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Showing 4141-4170 of 5229
Conference Paper
Cockburn, John, Veronique Robichaud, and Luca Tiberti.
Price Subsidies Reform and Child Poverty in Arab Countries: A Comparative CGE-Microsimulation Analysis of Egypt and Jordan
IARIW-CAPMAS Special Conference “Experiences and Challenges in Measuring Income, Wealth, Poverty and Inequality in the Middle East and North Africa”.
Cairo, Egypt, 2015.
Wilson, Shannon, and Naw Eh Mwee Aye Wai.
Food and nutrition security in Myanmar
: Myanmar Agricultural Sector and Food Security Diagnostic Background Paper, 2013.
Cho, Khin Mar, Shannon Wilson, LC Wong, Ngu Wah Win, and Tun Min Sandar.
A Strategic Agricultural Sector and Food Security Diagnostic for Myanmar
: USAID, 2013.
Unit, Economist Intelligence.
Myanmar (Burma)
London, UK: The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hasman R,.
Water allocation assessment to support IWRM in the major river basins of Myanmar: now and in the future
master, TU Delft, Delft University of Technology, 2014.
Journal Article
Giang, Kim B, Hoang Van Minh, and Peter Allebeck.
Alcohol Consumption and Household Expenditure on Alcohol in a Rural District in Vietnam
(2013) Global Health Action.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nan M,.
Submission to the Government (Rom 13: 1-7): biblical perspective with Christian ethical reflection for present day Myanmar
Master in Theology, Norwegian School of Theology, 2011.
Journal Article
Nestel, Penelope, Alejandro Melara, Jorge Rosado, and Jose O Mora.
Undernutrition among Honduran children 12-71 months old
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 6, no. 4 (1999): 256-265.
Journal Article
Perez-Escamilla, Rafael, Chessa Lutter, Ana Maria Segall, and Ada Rivera.
Exclusive breast-feeding duration is associated with attitudinal, socioeconomic and biocultural determinants in three Latin American countries
The Journal of nutrition 125, no. 12 (1995): 2972-2984.
Journal Article
Promkerd, Prasartthong, Yuvaluk Khoprasert, Phongthep Virathavone, Manivone Thoummabouth, Ouane Sirisak, and Thomas Jakel.
Factors explaining the abundance of rodents in the city of Luang Prabang, Lao PDR, as revealed by field and household surveys
Integrative zoology 3, no. 1 (2008): 11.
Journal Article
Martin, Sarah M, Kai Lorenzen, and Nils Bunnefeld.
Fishing farmers: Fishing, livelihood diversification and poverty in rural Laos
Human ecology 41, no. 5 (2013): 737-747.
Journal Article
Barrios B, Erniel.
Infrastructure and rural development: Household perceptions on rural development
Progress in Planning 70, no. 1 (2008): 1-44.
Thesis or Dissertation
Jobard E,.
Assessing the socio-economic impacts of conservation agriculture adoption in Xieng Khouang province, Lao PDR
Dissertation (MSc), IRD-AgroParisTech, Vientiane, 2010.
Working Paper
Olufayo, Mosun.
The Gender roles of women in aquaculture and food security in Nigeria
Hudson-Rodd, Nancy, Myo Nyunt, Saw Thamain Tun, and Sein Htay.
State Induced Violence and Poverty in Burma
Geneva: International Labour Organization , 2004.
Journal Article
Nkundabombi, Marie Grace, Dororthy Nakimbugwe, and John H Muyonga.
Effect of processing methods on nutritional, sensory, and physicochemical characteristics of biofortified bean flour
(2015) Food Science & Nutrition.
Journal Article
Naing, Myint, Saw Saw, and Ko Ko Zaw.
Economic burden of TB patients attending Township TB Centre in Myanmar
The Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal 20, no. 3 (2008): 171-177.
Working Paper
Ceriani, Lidia, Gabriela Inchauste, and Sergio Olivieri.
Understanding Poverty Reduction in Sri Lanka
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 7446 (2015).
Tun, Khine.
Social Protection as an Entry Point to Inclusive Growth in Myanmar
Tokyo, Japan: The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) , 2015.
Journal Article
Petreski, Marjan.
Increasing the welfare effect of the agricultural subsidy programme for food crop production in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Journal Article
Berg, Håkan, Charlotte Berg, and Thanh T Nguyen.
Integrated Rice-Fish Farming: Safeguarding Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Sustainable Food Production in the Mekong Delta
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 36, no. 8 (2012): 859-872.
Working Paper
McKay, Andy, and Finn Tarp.
Diversity among rapid transformation: welfare dynamics in rural Vietnam, 2006 to 2012
Journal Article
Lyimo, Stephen, Zubeda Mduruma, and Hugo De Groote.
The use of improved maize varieties in Tanzania
African Journal of Agricultural Research 9, no. 7 (2014): 643-657.
Working Paper
Tiberti, Marco.
The Impacts of Agricultural Policy Reform in Tanzania: An Agricultural Household Model-Based Assessment
Working Paper
Lovo, Stefania, and Marcella Veronesi.
Crop diversification and child health: Empirical evidence from Tanzania
(2014) Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy.
Working Paper
Andersona, Leigh C, and Travis Reynoldsb.
Common crop yield measures misrepresent productivity among smallholder farmers
Conference Paper
Reynolds, Travis W, Leigh C Anderson, Elysia Slakie, and Mary Kay Gugerty.
How Common Crop Yield Measures Misrepresent Productivity among Smallholder Farmers
International Conference of Agricultural Economists.
Milano, 2015.
Working Paper
Covarrubias, Katia.
Intra-household decisions and discrimination: Orphanage, bargaining and child labour
Working Paper
Tiberti, Luca, and Marco Tiberti.
Rural Policies, Price Change and Poverty in Tanzania: An Agricultural Household Model-Based Assessment
Journal of African Economies 24, no. 2 (2015): 193-229.
Thesis or Dissertation
Brook, Hilary Ann.
The feasibility of incorporating micronutrient information into English language teaching materials used in African schools, with particular reference to Tanzania
Master of Philosophy, University of Birmingham, 2015.
Showing 4141-4170 of 5229