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Showing 4741-4770 of 5396
Working Paper
Evans, David K, Markus Goldstein, and Anna Popova.
The Next Wave of Deaths from Ebola? The Impact of Health Care Worker Mortality
Policy Research Working Paper , no. 7344 (2015).
Working Paper
Caruso, German, Leonardo Lucchetti, Eduardo Malasquez, Thiago Scot, and R. Andrés Castañeda.
But… What Is The Poverty Rate Today?
(2017) Education Global Practice Group.
Working Paper
Himelein, Kristen, Mauro Testaverde, Abubakarr Turay, and Samuel Turay.
The socio-economic impacts of Ebola in Sierra Leone
Journal Article
Bontempi, Marco.
Note sulle condizioni sociali del dialogo interreligioso tra le due rive del Mediterraneo
ColMed 1, no. 1 (2011): 59-71.
Journal Article
Encinas-Ferrer, Carlos.
Income Concentration and Its Impact on Economy and Society: The Case of Mexico
(2017) Modern Economy.
Working Paper
Hancevic, Pedro, and Javier Lopez-Aguilar.
Energy efficiency programs in the context of increasing block tariffs: The case of residential electricity in Mexico
Munich Personal RePEc Archive , no. 80093 (2017).
Thesis or Dissertation
Gamboa, Lucía.
Telecommunications in Mexico since the 2013 reform: Federal Telecommunications Institute delivers, competition issues remain
Degree of Master, The University of Texas at Austin, 2017.
Journal Article
Rios-Zertuche, Diego, Laura C Blanco, Paola Zúñiga-Brenes, Erin B Palmisano, Danny V Colombara, Ali H Mokdad, and Emma Iriarte.
Contraceptive knowledge and use among women living in the poorest areas of five Mesoamerican countries
Contraception 95, no. 6 (2017): 549-557.
Journal Article
Polis, Chelsea B, Chisale Mhango, Jesse Philbin, Wanangwa Chimwaza, Effie Chipeta, and Ausbert Msusa.
Incidence of induced abortion in Malawi, 2015
PloS one 12, no. 4 (2017).
Working Paper
Baird, Sarah, Joan Hamory, and Edward Miguel.
Tracking, Attrition and Data Quality in the Kenyan Life Panel Survey Round 1 (KLPS-1)
(2008) Center for International and Development Economics Research.
Working Paper
Velasquez, Andrea.
The Economic Burden of Crime: Evidence from Mexico
(2012) Economist.
Working Paper
Skoufias, Emmanuel, Katja Vinha, and Hector V Conroy.
The impacts of climate variability on welfare in rural Mexico
Policy Research Working Paper , no. 5555 (2011).
Journal Article
Arceo-Gomez, Eva O, and Raymundo M Campos-Vazquez.
Teenage pregnancy in Mexico: Evolution and consequences
Latin american journal of economics 51, no. 1 (2014): 109-146.
Conference Paper
Cordova, Karina.
Collective Remittances in Mexico: Their Effect on the Labor Market for Males
Second Conference on International Migration and Development, World Bank Migration and Development Program.
Washington, DC, USA, September, 2009.
Working Paper
BCHIR, Mohamed Hedi, Taoufik RAJHI, and Gisel Nauck.
Short term economic responses to unemployment problems in the Arab Region
Journal Article
Vladimir, Davydenko, and Arbitailo Irina.
Inequality in the sphere of health: the case of Russia
Zeszyty Naukowe Polskiego Towarzystwa Ekonomicznego w Zielonej Gorze , no. 4 (2016).
Working Paper
Vullnetari, Julie.
Internal migration in Albania: a critical overview
Journal Article
Creighton, Mathew J, David Post, and Hyunjoon Park.
Ethnic Inequality in Mexican Education
Social Forces 94, no. 3 (2015): 1187-1220.
Working Paper
Velásquez, Andrea, Gabriela Farfán, Maria Genoni, Luis Rubalcava, Graciela Teruel, and Duncan Thomas.
Selection and Assimilation of Mexican Migrants to the US
Working Paper
Villa, Juan Miguel, and Miguel Niño-Zarazúa.
Poverty Dynamics and Programme Graduation from Social Protection. A Transitional Model for Mexico's Oportunidades Programme
WIDER WP , no. 2014/109 (2014).
Working Paper
Martinez, Jose.
Expansion of Formal Financial Services and Inter-Household Transfers: Side Effects of the Entrance of Azteca Bank in Mexico
Journal Article
Vogl S, Tom.
Differential Fertility, Human Capital, and Development
The Review of Economic Studies 83, no. 1 (2015): 365-401.
Journal Article
Mehrotra, Santosh, Jajati Parida, Sharmistha Sinha, and Ankita Gandhi.
Explaining employment trends in the Indian economy: 1993-94 to 2011-12
Economic and Political Weekly 49, no. 32 (2014): 49-57.
Working Paper
G¨orlach, Joseph-Simon.
Borrowing Constraints, Migrant Selection, and the Dynamics of Return and Repeat Migration
Working Paper
Ramaswamy, KV.
Small enterprises in Indian manufacturing and inclusive growth: Search for compensatory mechanisms
(2014) Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR).
Thesis or Dissertation
Shimoga V, Sandhya Rao.
Influence of time preferences on health behaviors among Mexicans: essays from health economics & behavioral economics perspectives
Degree Doctor of Philosophy, University of California, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Barry M, Andrea.
Three Essays on the Effects of Mexico’s Trade Liberalisation Policies, 1962-2011
Doctor of Philosophy, University of York, 2016.
Journal Article
Baliyan, Sandeep Kumar.
Economic Growth and Structural Change of Industrial Sector in Uttar Pradesh
Indian Journal of Economics and Development 12, no. 4 (2016): 671-678.
Working Paper
Herrera, Santiago, and Wilfried Kouame.
Productivity in the Non-Oil Sector in Nigeria
Bahney, Benjamin, Howard J Shatz, Carroll Ganier, Renny McPherson, and Barbara Sude.
An economic analysis of the financial records of al-Qa'ida in Iraq
: Rand Corporation, 2010.
Showing 4741-4770 of 5396