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Showing 721-750 of 2116
Working Paper
Gönenç, Rauf, Oliver Röhn, Vincent Koen, and Fethi Ögünç.
Fostering Inclusive Growth in Turkey by Promoting Structural Change in the Business Sector
OECD Economics Department Working Papers , no. 1161 (2014).
Kozel, Valerie.
Well Begun But Not Yet Done: Poverty Reduction and the Emerging Challenges in Vietnam
: World Bank Publications, 2013.
Conference Paper
Wijaya, Muhammad E, and Tetsuo Tezuka.
Analysis of Decision-making in Electrical Devices Use in Indonesian Households
The 3rd IAEE Asian Conference.
Pham, Ngoc Quang, and Anh Hai La.
Household welfare and pricing of rice: Does the Large-Scale Field Model matter for Viet Nam?
Journal Article
Tran, Tuyen, and Huong Vu.
Farmland loss, nonfarm diversification and inequality: A micro-econometric analysis of household surveys in Vietnam
(2013) MPRA Paper.
Journal Article
Gultom, Magdalena, David Lawrence, Colin Filer, Lesley Potter, and Budy P Resosudarmo.
Local Management Arrangements in Sesaot Forest, Lombok Indonesia
Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 4, no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Tuyen, Tran, and Vu Huong.
Farmland Loss and Poverty in Hanoi‘s Peri-Urban Areas, Vietnam: Evidence from Household Survey Data
Agris on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics V, no. 4 (2013).
Journal Article
Visaria, Pravin.
Provisional population totals of the 1971 census: some questions and research issues
Economic and Political Weekly 6, no. 29 (1971): 1459-1465.
Journal Article
Hiwarati, Masato.
Traditions and the informal economy in Uzbekistan: A case study of gaps in the Andijan region
Acta Slavica Iaponica , no. 25 (2008).
Suryahadi, Asep, Wenefrida Widyanti, Rima P Artha, Daniel Perwira, and Sudarno Sumarto.
Developing a Poverty Map for Indonesia: A Tool for Better Targeting in Poverty Reduction and Social Protection Programs
Jakarta, Indonesia: SMERU Research Institute, 2005.
Working Paper
Chernichovsky, Dov, and Oey A Meesook.
Regional Aspects of Family Planning and Fertility Behavior in Indonesia
World Bank Staff WP , no. 462 (1981).
Journal Article
Prasetyo, Lilik Budi, Harijadi Kartodihardjo, Suryo Adiwibowo, Y Setiawan, and B Okarda.
Spatial model approach on deforestation of Java Island, Indonesia
(2009) Journal of Integrated Field Science.
Conference Paper
Quoc, Hoang Dinh, Thomas Dufhues, and Gertrud Buchenrieder.
Facilitating access to rural services in Vietnam: The invisible social capital link
International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) Triennial Conference, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 18-24 August, 2012.
Working Paper
Urdal, Henrik.
Population, Resources, and Political Violence: A Subnational Study of India 1956-2002
Journal of Conflict Resolution 52, no. 4 (2008): 590-617.
Thesis or Dissertation
Asamoah K, Kennedy.
The contributions of international development partners to rural poverty reduction in Ghana: A case study of the international fund for agricultural development (ifad) and small-holder farming in the Sekyere-West District, Ashanti Region.
Masters of Arts, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 2009.
Journal Article
Suryadarma, Daniel, and Gavin W Jones.
Education in Indonesia
(2013) Journal of Environmental Technology and Management.
Journal Article
Susianna, Nancy.
The Chemistry Teaching Program for Developing the Senior High School Students' Entrepreneurial Attitudes.
(2011) Online Submission.
Journal Article
Shaffer, Paul.
Beneath the ‘methods debate’in impact assessment: baring assumptions of a mixed methods impact assessment in Vietnam
Journal of Development Effectiveness 4, no. 1 (2012): 134-150.
Journal Article
Dufhues, Thomas, Gertrud Buchenrieder, and Hoang Dinh Quoc.
Social capital and loan repayment performance in Northern Vietnam
Agricultural Economics 43, no. 3 (2012): 277-292.
Working Paper
Puteri, Hesi Eka.
The Revitalization of Women’s Entrepreneurship Spirit In Micro Enterprises With Islamic Microfinance Institution (IMI)(Study on The Contribution of BMTs Agam Madani in Agam sub-province, West Sumatra)
Tazkia Islamic Finance and Business Review 8, no. 1 (2014).
Working Paper
Roy K, B.
On the questions of migration in India: Challenges and opportunities
GeoJournal 23, no. 3 (1991): 257-268.
Kotsila, Panagiota.
"Health is gold": Institutional structures and the realities of health access in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Bhargava, G.
Urban Problems and Urban Perspectives
New Delhi, India: Abhinav Publications, 1981.
Working Paper
Biswas, Subir.
The Dhimals-A Little Known Tribal Group of Sub-Himalayan West Bengal: Historical Perspectives
Studies of Tribes and Tribals 6, no. 2 (2008): 117-121.
Working Paper
Setiawan, Bakti.
Thesis or Dissertation
Alhassan, Abdul Mumin.
Poverty Alleviation Strategies of District Assemblies: a case study of the Sekyere East District Assembly in the Ashanti Region
Master of Arts, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 2009.
Journal Article
Essuman, Sally.
Non-formal adult educators and technologies used in rural Ghana community education programmes
Adult Education and Development , no. 66 (2006).
Thesis or Dissertation
Lewin A, Paul.
Three essays on food security, food assistance, and migration
Journal Article
Asare, Bismarck Kwaku, and MBK Darkoh.
Socio-economic and environmental impacts of mining in Botswana: A case study of the Selebi-Phikwe copper-nickel mine
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review 17, no. 2 (2001): 1-42.
Working Paper
Olken, Benjamin A, Junko Onishi, and Susan Wong.
Should Aid Reward Performance? Evidence from a Field Experiment on Health and Education in Indonesia
NBER WP Series , no. 17892 (2012).
Showing 721-750 of 2116