Microdata Catalog
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Showing 121-150 of 914
Thesis or Dissertation
Akotey, Oscar Joseph.
The impact of microinsurance on household welfare in Ghana
Doctor of Philosophy in Development Finance, Stellenbosch University, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gerber, Jacques.
The role of information acquisition in the adoption of dairy related technologies in Tanzania
Doctor of Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 2004.
Working Paper
Elsner, Karin.
Analysing Russian food expenditure using micro-data
Journal Article
Klepikova, Ekaterina.
Labor supply elasticity in Russia
Thesis or Dissertation
Awino, Ouko Julia.
Determinants of immunization coverage among children aged 12-23 months in Kenya
Master of Science in Health Economics and Policy , University of Nairobi, 2016.
Working Paper
Sauler, Mariel Monica, and Maria Francesca Tomaliwan.
Returns to Education in the Philippines
Matveenko, Vladimir, and Peter Saveliev.
Labor supply in Russia: Studying the role of outside options of the employed
Journal Article
Arabsheibani, Reza G, and Lisa Lau.
‘Mind the gap’: an analysis of gender wage differentials in Russia
Labour 13, no. 4 (1999): 761-774.
Journal Article
Rodriguez, Dustin Tahisin Gomez, Mauricio Rincon Moreno, and Leonardo Nino.
Analisis de las tasas de rentabilidad de las areas metropolitanas de Colombia desde la perspectiva del capital humano (2009-2013)
Criterios 8, no. 1 (2016): 21-41.
Journal Article
Gomez Rodriguez, Dustin Tahisin, and Hector Mauricio Rincon Moreno.
Analisis de los retornos a la educacion de algunos oficios y operarios que laboran en el comercio al detal y de las grandes superficies
Punto de Vista 6, no. 10 (2016): 75-86.
Journal Article
Rodiguez, Dustin Tahisin Gomez.
Retornos a la educacion de los economistas colombianos. Analisis desde las teorias del capital humano y la critica de la teoria de la senalizacion (2009-2013)
Gestion Ingenio y Sociedad 1, no. 1 (2016): 76-80.
Journal Article
Janssens, Wendy, Jann Goedecke, Godelieve J De Bree, Sunday A Aderibigbe, Tanimola M Akande, and Alice Mesnard.
The Financial Burden of Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases in Rural Nigeria: Wealth and Gender Heterogeneity in Health Care Utilization and Health Expenditures
PloS one 11, no. 11 (2016).
Journal Article
Estrada-Jabela, Ana Maria, Lewis Enrique Polo-Espinosa, Gerson Javier Perez-Valbuena, and Lucas Wilfried Hahn De-Castro.
Caracterizacon del mercado laboral en el sector hotelero de Cartagena y las principales areas metropolitanas
(2016) Banco de la Republica-Centro de Estudios Economicos Regionales (CEER) Cartagena.
Journal Article
Klepikova A, E.
Job Mobility of Public and Private Sector Workers
Sociological Research 55, no. 5 (2016): 358-381.
Working Paper
Turdaliev, Salim.
Labor Force Participation of Married Female: The Case of Russia
Working Paper
Yuldashev, Oybek, and Obid Khakımov.
Income Taxation And Labor Force Participation In Transition Economies: Evidence From Bulgaria, Russian Federation And Serbia
Journal Article
Larin, Alexander, Andrey Maksimov, and Daria Chernova.
The elasticity of labor supply in Russia
(2016) Applied Econometrics.
Journal Article
Kadreva, Olga.
The influence of quantity and age of children on working women’salaries
(2016) Applied Econometrics.
Journal Article
Pérez, Reyna Rodríguez E, and Myrna L Hernández.
El análisis de las diferencias salariales y discriminación por género por áreas profesionales en México, abordado desde un enfoque regional, 2015
Estudios sociales (Hermosillo, Son.) 27, no. 49 (2017): 121-150.
Journal Article
Vakulenko, Elena Sergeevna, and Enrico Marelli.
Youth unemployment in Italy and Russia: Aggregate trends and the role of individual determinants
(2014) Economics. EC.
Thesis or Dissertation
Barry M, Andrea.
Three Essays on the Effects of Mexico’s Trade Liberalisation Policies, 1962-2011
Doctor of Philosophy, University of York, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Zhou, Mo.
Three Essays on the Gender Wage Gap and Residential Water Demand
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Auburn University, 2017.
Working Paper
Thuong, Vu Thi, Kontum Campus, and Chon Van Le.
What Firms Must Pay Bribes and How Much? An Empirical Study of Small and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam
Book Section
Vu, Thi Thuong, and Chon Van Le.
Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making pp 689-700
(2016) What Firms Must Pay Bribes and How Much? An Empirical Study of Small and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam.
Pham, Tho, and Oleksandr Talavera.
Discrimination, social capital, and financial constraints: The case of Viet Nam
Working Paper
Tawakol, Ameena.
Women and Work in Egypt: The Effect of the Election of the Muslim Brotherhood on Female Labor Force Participation
Working Paper
Ndongo, Jean Colbert Awomo, and Roger Tsafack Nanfosso.
Impact des Mutuelles de sante sur les Comportements de Demande de Sante des Menages au Cameroun
(2012) Micro Insurance Innovation Facility, EU-DN, International Labour Office, Geneva, Research Paper.
Book Section
Soh, Syrie Galex, Serge Benjamin Noumo Foko, and Urbain Thierry Yogo.
La microfinance en Afrique centrale: Le defi des exclus
(2015) Microcredit et reduction de la pauvrete au Cameroun.
Conference Paper
Joubert, Nguetse Pierre, and Dongmo Gustave.
Discrimination of Salaries and segregation against women in the Cameroon’s labor market
58th World Statistical Congress, 2011, Dublin.
Journal Article
Meka’a, Cosmas Bernard.
Le differentiel de revenus joue-t-il un role determinant dans la migration rurale-urbaine? Application au cas du Cameroun
Revue d'Economie du Developpement 19, no. 1 (2011): 45-76.
Showing 121-150 of 914