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Showing 1351-1380 of 1707
Journal Article
Takeshima, Hiroyuki, and Ephraim Nkonya.
Government Fertilizer Subsidy and Commercial Sector Fertilizer Demand: Evidence from the Federal Market Stabilization Program (FMSP) in Nigeria
(2014) Food Policy.
Working Paper
Gignoux, Jeremie, Marta Menendez, and Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann.
Trade liberalization in time of rising food prices: Evidence from Indonesia during the 2000s
Working Paper
Naidoo, Seneca, Stuart Piketh, and Christopher Curtis.
Domestic Fuel Combustion in Un-electrified Low-income Settlements in South Africa
Journal Article
Hawthorne, Ryan.
Economic regulation of the telecommunications sector in South Africa
(2015) The African Journal of Information and Communication.
Thesis or Dissertation
Tsegaye, Tesfaye.
Characterization of Goat Production Systems and On-farm Evaluation of the Growth Performance of Grazing Goats Supplemented with Different Protein Sources in Metema Woreda, Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Master Thesis, Haramaya University, 2009.
Journal Article
Sherriff, Alicia, N Da Costa, A Engelbrecht, A Li, N Price, and Gina Joubert.
Prostate cancer profile and risk stratification of patients treated at Universitas Annex Department of Oncology, Bloemfontein, Free State, during 2008 to 2010
South African Family Practice 57, no. 4 (2015): 247-252.
Thesis or Dissertation
Segers, Ivor Charl.
The feasibility of using rubble masonry concrete on dam structures during dam rehabilitation in South Africa to increase productive labour opportunities.
Master of Science in Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, 2014.
Working Paper
Ravallion, Martin, and Michael Lokshin.
Winners and Losers from Trade Reform in Morocco
(2005) World Bank.
Thesis or Dissertation
Zonke, Nyaniso Mfusi.
Community involvement trends in the housing development processes in a selected township in Cape Town, South Africa
Master of Technology, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2015.
Working Paper
Marivoet, Wim.
Poverty Lines as Context Deflators in the DRC: A Methodology to Account for Contextual Differences
(2010) IOB.
Conference Paper
Paulo Correia, Vicente, John A Janes, Maria Fay Rola-Rubzen, Jorge Freitas, and Mateus Gomes.
Prospects For Vanilla Agribusiness Development In Ermera And Manufahi, Timor Leste
2009 AARES Conference Cairns, Queensland, Australia.
Journal Article
Jones, Holly A, and Karen E Charlton.
A Cross-sectional Analysis of the Cost and Affordability of Achieving Recommended Intakes of Non-starchy Fruits and Vegetables in the Capital of Vanuatu
(2015) BMC Public Health.
Working Paper
Walker, Lisa.
Can social capital and a focus on building collection action help coffee growers overcome livelihood challenges in in Timor-Leste?
Journal Article
Ismail, MS, Mahmoud Moghavvemi, and TMI Mahlia.
Energy trends in Palestinian territories of West Bank and Gaza Strip: Possibilities for reducing the reliance on external energy sources
(2013) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pinto, Mariana Reis.
Access to essential medicines in Timor-leste: availability, prices and affordability
Master, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2012.
Working Paper
Schwellnus, Cyrille.
Macroeconomic and Structural Policies to Further Stabilise the Mexican Economy
Thesis or Dissertation
Mohammed, Adam Ibrahim.
The Role Of Forestry Extension In Raising Standard Of Living And Alleviate Poverty. Case Of Eloudaya Adminstrative Unit, Sudan
Master of Science (Forestry), University of Khartoum, 2015.
Working Paper
Ibrahim, Ibtisam Satti.
The impact of Macroeconomic Policy on Poverty in Sudan
(2015) Department of Anthropology, University of Khartoum .
Working Paper
Elamin, Abbas Elsir M, Mr Fadelmola M Elnour, and Mr Abdelhameed M Magboul.
Enabling Policy for Pearl Millet Value Chain and Marketing Opportunities in Sudan
(2013) Agricultural Research Corporation, -Sudan.
Working Paper
Ecker, Olivier, Clemens Breisinger, Christen McCool, Xinshen Diao, Jose Funes, Liangzhi You, and Bingxin Yu.
Assessing food security in Yemen
IFPRI Discussion Paper , no. 00982 (2010).
Journal Article
Price, James I, and Alok K Bohara.
Maternal health care amid political unrest: the effect of armed conflict on antenatal care utilization in Nepal
Health policy and planning 28, no. 3 (2013): 309-319.
Journal Article
Englberger, Lois, and Eminher Johnson.
Traditional foods of the Pacific: Go Local, a case study in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
(2013) Diversifying Food and Diets.
Thesis or Dissertation
Drew, Walter Mark.
Socioeconomic Analysis of Agroforestry and Livelihoods on a Small Island Developing State: A Case Study of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
PhD thesis, University of Florida, 2008.
Journal Article
Joshi, Niraj Prakash, Keshav Lall Maharjan, and Luni Piya.
Determinants of Income and Consumption Poverty in Far-Western Rural Hills of Nepal
Working Paper
Khatiwada, Yuba Raj.
Linkage between trade, development and poverty reduction
Working Paper
Aker C, Jenny.
Droughts, grain markets and food crisis in Niger
Working Paper
Aker C, Jenny.
Rainfall shocks, markets, and food crises: Evidence from the Sahel
Center for Global Development Working Paper , no. 157 (2008).
Conference Paper
Mikulic, Dunja, Bojan Milovanovic, Damir Kolic, Ana Sokacic, and Tomislav Simunovic.
Environmental Impact of Improving Energy Efficiency of Buildings
Second International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies.
Ancona, Italia, July 28-30, 2010.
Working Paper
Chowdhury, Shyamal, Debdulal Mallick, and Prabal Roy Chowdhury.
Evolution of Mehr and Dowry among Muslims in Bangladesh: Evidence from Natural Experiments
Working Paper
Mikulic, Dunja, Bojan Milovanovic, Damir Kolic, Ana Sokacic, and Tomislav Šimunovic.
Potential of improving energy efficiency of residential buildings in Croatia
Showing 1351-1380 of 1707