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Thesis or Dissertation
Fernandez, Johanna Carriel N, and María Delgado E Alvarado. "La competitividad de los operadores logísticos y su incidencia en la productividad del comercio exterior ecuatoriano. Caso: Torres & Torres." Tesis - Ingeniería en Comercio Exterior, Universidad de Guayaquil, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Muñoz Torres C, Ana. "Gestión administrativa y la rentabilidad en Autorepuestos Torres en el año 2014." Título de Ingeniera en Contabilidad y Auditoría, Universidad Técnica De Ambato, 2016.
Journal Article
Ballu, Valérie, Marie-Noëlle Bouin, Patricia Siméoni, Wayne C Crawford, Stephane Calmant, Jean-Michel Boré, Tony Kanas, and Bernard Pelletier. "Comparing the role of absolute sea-level rise and vertical tectonic motions in coastal flooding, Torres Islands (Vanuatu)." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, no. 32 (2011): 13019-13022.
Journal Article
Miljánovich Castilla, Manuel, Rosa Elena Huerta Rosales, Emma Campos, Socorro Torres, Víctor A Vásquez , Katherine Viera, and Gloria Díaz. "Violencia familiar: modelos explicativos del proceso a través del estudio de casos." Revista de Investigación en Psicología 16, no. 1 (2014): 29-44.
Book Section
Torres, Emma, Sérgio Besserman Vianna, and Kevin Currey. "Learning from the World." (2014) Brazil: An Emerging Economic Power Committed to Sustainabilit.
Journal Article
Thomas, Emma G, Hannah E Barrington, Kamalini M Lokuge, and Geoffry N Mercer. "Modelling the spread of tuberculosis, including drug resistance and HIV: a case study in Papua New Guinea’s Western Province." The ANZIAM Journal 52, no. 1 (2010): 26-45.
Journal Article
Torres Torres, Felipe. "Rasgos perennes de la crisis alimentaria en México." Estudios sociales (Hermosillo, Son.) 18, no. 36 (2010): 125-154.
Journal Article
Perez Virgen, Henry Leon, Fabian Andres Sabogal Ocampo, and Saulo Jesus Torres. "ANAWE, en busca del estado de la accesibilidad.." Scientia et Technica 1, no. 44 (2010): 190-194.
Journal Article
Soto, Hugo, Tania Tibaduiza, Marleny Montilla, Omar Triana, Diana Carolina Suarez, Mariela Torres Torres, Maria Teresa Arias, and Ligia Lugo. "Investigación de vectores y reservorios en brote de Chagas agudo por posible transmisión oral en Aguachica, Cesar, Colombia." Cadernos de saude publica 30, no. 4 (2014): 746-756.
Journal Article
Challis, David, Felicia Knaul, Gustavo Nigenda, Miguel Angel Ramirez, Ana Cristina Torres, Ana Mylena Aguilar, Mariana Lopez Ortega, and Jose Luis Torres. "Case-study Mexico." (2003) Long-term care.
Working Paper
Torres Cuevas, Maria Elena. "Pobreza y su representacion en el alto mezquital." (2011)
Journal Article
Rios Flores, JL, Torres M Moreno, Ruiz J Torres, Navarrete C Molina, JI Lopez Medrano, and JL Susano Gomez. "Producción, productividad, rentabilidad y empleo en el cultivo de sorgo forrrajero (sorghum vulgare) regado por bombeo en la Laguna, Mexico de 1990 a 2006." (2011) Revista Chapingo Serie Zonas Aridas.
Journal Article
Velasco-Roldán, Nidya, Sara Torres-Castro, Mariana López-Ortega, César Alfredo González-González, and Martha Liliana Giraldo-Rodríguez. "Investigación social en envejecimiento y vejez: perspectiva del Instituto Nacional de Geriatría." (2014) Hitos Demograficos del Siglo XXI: Envejecimiento.
Journal Article
François, Alexandre. "The dynamics of linguistic diversity: Egalitarian multilingualism and power imbalance among northern Vanuatu languages." International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2012, no. 214 (2012): 85-110.
Journal Article
Torres, Jada Benn, Miguel G Vilar, Gabriel A Torres, Jill B Gaieski, Ricardo Bharath Hernandez, Zoila E Browne, Marlon Stevenson, Wendell Walters, Theodore G Schurr, and Genographic Consortium. "Genetic Diversity in the Lesser Antilles and Its Implications for the Settlement of the Caribbean Basin." PloS one 10, no. 10 (2015).
Thesis or Dissertation
Enrique, José Durango I, and Marcia Sánchez C Mena. "Planificación estratégica y operacionalización básica de la estrategia para la empresa Torres Quevedo." Master Thesis, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Torres Torres, Laura Andrea. "Pobreza multidimensional de la infancia en Colombia." Economía y Finanzas Internacionales , Universidad de la Sabana, 2014.
Book Section
Balk, Deborah, Meg Wirth, Enrique Delamonica, Adam Storeygard, Emma Sacks, and Alberto Minujin. "Children and poverty. Poverty reduction policies start with children." (2005) Setting the stage for equity-sensitive monitoring of the maternal and child health MDGs.
Working Paper
Wirth, Meg, Deborah Balk, Adam Storeygard, Emma Sacks, Enrique Delamonica, and Alberto Minujin. "Setting the stage for equity-sensitive monitoring of the health MDGs." (2004) Background paper commissioned by the UN Millennium Project Task Force on Child Health and Maternal Health. New York.
Wirth, Meg, Enrique Delamonica, Emma Sacks, Deborah Balk, Adam Storeygard, and Alberto Minujin. Monitoring health equity in the MDGs: a practical guide. : Center for International Earth Science Information Network, 2006.
Samman, Emma, and Maria E Santos. Agency and Empowerment: A review of concepts, indicators and empirical evidence. : Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, 2009.
Kunene, Busi, Mags Beksinska, Simphiwe Zondi, Saiqa Mullick, Emma Ottolenghi, Immo Kleinschmidt, and Carmen Cuthbertson. Involving men in maternity care. : USAID, 2004.
Alkire, Sabina, Maria Emma Santos, Jose Manuel Roche, and Suman Seth. Country briefing: India, Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) at a glance. : Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) , 2011.
Journal Article
Thang, Tran Cong, Emma Samman, Karl Rich, Pham Quang Dieu, Nguyen Do Anh Tuan, Nguyen Van Thanh, and Dang Van Thu. "The participation of the poor in agricultural value chains: a case study of tea." (2004) Making markets work better for the poor.
Journal Article
Barbour, Virginia, Jocalyn Clark, Susan Jones, Melissa Norton, and Emma Veitch. "Health Care Systems and Conflict: A Fragile State of Affairs." The PLoS Medicine 8, no. 7 (2011): 0-0.
Working Paper
Alkire, Sabina, Maria Emma Santos, and Karma Ura. "Gross National Happiness and Poverty in Bhutan: Applying the GNH Index Methodology to explore Poverty." (2008)
Journal Article
Garcia, Luz Elena Martinez, Emma Zapata Martelo, Pilar Alberti Manzanares, and Rufino Diaz Cervantes. "Genero y poder en tres organizaciones rurales de la region lagunera." (2005) Revista mexicana de sociologia.
Working Paper
Abbott, Pamela, Lillian Mutesi, and Emma Norris. "Gender Analysis for Sustainable Livelihoods and Participatory Governance in Rwanda." (2015)
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