Liege, Liege, Belgique, 2014.
Journal Article
Flinkenflogel, Maaike, Patrick Kyamanywa, Vincent K Cubaka, and Phil Cotton.
The next generation of Rwandan physicians with a primary health care mindset
African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine 7, no. 1 (2015): 1-2.
Working Paper
Nduwamungu, Jean, and Angelot Gashumba.
Assessment of spatial distribution of tree resources outside forest in relation to different land use systems using gis in Shyorongi sector, Rulindo district, Rwanda
Journal Article
Mbabazi, Peter.
In quest of understanding more about rural poverty and an adaptable rural growth among rural poor households in rwanda: new realities, new choices for tomorrow
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 5, no. 7 (2015).
Conference Paper
Uwamariya, Marthe, Bjoern Michalik, and Claudia Loebbecke.
Spreading Kenya's Mobile Payment Success to Neighboring Countries - The Case of Rwanda
GlobDev Ninth Annual Workshop, Dublin, Ireland, December 10, 2016 .
Journal Article
Nagel, Corey L, Miles A Kirby, Laura D Zambrano, Ghislane Rosa, Christina K Barstow, Evan A Thomas, and Thomas F Clasen.
Study design of a cluster-randomized controlled trial to evaluate a large-scale distribution of cook stoves and water filters in Western Province, Rwanda
(2016) Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications.
Working Paper
Serrano, EP.
Human (In)Security in the Philippines
(2006) Postharvest Management of Fruit and Vegetables in the Asia-Pacific Region. Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo.
Alebachew, Abebe, Yasmin Yusuf, Carlyn Mann, and Peter Berman.
Ethiopia’s Progress in Health Financing and the Contribution of the 1998 Health Care and Financing Strategy in Ethiopia
Conference Paper
Kalie, Kerpaci, and Martin Kuka.
“Feeling as a migrant even in my homeland”: Living experiences of Albanian return migrants from Greece.
10th International Congress of the Hellenic Geographical Society 22-24 October 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Journal Article
Biadgilign, Sibhatu, Arega Shumetie, and Habtamu Yesigat.
Does Economic Growth Reduce Childhood Undernutrition in Ethiopia?
PloS one 11, no. 8 (2016).
Giacomelli, Andrea, Ben Tofor, and Gaute Eielsen.
Vanuatu Country Assessment: Service Sector Potential and Challenges
Journal Article
Benassi, Federico, Marco Boeri, Pranvera Elezi, and Donatella Zindato.
The importance of spatial adjustment processes in the labour force: the case of Albania
Regional Statistics 6, no. 1 (2016): 82-103.
Working Paper
Gulati, Kamal, and Praveen Telu.
A study of progress of E-Participation in India
Journal Article
Ahmmed, Faisal, Tahmina Islam, Golam M Mathbor, and Miyuki Inaba.
Elderly People among the Patra Ethnic Group in Bangladesh: A Qualitative Study
Studies in Languages and Cultures , no. 37 (2016).
Book Section
Oswald Spring, Úrsula.
Addressing Global Environmental Challenges from a Peace Ecology Perspective
(2016) The Water, Energy, Food and Biodiversity Nexus: New Security Issues in the Case of Mexico.
Working Paper
Ali, Daniel Ayalew, Klaus Deininger, and Marguerite Duponchel.
Using administrative data to assess the impact and sustainability of Rwanda's land tenure regularization
Kobiane, Jean-Franccois, and Moussa Bougma.
Africa's Population: In Search of a Demographic Dividend
: Springer, 2017.
Journal Article
Gorodnichenko, Yuriy, and Klara Sabirianova Peter.
Returns to schooling in Russia and Ukraine: A semiparametric approach to cross-country comparative analysis
Journal of Comparative Economics 33, no. 2 (2005): 324-350.
Working Paper
Hermawan, Rudi.
Midwives and Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) Partnership Program in Indonesia: A Proposed for National Guidelines
Journal Article
Isa, Ilva.
The Impact of Increase of Taxation in Behavior of Consumers in Developing Countries, Case of Albania
Journal of the Association for Anglo-American Studies 5, no. 6 (2016): 19-23.
Working Paper
Theije, MEM, and others.
Transnationalism in Surinam: Brazilian Migrants in Paramaribo
Showing 2221-2250 of 8732