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Showing 361-390 of 8732
Journal Article
Pereira-Scalabrino, Ana, Maribel Almonte, and Isabel.
Country-level correlates of cervical cancer mortality in Latin America and the Caribbean
Salud pública de méxico 55, no. 1 (2013): 5-15.
Working Paper
Odumosu, OF, AO Ajala, EN Nelson-Twakor, and SK Alonge.
Unmet need for contraception among married men in urban Nigeria
Working Paper
Malik, Rabea, and Arif Naveed.
Financing Education in Pakistan: The Impact of Public Expenditure and Aid on Educational Outcomes
RECOUP WP , no. 42 (2015).
Journal Article
Van Hear, Nicholas, Frank Pieke, Steven Vertovec, and others.
The contribution of UK-based diasporas to development and poverty reduction
(2004) COMPAS (Centre on Migration, Policy and Society), University of Oxford.
Journal Article
Wilson, Michael L, Andrea C Dunlavy, and Andre Berchtold.
Determinants for bullying victimization among 11-16-year-olds in 15 low-and middle-income countries: A multi-level study
Social Sciences 2, no. 4 (2013): 208-220.
Conference Paper
Laldaparsad, Sharthi.
Urban and rural trends in South Africa
59th ISI World Statistics Congress, 25-30 August 2013, Hong Kong (Session CPS101) .
Conference Paper
Zekaria, Samia.
Innovative and Successful Technical Experience in the Production of Agricultural Statistics and Food Security of Ethiopia
New Partnership to Strengthen Agricultural and Rural Statistics in Africa for Poverty Reduction and Food Security.
Paris, France, September 16-17, 2002.
Working Paper
Mbohwa, Charles, and Mbongiseni Dladla.
The challenges facing the metered taxis industry in South Africa: a case study of Durban Metropolitan City
Working Paper
Mavundla, Simangele Daisy.
Youth and Public Policy in Swaziland
(2015) Youth Policy Press.
Working Paper
Curtain, Richard.
Crisis in Timor-Leste: looking beyond the surface reality for causes and solutions
(2006) State Society and Governance in Melanesia Project.
Journal Article
Bovensiepen, Judith.
Opening and closing the land: Land and power in the Idate highlands
(2011) Land and life in Timor-Leste: Ethnographic essays.
Journal Article
Win Z, Aung.
Micronutrient Deficiencies in Early Childhood Can Lower a Country's GDP: The Myanmar Example
Nutrition 32, no. 1 (2016): 138-140.
Journal Article
Kosonen, Kimmo.
Language-in-education policies in Southeast Asia: An overview
(2009) Mother tongue as bridge language of instruction: Policies and experiences in Southeast Asia.
Thesis or Dissertation
Cardoso Amaral, Acacio.
Risk assessment to demonstrate freedom of highly pathogenic avian influenza (hpai) in Timor Leste
Doctor of Philosophy, School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Faculty of Health Sciences Murdoch University, 2011.
Working Paper
Anderson, Catherine.
Timor-Leste Case Study: Ministry of Health
(2014) Institutions Taking Root: Building State Capacity in Challenging Contexts.
Working Paper
Porzecanski C, Arturo.
Should Argentina Be Welcomed Back by the Capital Markets?
(2010) Perspectives on the Americas, December.
Thesis or Dissertation
Cabral, Mario Marques.
Projeto Timor: estudo para a implementaccao de uma unidade industrial em Timor-Leste
master, Universidade do Minho Escola de Engenharia, 2012.
Working Paper
Rochaa, Erick Ariel Gonzales.
The Impact of Business Environment on Small and Medium Enterprise Sector’s Size and Employment: A Cross Country Comparison
Journal Article
Permanyer, Inaki, Albert Esteve-Palos, Joan Garcia, and Robert Mccaa.
Human development index-like small area estimates for Africa computed from IPUMS-international integrated census microdata
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 16, no. 2 (2015): 245-271.
Journal Article
Atkinson, Kaitlin, Samantha Lowe, and Spencer Moore.
Human development, occupational structure and physical inactivity among 47 low and middle income countries
(2016) Preventive Medicine Reports.
Belbase, Anil, and Paras Kharel.
Competitiveness of Nepalese ready-made garments after expiry of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing
Thesis or Dissertation
Wever, Jerry Lowell.
Dancing the Habanera beats (in country music): empire rollover and postcolonial creolizations in St. Lucia
Doctor of Philosophy degree in Anthropology, Graduate College of The University of Iowa, 2011.
Journal Article
Dermendzhieva, Zvezda.
Emigration from the South Caucasus: who goes abroad and what are the economic implications?
Post-Communist Economies 23, no. 3 (2011): 377-398.
Book Section
Ndiaye, Alfred, Maymouna Ba, and Werner Soors.
Towards equitable coverage and more inclusive social protection in health
(2014) Senegal and Plan Sésame.
Badurashvili, Irina.
The Socio-Political Impact of Labour Migration on Georgia
: CARIM-East Research Report, 2012.
Journal Article
Koehler-Geib, Friederike, Kinnon Scott, Ayat Soliman, and Humberto J Lopez.
Panama. Locking in Success
(2015) World bank group.
Journal Article
Tsutskiridze, Diana.
Transformation of Religion in Georgia
Journal Article
Muaremi, Lindita, Rigersa Konomi, and Sindise Salihi.
Foreign Direct Investment in Macedonia
European Scientific Journal 11, no. 4 (2015).
Conference Paper
Polak, Marina, and Josip Franic.
Tackling undeclared work in societies with substantial asymmetry between formal and informal institutions ñ the case of FYR Macedonia
The 8th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development.
June 18-19, 2015.
Journal Article
Pismennaya, Elena E, Irina S Karabulatova, Sergey V Ryazantsev, Artem S Luk’yanets, and Roman V Manshin.
Impact of Climate Change on Migration from Vietnam to Russia as a factor of Transformation of Geopolitical Relations
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 6, no. 3 S2 (2015): 202-207.
Showing 361-390 of 8732